Nobody cares because we're not America.
The Truth
True dat.
Bet they'll still expect us to care when NK hits them with the dong though.
that doesnt look like a storm. it looks like a nice, comfy circle rainbow
3 people in Ireland have died so far from these storm.
If they had been Americans, their faces would be plastered all over international TV.
wait till next week
a few reasons user
> Your place is always wet
> Mother nature doesn't like your dry humour
> You're right
Yes just like the world famous victims in Texas and Florida.
Who could ever forget the piercing blue eyes of No One Gives a Shit About Anything But the Destruction? So haunting.
For what it's worth I care, potato nigger. Hang in there buddy.
I'm English, also notice how many Texans / Floridians got interviewed before / after the storm? Which was plastered all over international news? The UK will not be so lucky.
It's Ireland, literally nothing of worth will be lost.
Could you also point out for me the hundreds of threads the UK is getting over this? Not a single one except this. How many for Texas / Florida? The whole fucking board at the time.
To be fair, most of you autistic brits are atheists, and see no significance in the death of a human. There's no reason for your local news stations to show you pics of dead potato niggers, when neither the person whom died, nor you crooked teeth bastards do not care.
I'm British and i don't care.
Why should I care? You're not American.
It's not about individuals caring, it's about the mainstream media reporting it.
Well what about Fox News or CNN, would they fly out to report on this the same way the BBC did for them? Of course not.
^ An absolute truth.
It's not a problem because we build proper houses out of stone and bricks, none of that wooden shanty and trailer home crap.
God's vengeance on the Beady Anglo menace.
More rain in Ireland and some for England what's news about that?
>storm Brian
Oi bin that racis though' there gubna, why isn't the storm called Fatma or Abdulaziz or N'bouye?
More rain in Ireland and some for England what's news about that?
>be American
>be almost wholly descended from people from Britain
>even my token mick ancestors were just Scot transplants
>try to give a shit about Britain and things relating to her out of a sense of duty
>get told to fuck off
>"le 56%"
i tried to care. I shall let you wallow in your irrelevance.
At least it'll fuck up the Irish as well.
Well, were you guys inundated w/ info about Harvey?
>Bin that knife.
>We saved your asses in WW1 and WW2.
>Lol Obama thinks the UK is a joke.
I wonder why you get told to fuck off.
Have you even been to Britain? and not just London for a week.
Yes, you couldn't go a single day without the mainstream media talking about Harvey.
Maybe the weather will keep the jihadis from causing trouble for a while. Sand niggers can't into bad weather. Silver linings and all, you limey fucks.
You wish. Karelian cities and towns are overrun with durka-durkas.
It's just a bit of fucking wind and rain. Should we all start crying like Americans just so we can get media coverage?
It's a small storm anyway. I had a category 4 hurricane eye pass over my house in late August.
If no one hears us now, who will hear us when the bombs start dropping or when the ocean reclaims the land?
We know, we got hourly updates about it.
I'm willing to be if a cat 4 hurricane hit the UK, you'd hear about it once from the US media.
Don't die you fucking britashka.
Is it finally happening?
Absolute nothingburger. The low will be filling in by the time it gets to the British Isles, so it's not going to do any real damage.
What the fuck can you do to help? Offer a cup of tea?
Bro, we show up each time the bombs start dropping and bail you out. Not much we can do if your island sinks into the sea though.
it's just a storm you sissy
>Have you even been to Britain? and not just London for a week.
No. I've never even left the South. And if I had an option between either going to London or never going to Britain, I would choose the latter every time.
Hell, I don't even know if I even want to go to Britain at all if I'm just going to be told to "fuck off yank" when I try to see some of my family's history.
>Let one habitually drunk corrupt politician sell your entire overseas empire and indebt your country for perpetuity in order to destroy Hitler's Germany for his jewish masters.
>CELEBRATE this morally bankrupt alcoholic corrupt politician as the greatest British hero of the last century...
>Let every dark skinned savage that ever lived in British overseas territory move to the home country.
You're every bit as cucked as us mate.
Well let's wait and find out.
^ Same thing for Texas/Florida.
Nobody cares because you invite terrorists into your country and hate yourselves.
>pink orange and yellow
looks like a tropical popsicle, should be some comfy times
What a fucking crybaby. America is sleeping, retard.
> Not America
> Implying that's a bad thing
Floridians know well enough to either wait it out or evacuate. It takes a wise Texan to know what to do, since they get them less.
You, however, are absolutely shitter shattered.
Ok, glad you don't want to go to London and actually want to see real England. Just a follow up question, outside of Sup Forums have you received much abuse from us?
Its ok because we dont make our houses out of ply wood
as long as we are safe
I know I don't. Nobody I know does.
Well lets wait till they wake up then. I'm still going to be correct.
Stay safe bro.
Exactly, but if the media talked about it a lot at least people would pretend to care.
ITT: Britbongs complain like niggers about how they're oppressed and ignored.
