>buy indian train
>it derails before even being put into service
>buy indian train
>it derails before even being put into service
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Isnt that the ngr train by bombardier? QR arent paying them anymore. Fucking plagued with problems just like most leafs.
>wheels are falling off
Just like canada
Lol. Did Australia buy Indian trains? Even we don't trust Indian trains. We buy foreign made trains
Superpower 2020
It crapped out.
SuperToilet by 2020
Drunk bogon
>we don't buy our stuff because we suck at making stuff kek
Didn't buy a British built train. FFS
the lack of scientific and engineering capability of a majority of the australian people results in an economy which is unsustainable in the long term. In the short term the australian government is selling out businesses and land to the chinese but this can't sustain us forever. Germany is an example of a country that is sustainable in the long term due to their science and engineering focused society. Most tertiary educated australians have bullshit sociology and political degrees. Another downside of needing to rely on off shore engineers is the need to import badly manufactured trains and technology. Germany has the DB and many state of the art high speed trains.
They have trains like that for the Metro here in Delhi.
Pretty comfy, to be fair.
They've had that train up to 140km/h out the long staights near Thagoona, Rosewood.
Surprised it didn't derail and become complete wreck before now
We bought Italian trains, they didn't make it either.
britian no longer has any railroad manufacturers, your trains are a mix of canadian, chinese, french and german rolling stock now
it's the same way in America, most of our passenger rolling stock is manufacturered by bombardier (france) or nippon-shayro (japan)
I've given up and just take my own transportation. Increasing my carbon footprint in my comfy car. They leave us with no choice! Many such cases.
How do people on here know so much shit about every fucking random thing
Autists and aspies love trains.
Because there are a lot of people here. Someone's bound to know something about the issue at hand.
Wouldn't that make you one of them/us? You're here too.
...Buy german contracts?
for poo standard maybe
I'm spending the day after Diwali hungover and on Sup Forums, so I suppose you might be onto something.
Nah, by most standards.
Been to around 40 countries. The Delhi Metro is pretty modern, at least in terms of rolling stock and carriage conditions.
If the Metro was less crowded and more stations air-conditioned, it'd probably be the best light rail transportation system I've used.
Where did those shitty trams at the Gold Coast come from??
Was that India too?
Good to know. I'm just sitting back in quiet amazement.
Do you guys even make train? Seem like you cant compete with french TGV and nippon flyin train.
That's some fucking funny shitposting professor comedy
Heartily kekked
Superpower 3020
Sure but does it have a loo in choo?
If it were broken down in burgerstan they'd be toot the loot
Yes what is it taxi slave?
>indian train designed to operate with thousands of indians on top or at the sides it
>trains derails without the counterweight thoses poos added
The DB is shit like hell. But Trains build in Germany and maintained properly (unlike DB) are reliable and safe.
We too have unbelievable amounts of students who study bullshit social shit. They only get jobs because of 1 Million fucking refugees (that are genetic Waste). Now they‘re teaching shit beeing full SJW.
Only fundamental change ala NatSoc could bring us back on track to turn this brown hellhole into a white paradise.
Stop driving the train
Damn straight Arun.
Fine hobby! A gentlemans hobby as opposed to plebby hobbies like gang raping farm girls
I am subscribed to red24 travel-tracker warnings for Germany and for some reason I get a travel warning every time conservatives in Germany have an organised protest. Why is this? Are the conservatives of Germany a violent people?
I think you don't see the recent news about our TGV , with the recent franco-german alliance between Alstom Siemens our so loved train gonna be fucked
Autism. Bombardier is Canadian BTW, and plenty of US trains were built by Kawasaki, Kinki Sharyo, Breda, Alstom.
There are even US made trains, with plenty of GE, EMD, and Morrison-Knudsen/MPI locos and hundreds of legacy Budd and Pullman Standard coaches and EMU's still in service.
Super high speed toilets by 2020.
Bombardier (Germany)
That whole tram thing seems like a huge waste of money. Like, what was wrong with a couple of buses?
>Indian trains are shit.
Their choo-choo is poo-poo.
>Superpower by 2020
Siemens will get 50% of the capital, but our TGV will continue to shine ... I-i b-believe.
The Browneye Express.
poo poos