>fell in love with a black woman
>we're not niggers
>we're gonna raise smart black kids and create an ethnostate
Just be smart with your spending. Those 80 thousand dollars ranches off freeways are great because you can commute off them.
Congrats. We're all on board with that.
who gives a shit
God speed user.
Go to Africa and Meme Black National Socialism
>and create an ethnostate
Great when are you leaving?
You can have Louisiana or Mississippi
>an ethnostate full of degenerate retard niggers with average IQ of 80
good luck with that but seriously hope you do it.
A strong black ethnostate with friendly trade and relations would be a huge win for everyone. Just don't genocide whites in it or we'll eventually have to come and wipe you from the face of the earth.
Other than that, more power to you.
Good for you. I want nothing more than to see you succeed in raising children that are actually smart and aren't a burden to society.
>posting Tyson and his wife
You know he beat her up and also raped a few girls? Hardly an example of an upstanding black man.
Oh wait until they get old enough to reason user.
Just more niggers to complain about whitey, even if they come from a good home.
Yeah, this user could be right.
Think about it anons, in a black ethnostate, the citizens would constantly be complaining about how the white country is doing better and they're doing worse. There'd be no end to the problem.
Best of luck with your eugenics program. You can close the IQ gap if you're dilligent.
Also fuck off we're full.
Good luck blackAnon. Do try to do it like the based KANG of New Hope did.
>Just don't genocide whites in it
It's their Ethno-State. As such there should be no whites in it.
>not niggers
You have to choose, nigger. Oh wait, you are already a nigger so you have no choice.
I'm sure if we ever need blueprints for straw huts and fucking mud pies we'll enjoy the robust trade deal.
Take back your culture and your identity, just as we need to.
Godspeed to all of us in our quest to fulfill ourselves and our people.
Wow, Putin let you off his cock long enough to shitpost here?
I'm happy for you, OP
Just remember once you and your nigger wife die and those smart children die their kids will ruin your ethnostate and make it into the new detroit
>be half black
>fell in love with half black woman
>we're not niggers either
>raising smart half black kids
>tfw can't create an ethnostate
Blacks, at least the ones in America with some white blood, would be able to create a semi-functional ethnostate.
Remember that the Jews take advantage and use the blacks just as much as they do whites and they purposefully destroyed black culture in America through single motherhood and gang/drug culture.
just watch out for Bantus trying to get into your Country and tryin to genocide you
Good. I think we should just let y'all have atlanta. Should be big enough to fit you all if we include the surrounding suburbs.
How are they going to get it non white, tho? If it's via genocide then whites will have to go sort them out.
Good for you. Keep to yours and we will keep to ours.
So are you gonna leave before or after the kids outta her cooch?
It's your right
Every people has the right to exist.
>black man
>raising kids
>create something
>we're gonna raise kids
uh huh
Maybe a trade deal?
all blacks in the US and europe go to africa and in return we take the white africans
No people can cross the border without permission and for a limited time only
>Sup Forums wants every race and ethnicity to be able to freely associate with one another and limit those they wish to interact with
there's that libertarian Sup Forums I used to know peeking through the Nazi mask he scares off newfags with
Great, more power to you! Just go do it somewhere else.
How do you plan on getting rid of the 60-70% of blacks who actually are niggers?
their are plenty of mulatto nations
Cape Verde
Cape Coloureds
i rather see it all burn to ground then give atlanta to the nogs
Good lad. Hope it all goes well
Good for you. I'm very happy that I don't need to call you niggers.
The nogs already have Atlanta.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
I'm ok with this.
The sooner blacks realise the extent to which they are being dumbed down and manipulated by (((them))), the better. After all, if you want to know whose responsible for the slave trade, the drug problem, the efforts to keep blacks as niggers as much as possible - it all leads back to a certain big nosed semitic tribe.
African/Caucasian race relations in the US is one of the biggest success stories of divide et impera in the history of the ZOG
best of luck, nigger
Know what makes these copypastas dry up? A name.
Bob Whitaker.
>Hardly an example of an upstanding black man.
that's as good as they get senpai
Typical nigger, expecting praise for doing something he's supposed to do.
What next, oh wiseassed one? You'll look after your own kids?
do you like poor righteous teachers?
You and south Africa.
Where has this ever worked for blacks?
You might be marginally better than the people around you, but its not enough for a civilization.
The boondocks were good. It was created by a black dude who criticized nigger behavior. It's sad that actual niggers never understood.
As good as it gets with them
I wish you all the best.
Good. I have absolutely no problem with this and wish you well.
I hope it works out for you, nigger. all the best
Godspeed, man. Enjoy y’all life together and watch out for Jews.
>we're not niggers
>smart black kids
What did OP mean by this?
Do it. The Based black race has been held down by niggers for too long
No such thing as an upstanding "black man," they're only just a nigger with better training.
I'm saving up money to get a vasectomy. I welcome the loner life with open arms.
nice and good luck
Congrats man, stay in your race and everyone is happy
guess what, the way genes work, even if you are smart, if you belong to a group that is generally stupid, your kids will likely be significantly stupider than their parents
stop reproducing you fucking dumb subhumans
That sounds wonderful, but ultimately doomed to failure because while you, yours, and your kids might be smart, decent people the same can't be said about the vast majority of those you would include in your ethnostate.
You'd essentially become the next Liberia or . You'd literally have to indoctrine every other black who comes to your ethnostate because if left unmitigated, they'll just turn your ideal into another Gathering of the Chimps.
>black kids
choose one
niggers dont realize they're literally hopeless without eugenics
Probably means he's not homeless and has a decent job. Good for him.
Good luck out there, man. All the best to you
>1 post by this id
Fucking newfags
Good luck. Don't let the other crabs drag you back into the pot.
>and be killed by niggers
>some cuck came here to rustle gimmies
>we showed him what we are about
how's this a bad thing
We should support any uptight black man trying to legitimately lift up his people.
you can't create a black ethno state.
If you do that, you'd have to do it like in the movie Black Panther.
If you have a black ethnostate and you get too many Tyrones in it.
They will ask you for gibs and call you uncle Tom if you don't solve thei problems quickly enough
>not nigger
pick one
>smart black kids
*inhales* hahahahahaha
>you can't create a black ethno state.
what is africa?
I want all races to prosper, and I believe that they can all independently prosper, it just seems that we can't cohabit in peace and health with one another.
congrats nigger
Oh wow, good boy Tyrone! Here's your treat!
Pols are white niggers
Good luck brotha
India's doing okay. At least blacks poo in the loo
Pick both
A continent of which only a portion is black, and of which most of the black countries are not ethnostates.
Sorry to hear that
>fell in love with a black woman
>we're not niggers
>we're gonna raise smart black kids and create an ethnostate
That's where you are wrong
You have ethnocontinent already. Move to Africa and show us how superiour is your civilisation.
Good for you both I guess. Like most of this board, I'm not white either, but I think it's less about race and more about frame of mind. Good luck.
Sounds good to me.
I suggest Haiti as your first project
Sounds good, turn things around for your people m8. Maybe if blacks can become a functioning society, we can peacefully segregate and do our own things.