I'll start
Redpilled Films Thread
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explain how this is redpilled
That film was fucking garbage and there was nothing redpilled about it.
>explain how this is redpilled
It bucks the current Hollyweird trends just by having a devout Christian as a main character.
>That film was fucking garbage and there was nothing redpilled about it.
Frig off. It was great.
teresa palmer is a goddess
>thinking any TV or movie produced by Hollywood is redpilled
You don't have a fucking clue inside that meatball on top of your neck. Get off my Sup Forums.
The original script had Hitler as the one saving people instead of Dobbs, but ((Hollywood)) changed it.
This show is pretty based. The'll probably kike it all up next season tho.
>kerosene explosions mimicking HE from a fucking battlehsip
no fucking effort
It was shit.
OP is a faggot.
kucksaw cringe was worse than starwars episode 1.
Not likely to find a more redpilled movie than this.
cumdumpster nurse slaps farmboy for kissing her
he tells her hes going to war
she tells him to ask her to marry him for gibs
sure dude
I especially liked how they didn't make any particular side the 'good guys'.
Left it open to interpretation and let me enjoy rooting for the Nazis.
Damned good show, The Man in the High Castle.
>Hacksaw ridge
>Funded and directed by /ourboy/ Mel
>Doesn't glorify some cunt frat boy
>Shows the power of integrity
>Celebrates a conservative Christian
It's the reddist of pills of a movie. Ignore these Christ hating kikes.
I want to see a movie about Hitler and his service in WW1
It won't happen for a long time because it might end up making him look good.
I'd love a film that starts before WW1 and dramatizes his entire life leading up to the invasion of Poland.
He's an interesting historical character.
I've had enough of seeing the usual allied leaders in film.
There's a new Churchill one coming out soon.
Go on Germany, give us a good biographical number on Hitler.
Its out there, but the story is dull, just like Hitler.
Literally a dogsbody who lied about his bravery
He was an illiterate loudmouth beta cunt
It would be extremely interesting to see, I recently watched “Unsere Mütter unsere Väter“ or “Generation War“ in english, I thought it was pretty good but there was always this “you're supposed to be ashamed by all of this“ tone
I have a lot of respect for Germans and how they built their war machine and infrastructure
There is a good documentary called Nazi megastructures i think...
It was awsome, fuck me you build some shit lad
He became a lance corporal and earned two Iron crosses and other medals and got gassed (ironic) that does sound pretty interesting
Sadly most of the Shit was more of an experiment and not actually usefull (Maus panzer and railway guns for example)
>Nazi megastructures
Not sure If you can watch, but think you can find all the episodes on youtube
Another good doco is WW2 in Colour
>Essential Sup Forums viewing
>No Mr Death
Before reality TV became the norm, this film takes it to it's logical conclusion.
Powerful and funny.
>Muh Christianity is redpilled
As if there aren't a bunch of Hollywood turds about you pussies already
The bible is 'The RedPill'.
>note I didn't say Christianity
>not actually useful
The investment of time and resources in the channel Islands was a mistake, I mean who would attack the CI? It was not strategically important, but Hitler insisted an attack would come via there, implying we would fly our bombers and sail our ships into that sort of firepower.
And Italy really really cost you, and declaring war on the US didnt help, nor did attacking Russia.
In the end you bit off more than you could chew, which is weird becuase you had it in you to decimate all of Europe without breaking a sweat, but Hitler was a terrible strategist and couldn't delegate or take criticism from his Generals .
Next time Germany and UK fight on the same side, I wont want to fight Germans ever again.
Germans are largely incapable of fighting now (politically). The old east still has some balls, but they're not in power....