Why can't blumpftards get this through their thick skulls?
At this point, what difference does it make?
Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy have the nuclear codes.
>filter image
NICE TRY MR SLIDY MC SHILL PANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why is she not president then?
Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people.
she lost by over 10 million votes the democrats rigged.
That is not how the election works user
I thought she had the popular vote, and I didn't feel the need to contest that. But then the Dems revealed how terrified they are of voter ID, and I had to wonder. So now I don't know who won the popular vote.
Hello Soros shill.
$18 billion to rehash a dismal failed candidate.
Do burgers know Soros owns the company that has the voting machine contract in ??? States?
He has them dipshit
thats right, OP keep the spirit up
annum of god emperors victory fast approaches we need to recreate that glorious day when we chose the fuckstick we were not supposed to pick instead of the fuckstuck they wanted us to pick
now stop wasting our time and dig up all your polls/district prediction maps
Did she win a popularity contest or the electoral vote?
>pic related
Oh she won?? Fuck dude I think someone should inform Trump. He's been sitting in the White House for months now
Subtract all illegal votes and you'll lose a whole lot of democrats. Also, God bless the electoral college for existing or else 2 shitty states, NY and CA, would decide every election.
Several million undocumented people voted user.
And don't ever let (((them))) introduce voting machines into Oz.
If you want to understand just his corrupt the US electoral "system" is, read
>Best Democracy Money can Buy by Greg Palast.
holy shit shills really have a sad life
Kind of ironic seeing how Bill Clinton lost the popular vote both times.
>ITT some yellow snaggle toothed UK'er projects an insecurity or bad happening that just happened to him into a /pol post about how Hillary, a woman who he could never vote for or participate in voting for, won. just because he is fat and nasty and has no idea why, he blames trump because. because OP had father issues growing up and attributes most of his problems to a failing father figure in his life, Trump being the father of America atm. he sees him as the bad man.
this shit is too ez
Because most drumpfsters are rural and suburban retards.
HE FUCKING WON. Why can't Bushtards get this through their thick skulls?
Newfags beware you are posting under a bot thread.
Some Russians troll internet and shill Trump for a laugh
- Omg Russia hacked Election, impeach
Hillary literally takes Russian bribes and sells out country by giving away its Uranium
- She should be President, im with her
Like your mom.
FFS, drop it...
try working on decent policy
If the rules of the game were different yes. But she lost with the current rule set. Don't you people know how to play games?
>participation trophies
24hrs after soros money drop and the board is flooded
>here we go again
No, she is not. She voted for Hillary and so did I.
Read the rules of the game. Bait harder ;)
It's not about individual votes, it's about number of seats won. We have the exact same system here in the UK.
It's not ideal, and counting individual votes would probably be a more democratic system to make individual votes matter more, but that's how it's always worked.
saged faggot. Hillshills get fucked.
Dead people, illegals and ghosts can't vote.
Every investigation into concerns about vote rigging after the election have raised red flags regarding these factors, all on Hillary's side.
In areas of California that were investigated it was found that more people voted than are registered to vote, by a not small margin.
Hillary won nothing. She cheated and she still lost.
breddy tru
>Why can't blumpftards get this through their thick skulls?
Jesus christ get the fuck out retarded newfags
Dis post gabe me lulz
Deduct number of illegal voters, double voters and dead voters shillery''s numbers would be far lower.
Soros is satan
For fuck sake where is the Sage?
She rigged the primaries against Bernie, she is virtually disqualified.
yea but at least 10 million of her votes are fraudulent.
In a game of 5D Chess, you can‘t predict the winner until the first term is over
How many of those votes are not legitimate? A good deal. Would you consider Indian elections where people are given food to vote for certain candidates fair? I call that exploitation.
So you think when dems are paying off welfare recipients that that somehow is different? They're owned by the Dems, their sovereignty has been exchanged for cash. The difference is at least in the Indian elections they're paying for the bribes with their own money rather than with the people's.
Take a lesson in civics. There is a reason we have an electorial college. There is a reason only landowners were supposed to have the ability to vote.
You might hate to believe it, but the founding fathers were much more fucking intelligent than you.
