The Gulag Archipelago

Started reading The Gulag last night and holy shit, the absolute horrors. This book should be mandatory reading for every single school kid. How has it become socially acceptable for people in the West to walk around proudly in their soviet clothing and waving soviet flags? Why are so-called intelligent professors so blind to the dangers when there are countless books from people who have lived, breathed and died under communism?
The thing with the left is they take an inch at a time, little small steps so you hardly notice and would look silly rioting over, then they wait for you to cool down, then take another inch forward and keep repeating the process. The next thing you know, you are 1 mile down the road thinking “how the fuck did I get here” and it’s too late.
I urge everyone who hasn’t read it, to read it ASAP.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm half-way through volume 2.

I agree. This book impressed me a lot.

Lol read up on the whole eastern front as a whole

D day, battle of the bulge etc were a joke, WW2 was the eastern front, the allies in the west fought a paper tiger

Solzhenitsyn was recruited by the Americans to write this PROPAGANDA. None of it is real, but of course, the western scum believe it.

I would not take a word of war-criminal accused of high treason seriously.

This book is not documentary, its fiction. Stop falling for memes if they suit your worldview
t. guy who hates commies

How many volumes are there?

The horrors of the Bolshevik Jews... I fucking hate Communism man...

good thing no one ever died or was exploited to death under capitalism and that gulags fully represent communism and not specific authoritarian one party governments.

three I believe

It's a hell of a read, depressing as fuck

>In this book there are no fictitious persons, nor fictitious events. People and places are names with their own names. If they are identified by initials instead of names, it is for personal considerations. If they are not names at all, it is only because human memory has failed to preserve their names. But it all took place just as it is here described.

It's a fucking work of fiction...

t. ethno nationalist

Yeah, I only started reading it last night and it kept me up for a couple of hours thinking about it.

Communist thugs rolling in to defend their deathly agenda.

You do know it has citations right?

>A Ukrainian shilling for commies
Kill yourself.

I've been meaning to read this for some time. Thanks, user!

At this point, if it posts under a commie flag on Sup Forums, ignore it; I say "it" because they're dickless otherkin.

t. KGB shill.

If what I am reading does not fit in-line with with my views or agenda, it can't be true.

P.S. You will be the first to hang, as you know too much.

Good book. But westards think that it's a documentary and take it literally. Westards cannot into Russian literature.

So does the Holocaust

Retarded dutchfag do not knows that ukrainians were the biggest commies in USSR.

Yeah KGB reiterates in author's wife's memoirs. Is really fake! Disregard and do not read. In fact- if you do not report neighbor for discussing book, you will too disappear, comrade.

>If what I am reading does not fit in-line with with my views or agenda, it can't be true.
If what I am reading does fit in-line with my views or agenda, it must be true

I'm not a Communist, I'm an ethno nationalist.

>people who never read the book

>hurr what is history

>1 post by this id

>malware links

This is a typical shill thread. buy the book on amazon, nothing else to see here.

2 posts by this ID you mean

You Britshits did literally worse to indigenous people all over the world.

>1 post by this id

Now they will start trolling me and nobody will say anything other than /sig/ bullshit. expect accusations of being a jew with context appropriate image.

Sounds wonderful

>At the conclusion of the conference, a tribute to Comrade Stalin was called for. Of course, everyone stood up (just as everyone had leaped to his feet during the conference at every mention of his name). ... For three minutes, four minutes, five minutes, the stormy applause, rising to an ovation, continued. But palms were getting sore and raised arms were already aching. And the older people were panting from exhaustion. It was becoming insufferably silly even to those who really adored Stalin.

>However, who would dare to be the first to stop? … After all, NKVD men were standing in the hall applauding and watching to see who would quit first! And in the obscure, small hall, unknown to the leader, the applause went on – six, seven, eight minutes! They were done for! Their goose was cooked! They couldn’t stop now till they collapsed with heart attacks! At the rear of the hall, which was crowded, they could of course cheat a bit, clap less frequently, less vigorously, not so eagerly – but up there with the presidium where everyone could see them?

