This pleases me.
Assange is tweeting countryballs
Assange definitely lurks Sup Forums
I have a hard time believing a man of his caliber has not at least at one point took part in the shitpost brigade.
Yes, the actors that run his twitter account and doctor his live appearances after having murdered him definitely frequent this place.
the guy is trapped inside on his comp for the rest of his life.
if he found his way here at any point, it's likely he's been trapped and here forever like many anons.
>supporting marxists this openly
>supporting without any shame violent separatists who assault a little girl, calling her "whore" and "fascist"
>trying to portrait a country as evil oppressor while showing support to a minority of people that harass those who don't think the same as them
>victimizes a minority of idiots while ignoring the majority of catalans who didnt voted nor supports the independence
>trying to look cool with countryballs supporting an idiotic movement
He is swedish after all.
I don't know about murder but they definitely control all outlets of his communication with the outside world. Assange wasn't this memey only a year or two ago. It's not him.
I thought these were normalfag-tier by now.
>8 gorrilion
You cheeky swede
No he doesn't!
holy shit that video is awful, and "we want freedom" from what?? Are they being opressed?
Assange is a giant faggot
he is going insane in there
its him
he just became a Sup Forumsack, it happens to us all
How's it going Manolete
this pleases me
>break all of the countryball rules
>give them cringy voices
Definitely not from pol
Assange never existed
>anudda reconquista
>muh unproven Marxist conspiracy is the reason we should support the globalist (((Spanish establishment))) in quashing patriotic Catalan separatists
Anyone professing to be redpilled should support regional self determinism. Some countries are just not meant to exist. The only reason Spain doesn't want Catalonia to secede is because kike bankers and the capitalists in Madrid and Barcelona value shekels more than they respect the sovereignty of the Catalan people. The Catalans are a distinct people who deserve their own nation just like any other distinct people with a long history.
Spaniggers edited the wiki article and you keep repeating the fake meme because you're retarded.
was the ama real?
Saturday, Jordi's, you've got until Saturday.
Then the reconquista begins.
Btw the flags are wrong, the ball should be the strips only and the flag he's carrying the one with the star.
One of the mods of wiki article (at least in Catalan Republic article of Englisah wiki) is a retarded Spanish leftist unionist autist. Go check out 2 talk pages / discussion pages of the articles.
This looks like it's from the makers of the S-P-A-C-E shit. If it is it's basically just propaganda tier shit from Putin dick suckers and it's not really surprising Assange would be tweeting it.
Spanish republican
>One of the mods of wiki article (at least in Catalan Republic article of Englisah wiki) is a retarded Spanish leftist unionist autist.
Makes sense. Imo the words of Puigdemont can't be taken as a declaration of independence but if some believe it is then as your image says he asked the parliament to vote to suspend it, but since that vote never happened technically we've been independent since 1 october, although not the facto. Either way the 8 seconds meme is fake.
is that you Julian?
>Assange is tweeting countryballs
Mr Assange has passed through Sheremetogo airport recently. Are you sure this tweets are from him?
Can't stand the cucks defending Spain because muh leftism. Old Sup Forums would've supported Catalonia reguardless. They're leftist anti establishment not
globalist neolibs.
Little you know which side is the leftist...
We all knows
t.Worried Shlomo in Madrid
says the anglo jew
>They're leftist anti establishment not globalist neolibs.
Are you sure about that?
>yfw assange is mega user
When you create your retarded piece of shit country and it last 8 seconds so you try again...
this. he thinks some faggots with anarchist book fairs are more important than the rape and destruction of his homeland.
Assange changed and now hes fucking Pam Anderson
>ITT: /nupol/ kek
This shit looks out of a 14 year old facebook feed.
Embarrassing for such a supposedly "woke" public personality to make a point using whatever the fuck that was.
>the guy is trapped inside on his comp for the rest of his life.
Wonder how that turns out?
It's like the film The Hobbit- where a Master turd Burglar gets chased through the dark smelly gobbling tunnels
This should be mounted on the front page of Sup Forums.
countryballs is a krautchan meme
the faggot video he posted is 0% Sup Forums and 100% r*ddit-tier, Assange is a tranny-enabling faggot
Cacalan genocide when?
they are?
I live in Barcelona and not a single separatis could explain me a valid reason beside "espanya ens roba" which is not true.