Tyranny by majority is fun!
who gives a fuck. take out all the votes of california and trump won the popular vote. so you want california deciding who wins the presidency? FUCK OFF
Finally someone got Hillary's gender correct
3 million illegals in california voting, she got destroyed in so many other places. The actual americans massively voted for trump. But hillary was so sure that she was going to win because of all the illegals voting etc. And then she still lost regardless of how much she tried to rig it, which probably surprised the shit out of her.
Why can't you accept that?
The reason you have the electoral college is so that the entire country is represented instead of a few very populated states.
Only rural rednecks and suburban retards voted for Trump
All city people voted for Hillary.
It's almost as if, libtards don't have principles and only strive for popular opinion.
Noggies bragging about they are not willing to talk to police (G-Code) and at the same time whining about unresolved murder cases among their community.
>Noggies bragging about they are not willing to talk to police (G-Code) and at the same time whining about unresolved murder cases among their community.
This is really a paradox i noticed about blacks. On one hand they defend thugs criminals and gangsters and look up to them. On the other hand they complain about how crime ridden etc. their communities are. Why don't they realize they have to pick one or the other. They obviously can't have both at the same time!
Well the jews managed to brainwash white people into cutting their own nuts of ('sex change') so why would it be hard for them to make the nogs glorify criminality?
She knows if we did a vote audit to prove her numbers we'd find out all the fraud. If she honestly felt legitimately cheated shed do this but she knows SHE cheated so she cant and hasnt
trump was the lesser of two evils.
>bankrupted multiple times
>has a 5 children
>incapable of being in a stable relationship with women
>is a shitskin
>talks a lot of shit
>can barely read
>pretends to have money
you'd think people wouldnt have wanted another nigger in office after obama.
Imagine putting your asshole in Humas mouth...
Millions of illegals were allowed to vote.
There literally is no popular vote
Why weren't you protesting when Obama won via the same electoral math?
1 post
Get the fuck off the slide.
Show vagena!
Lol tyranny by majority?? Its not fucking tyranny if the majority is getting what they want you mental gymnast
>But in all seriousness we can't let this guy have the nuclear codes.
Onlookers will agree.
How many scoops blumpf!
HOW MANY!!111!!!11!!!!!
I just wish she could still menstruate.
Imagine going through her varbage and finding an old depends with menstrual fluids in it.
Imagine the sweet musky odor of old piss and chunky pace wafting around your nose as begin to savor your slow dramatic facial swan dive into the heavenly bliss of the true essence of the REAL president.
As you begin to ejaculate you can almost hear sounds and whispers of "Madame president", you can even vividly imagine the warmth dtill present in the diaper, and, jjst for a moment, you were "with her".
Say what?
Democracy is bullshit, we are not equal, women have no place in politics, nor in the military, nor in voting. Get that through your thick faggot skull.
>she fucking won
Yeah, this is what made it more delicious.
>Former Trump Supporter
Lmao Ahmed good one
>cares about burger issues
>begone thot
>56 separate 1 post by this ID
>ITT CTR and Stormfront face off
will you shut the fuck up you fucking inbred troglodyte? youre the reason white women are fucking niggers
He already have nuclear codes you failed kraut. Hahahahaha
>illegal aliens
>e-voting machines
>trusts thr government
Yet another foreigner who doesn't understand how the American presidential system works. Yawn.
Except 99% of them aren't?
dumb brit bong faggots
Holy shit
White women are fucking the dregs because they are dregs themselves. You're really a dumb motherfucker if you believe the talmudvision and other fake pictures designed to elicit a certain response. In reality niggers are going for fat, stupid "white" bitches of questionable genetics themselves and the only exception to that are rich niggers who are very rare.
Please go back to r*ddit you fucking newfags
Has. Fucking kikester
>doesn't get the joke
You must be somewhat new so i'll try to explain it to you.
It's a running joke because during the campaign obvious leftists were on Sup Forums claiming they were trump supporters and concern shilling going essentially. "i was a former trump supporter but trump is so bad so now i'm all for hillary or bernie, why don't you realize how bad he is".
So when an obvious hillarybot is posting people often respond with those kinds of things.
Not, have a look at how many counties Trump won, even with all the fucking illegal/double voting for that dumb cunt.
Does someone need a education on how a REPUBLIC works ???
1. She lost
2. I shit abundantly in your mom's gaping mouth
3. This a slide thread that deserves only to be saged and reported
No, he really isn't my president, I'm Brazilian.
>No ones posted it yet