>The director of the local paper factory, an independent and strong-minded man, stood with the presidium. Aware of all the falsity and all the impossibility of the situation, he still kept on applauding! Nine minutes! Ten! In anguish he watched the secretary of the District Party Committee, but the latter dared not stop. Insanity! To the last man! With make-believe enthusiasm on their faces, looking at each other with faint hope, the district leaders were just going to go on and on applauding till they fell where they stood, till they were carried out of the hall on stretchers! And even then those who were left would not falter…


>Then, after eleven minutes, the director of the paper factory assumed a businesslike expression and sat down in his seat. And, oh, a miracle took place! Where had the universal, uninhibited, indescribable enthusiasm gone? To a man, everyone else stopped dead and sat down. They had been saved!

>The squirrel had been smart enough to jump off his revolving wheel. That, however, was how they discovered who the independent people were. And that was how they went about eliminating them. That same night the factory director was arrested. They easily pasted ten years on him on the pretext of something quite different. But after he had signed Form 206, the final document of the interrogation, his interrogator reminded him:

>“Don’t ever be the first to stop applauding.”

You are really retarded. Literature cannot be "fake". GA is like War and Peace. W&P is good account of epoch but it's still not a history book.

Don't download any links posted to Sup Forums.

Just buy the book.

>implying communism can exist in any other state than authoritarian one party governments

b-but stalinism was a state capitalism and not real socialism

I strongly recommend you guys to watch movie this movie youtube
Or has somebody watched it? Opinions?

And you believe in this stuff?

I got mind for free mobilisim. They have all the Russian literature and pretty much every other book.


Fuck off cunt.

My sister's Godmother bought me this book as a present, probably in hopes that after I read it I'd stop being a communist.
Not once have I opened the thing and never will. Solzhenitsyn is nationalist, anticommunist garbage literature. There are way more remarkable works of literature than this.

Here’s how we avoid it.

>le play both sides

* I got mine for free on...

>Still groggy from being up all night reading Gulag.

What does The Gulag Archipelago have to do with ethnic nationalism?


Then you are retarded, it's clearly fiction.

Nothing, I'm just saying that I'm not a Commie just someone sick and tired of history being rewritten to suit political agendas.

I wouldn’t call Hurtgen Forest a paper Tiger.

Have no idea what that bong autisto is trying to prove. Anecdotes is a bad way to learn history. But they can be funny and they may indeed contain "zeitgeist". In an exaggerated and absurd way of course. GA is like War and Peace in that regard.

No wonder that westards are so easily fucked in brain by kikes. Westard mind is strait like a line.

>I never opened it, but I know that it's garbage literature
flawless logic

This, but good luck explaining it to these idiots.

Not him but...


>I haven't read this book but it is bad
Commies need to be gassed.
This was written at the time this took place you retard. If it was a lie, why do you think the KGB didn't actively discredit it, when they had every resource to do so and even tried to smear his memory with that fake memoir?

Wanna read real shit? Read Camus' The Revolt Man

I have no problem with any of the techniques used by the Soviets. They were effective and necessary. Brilliant even. They were totally dedicated to their cause. We could learn a lot from them. If we get our way, I hope one day we can use similar methods in the United States to eliminate leftists and the nonwhite races.

lol op is a complete retard
are you retarded OP?


>This was written at the time this took place you retard.

real subhuman retard

Pictured in the Gulag Archipelago II by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn are the leading administrators of the greatest killing machine in the history of the world. They are Aron Solts, Yakov Rappoport, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman, Genrikh Yagoda, and Naftaly Frenkel. All six are Jews.

Really spins your dreidels, doesn't it?

The only reason Solzhenitsyn is even known is because he validated the antisoviet propaganda of western governments and nationalist narratives.

Bait or retard. Either way kys faggot

Don't read one of the most important books ever written, that helped bring down the iron curtain and won a Nobel Peace Prize (when they weren't a meme) honest, it all lies, lies I tell ya!

The Iron Heel is the true redpill.

>How has it become socially acceptable for people in the West to walk around proudly in their soviet clothing and waving soviet flags? Why are so-called intelligent professors so blind to the dangers

Solzhenisyn's other books gives the answer.

>Two Centuries Together: A Russo-Jewish History to 1972
They weren't communists.
Communism was just a revolt ideology to destroy a regime and install others into power.
It was the Jews

The same Jews who now dominate Academia banking government and the shredded remains of our culture in the Arts.