This is just a bit of normal British winter weather. Worst thing to come of it will be a few brollies blown inside out
Hey look, it's the oppressor. Sorry for making this thread master, i'll get back to work now.
I wouldn't. Nobody I know would.
You know what I mean, "pray for paris" syndrome.
Er strafe es!
>Just a follow up question, outside of Sup Forums have you received much abuse from us?
Well the only "Brit" I've known was a half chink half Scot who spoke with an Americanized RP accent, and we were good pals back in the day. Other than that I've had no interaction with any of you. So no.
Interestingly enough, my hapa pal was probably more patriotic toward the empire than 99% of my peers are toward America. Very strange.
Mate you've got nothing to worry about. Most of us bongs love you burgers and will always welcome you. That being said, London is full of immigrants, liberals and a hive for general douchebaggery so avoid it like the plague unless you want to do some sightseeing.
Because few extra drops of rain in islands of bongoloids is business as usual and there isn't panic.
Basically. Enjoy your some wind and rain
just to let you know, on the Weather Channel yesterday (here in the US), there was a long segment about it.
Oh, I'll care if it wipes out all of the sand niggers in London.
If it blew the hands of big ben 15 minutes off, you'd have faggots memeing "never forget". When people think of the UK, they think of 2 things: crooked horrible teeth, and non-stop soaking rains all year 'round. I'm surprised you even noticed a storm, let alone worry about it.
You guys have bigger problems.
Trump curse?
>Crooked horrible teeth
I hate this meme so much.
We voted for Brexit, Trump is pro Brexit.
This is what Americans actually believe
>Nobody cares because we're not America.
>America gets fuck-your-shit-up hurricanes
>UK gets midwest-tier-thunderstorms
Quit being a pussy over a little rain and a stiff breeze.
>America gets fuck-your-shit-up hurricanes
>UK gets midwest-tier-thunderstorms
This is implying of course Americans don't blow their problems out of proportion.
Actually, I can't find the clip...but it was a younger woman in a weather lab in Ireland and said the storm was unusual..the US Weather channel people said at the end "thanks for the info, b/c we probably wouldn't have heard all this had we not talked to you'...which, I guess, proves your point
Good I dont want fucking brits covering my tv in the morning
This mildy annoys us too that our business is out there always. I turn on Sky or the BBC and hear about a high nigger getting shot trying to steal a police gun after robbing a store and the cop is somehow a racist murder indicitive of all whitey. I just wanted general UK and Europe news, like what's up over there? Especially political seasons, I get why people pay attention, but I sure don't like it when our media is retweeting foreign media to influence the American public, as if the world implicitly mattered to the elections. Foreign Relations sure, 24531 articles on European views on US healthcare or gun laws with shitty statistics, sources, and perspectives ment to influence the American electorate out of ignorant guilt is probably the most irritating thing in the world. 'The rest of the world thinks your stupid user'. Fuck off, 1776 WILL COMMENCE AGAIN!
Fair dues, some of us do. If you get a real storm, then I'll worry for you, but for now it's nothing.
America is useing Harp to try hit Bombadier in irland due to the boeing dispute .
In this thread:
>When you're now hoping your town gets destroyed in a storm so you can be right on Sup Forums.
Holy shit, you're right!
You're absolutely 100% correct. I do not give a flying fuck.
Fuck Marcia!
and we dont have houses made of plywood and our power grids are more stable.
there was no damage done by the last hurricane,e this one is even weaker
Foreign Relations sure, 24531 articles on European views on US healthcare or gun laws with shitty statistics, sources, and perspectives ment to influence the American electorate out of ignorant guilt is probably the most irritating thing in the world.
This. Hear hear.
>hoping your town gets destroyed
The strongest gusts I'm seeing are only 90mph. Just don't send anymore retards out to fuck with chainsaws and you'll be fine.
These bushes need a trim!
This comment was what i was referring to...
>Implying the globalists would use a weather machine on their home turf
That's going to be up to your reporters though, isn't it.
I'm betting that if only Ireland gets fucked, the attention you might've given will be diminished to an insulting amount.
Two of them were fecking eejits.
Have you declared all your income?
>Less than a dozen paddys died
>expecting people to care
I'm in florida and I just went 7 days without power in the sweltering heat, then 11 more without internet from irmageddon
>boohoo a category 1 hurricane blew over my lawn chair
Are you kidding? why would we cover it when Trump said a thing then a nigger said a thing then trump said a thing again.
>Nobody cares because we're not America.
OMG we care! Here, user. Let me give you a pre-hurricane blowjob to prove it.
To be fair, we got slammed by record breaking storms. That is kind of noteworthy, you guys are getting a nice gust of wind. But for what it's worth, I did follow Ophelia to make sure you cunts were alright.
the truth: nobody cares because in europe we do not have sensational media that will make every storm 24/7 event to boost their viewership
I care ;_;