Anyone here flatout refusing to this game because they falsely portrayed the Egyptians as black as the night niggers to appease the "we was" crowd?
Assassins Creed We Was Edition
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post the webm with the "WE WUZ" chat
As if the series as a whole was worth something
>playing the series after the Turd one
I love ancient cultures and Egypt and beautiful scenery and archaeology in general too much not to play this game
I'd do anything to go back in time to ancient Egypt, Rome, or China
but this will have to do
>Ubisoft game
>Assassins Creed game
I really don't need any other reasons to ignore this.
>Implying Egyptians were white
Keep crying wh*Tey.
They should have portrayed them as very dark skinned, hook-nosed Arabic looking people just like the Egyptians of today look. They have enough actual negro admixture to silence the we wuz dindus.
Nice to see the world is following our racist memes
>buying the game jew
Ive only bought '' for years now, games, cinemas, services, brands. If it cucks it goes in the bin
They were Arabs, but the royal family mixed with whites from Southern europe
the ancient egyptians looked like modern egyptians. there isn't much of an arab admixture in them
They weren't white or black idiot. They wuz mexican. You think whitey or monkey can build such smooth pyramids. Nugget that's an ancient stucco technique.
They weren't niggers either Tyrone.
Those steam threads were hilarious. Haven't checked but I imagine they shut that shit down by now.
no. they didnt make them actual niggers did they? thats ahistoric.
>A brown man wearing a spurs jacket.
These arn't Egyptians, they're Mexicans from San Antonio.
Yep from the steam forums because of it.
they did though
>even considering buying a AAA game anyway
If I see a good game, I buy it regardless of political bullshit. However, assassin's creed has been absolute thrash for a long time anyway, so I am literally not missing out on anything by skipping this game.
dont buy it and shut your stupid mouth
none one wants to read your granny rage
I lost interest in this series years ago. They all follow the same formula of climbing towers to fill out the map and doing assassin side mission. Last one I played was the pirate one.
we wont buy it
how are you going to make us shut up btw? :^)
Still waiting for these faggots to make an edition where the character climbs all over a mosque and swan dives off of a crescent moon from the top of a minaret.
How much longer until they make that version of assassins creed?
They were not Arabs are you fucking kidding me; the closest to this were Arabic vassal states.
The Ancient Egyptians were variously Nubian and Mediterranean - examine the bust of Nefertiti for a visual. Dark skinned, but with the thin, delicate features of Mediterranean people. Nothing resembling sub-Saharan African folk or Arabic peoples.
The last good Assassins Creed game was Brotherhood, the rest has been shit
If you count the video game community as "the world".
I can't even enter a game of TF2 anymore without someone LARPing as a jew spy or just being racist for no reason.
I even saw a guy in the scoreboard in EVE online being in a corp(guild) that was called "My wife's son".
Not that it bothers me or anything but it's pretty interesting and makes me believe that the majority of people on Sup Forums are actively playing video games.
Even WoW has references to this place like a year ago I saw a guild name "WindmillOfFriendship" and "GlassOfJuice"
then again it could be just normies copying this place or the memes.
Oh yea many Pepe avatars on steam but I guess its just the reddit popularity site. Albeit some guys in TF2 were spamming OwO in chat whenever they won.
No, Ancient Egyptians had no African DNA, whereas modern Egyptians have a small amount of African DNA.
See the attached picture.
For now it looks far LESS leftarded than Syndicate was.
Syndicate had an Indian marry the british woman, a tranny american, and doing quests for Karl fucking Marx.
I hate this "we wuz" shit but I will not buy this game, because of the shit the last few games were and the shoehorned rpg elements.
none of you spics would come close to building pyramids, far too lazy
get back to work wetback, siesta is over
Good. Even neckbeards being visible in this culture war. We must teach the young lads
There's a vast and well known network of pyramids all across Mesoamerica. Dumbass.
>live in Africa
>no African DNA
"you kno what I mean"
Fuck you, say it right.
>no African DNA
Uhhhh you need to find Egypt on a map and rethink your statement
>buying an ass creed games after the black fag.
Kys pleb
They don't have African DNA you fucking morons, I already said it correctly.
Egyptians were descended from a group that went out into Asia then came back thousands of years later.
AssCreed has always been leftists games.
They don't share DNA with WE WUZ Congoids that were brought over to North America.
There is a way to fix that
They weren't goddamn niggers fuck the left for attempting to rewrite history.
pepe mods vs wojak developers
New planet of the apes looks pretty good desu
This isn't appealing to the we wuz crowd, this is appealing straight to us. It's not even subtle.
The first one
Well to be fair it takes place in 42ad, Egypt was demographically changing then. If it was ancient Egypt and not the ptolemaic era, I'd get the outrage.
We was kangzzzzzzz
I was never going to buy another one since brotherhood, anyways. AssCred was always a one trick pony after that.
We are closer to Jesus than Jesus was to the creation of the pyramids.
All we know is there is no way blacks figured out how to build those things. Most likely an advanced human race built them which was all but wiped out when the ice age ended. That explains why there are drawings/sculptures of aircraft flying around the planet back then.
Imagine if modern society had a nuclear war and 95% of the world/main cities were wiped out. Then pic related climb out of their amazon jungle and see the statue of liberty and assume the few niggers that are left their built it.
Yep, ancient aliens were actually advanced civilizations that lived in Atlantis before the last ice age ended.
The main character or the pharaohs or Cleopatra aren't black, the fuck are you talking about?
>Well to be fair it takes place in 42ad, Egypt was demographically changing then. If it was ancient Egypt and not the ptolemaic era, I'd get the outrage.
Makes sense. Bring some white Macedonians and Greeks into Egypt, and suddenly it's black. Leaf logic.
kill yourself leaf.
Who knows how cherry picked that image is. And This was before Arab invasion and prolly before much immigration from sub africa. Egypt was a Roman and Greek provovince. Cleopatra was Greek and they have been Roman and Byzantine for so long and Alexander the great founded the city of Alexandria, it was prolly white back then like some study said Egyptians then looked like Turks or Armenians now
The fuck are you talking about ?
The guy isn't black, the women isn't black (or white), Cleopatra isn't black, and Caesar is white with blue eyes
Built by Aztecs and Incas, where as Mexicans are race mixed trash.
wypipo still the villains in this game yeah?
What color were egyptians?
Genuinely asking I have no clue.
Dark skin color makes sense since the desert is a hot hell hole
>refusing to buy this game
>this game
Lol if you even own a next-gen console(after the 360) you're a fucking loser, never mind actually buying the bullshit they're passing off as games.
Do you buy the half-game for full price and then buy all the DLC too?
Grow up
Y'all need to stop worshipping games like they are a religion.
aaahh so no one is really 100% on exactly what they were
how does it feel to know that in 1,000, or even 100 years, cultural marxism will take away all memory of your peoples achievements?
they will teach that the john locke and beethoven were black. they will teach that the computer, the printing press, the light bulb, and vaccines were all invented by blacks.
its already happening before your eyes