Solzhenitsyn wrote fiction. There are hundreds of examples of inhuman horrors under Socialist regimes, but Western retards prefer to quote Solzhenitsyn. Look up the Piteşti experiment, Tuol Sleng, the innovative CheKa torture chambers, whatever - one of the perks of Communism is to convince humans that they aren't humans. Using GA as a source doesn't help your case. Read Kapuściński's Imperium to get a feel of real journalism.

t. gommie

If I just decide who the bad guys are without reading a word, it's so easy!

>This was written at the time this took place you retard
"Written between 1958 and 1968"
Stalin died in 1953. Why would someone this historically illiterate call anyone a retard?

>if it was a lie, why do you think the KGB didn't actively discredit it
Because they didn't see it as a threat?

> when they had every resource to do so and even tried to smear his memory with that fake memoir?
Didn't you just say that they didn't actively discredit it? Discrideting him is discrediting the book...

I've never even heard of this book user, thanks I'll give it a read.
But the book Day in the life of Ivan Desinovich (sp?) Was a good read that gave me a look inside the Soviet camps.

Wait til you read his "200 years" unpublished book about the Jewish roots of the Bolshevik revolution

>it all lies

brainlet strikes again

All we are saying is that this is primarily a work of fiction, written for political purposes.
>N-Noble Prize!
Yeah Obama got one.

really flips my falafel

>one of the most important books ever written

>that helped bring down the iron curtain


Those are the same cucks that deny the lolocaust. Guess what brainlets, neither the Nazis nor the commies were as bad as people think.

>Bolchevik Jews
>Stalin send the jewish boyfriends of his daughter to gulags

It's not about good or bad. I will not defend the Soviet regime, but that doesn't change the fact that Solzhenitsyn is nationalist scum and should have died in a gulag.


you first :^)


Anons, get on it and get reading

>when they weren't a meme
oh how convenient

OK :(

This. they should read Varlam Shalamov.

>I won't defend the Soviet regime
>but X should have died in a gulag

really trying hard to not defend it there comrade

Communists and their corporate pimps getting roped across USA and Europe soon. Tick tock.

this book never came in /pol recommended

What if I accused u of high treason?
No one listen to this punk.

>can't defend his own ideology against roads but says I am somehow defending something I said I didn't

checks out

What kind of mouthbreather are you?
Nigga I've BEEN to a gulag in Siberia. Near Ulan-Ude.
That shit was real and communism is shit.
It did however make for some great aesthetics and rad music.
So maybe the suffering of millions was worth it after all...
Just like how the scum in China made this phone I'm posting from. Fucked if I care about those cucks dying for shlomo if I get a sweet phone.
I am the enabler. I am the problem.
But you want to be the factory slave that gets to make my levis so go right ahead and push for communism in America.
Maybe it could be the next great factory nation, or just a failed experiment that at least makes for a great enemy faction in the next red alert game!

Started reading The Auschwitz last night and holy shit, the absolute horrors. This book should be mandatory reading for every single school kid. How has it become socially acceptable for people in the West to walk around proudly in their Nazi clothing and waving Nazi flags? Why are so-called intelligent professors so blind to the dangers when there are countless books from people who have lived, breathed and died under Nazism?
The thing with the right is they take an inch at a time, little small steps so you hardly notice and would look silly rioting over, then they wait for you to cool down, then take another inch forward and keep repeating the process. The next thing you know, you are 1 mile down the road thinking “how the fuck did I get here” and it’s too late.
I urge everyone who hasn’t read it, to read it ASAP.

I would be honored to wear that patch, if the party demanded it of me.

What if I hired a private army of mercenaries and killed you and your family?

Question for you, sir commie
If this is propaganda, what do you recommend I read instead?
Aside from the communist manifesto, I already read it
I'm going book shopping and I want to pick up some leftist literature, so what do you suggest?

Solzhenitsyn stated: "I had to bury many comrades at the front, but not once did I have to bury a Jew". He also stated that according to his personal experience, Jews had a much easier life in the GULAG camps that he was interned in.

I'm not even a fucking ancap, I just use it cos it's a meme flag and it pisses people like you off. Fuck ancaps.

Wheras I'll bet you are going to defend communism till the end right?

>The gulags did not exist!
>The Gulag Archipelago is a lie!
>Solzhenitsyn should have died in the gulags, that did not exist.

Really activated my almonds

It's fake shit, holocaust tier

Still good since it annoys commies and gets dumb normies to reeeee at soviet policies, not even defending the commies they did do some bad gulag crap but it's not muh 60 gorillian tier cold war propaganda