Bonjour to all my french brothers (and those who live in a francophone country)
This thread is for discussing political and news events regarding France. This is the first OP so it didn't have link for the moment, if this thread grow smoothly I'm sure we'll make something better.
You can speak French but please prefer using English for a better visibility and understanding of our non-french-speaking anons.
Mélanchonistes btfo
What your stance about this labor code reform ?

Other urls found in this thread:


Baguette. J'adore la baguette

Oui c'est bon la baguette


Remplace Clinton par Macron

No real opinion on it, so bump

Bonjour, mes amis.

Yeah he deserve such end, I hope he'll continue to piss of the army. Eventually we could have a coup, it would be great.
Speaking of the military, do you think Opération Ronces is real ? ripostelaique.com/operation-ronces-bien-sur-que-ce-plan-existe.html

Bonjours frère burger

capture the flag you fucking lazy cunts

je ne parle pas francais mais jadore baguette. Comment dit-on poo poo pee pee?

caca pipi

caca caca pipi pipi

It's still ongoing,yesterday a group of frenchanons met some members of a french forum at Nantes to see what we can do. A guy has a friend who train falcon, so there is a plan to train a falcon to get the flag, it would be pretty awesome if they are successful

paris is the most nigger city

butter that baguette and stick it into your ass, you pédéraste

show your real flag cunt


Lol, really? That is just.... unfortunate.

I don't have many knowledge in economy but I think this reform is good. After decades of socialism which destroyed our economy and market, someone new like this reform can only give good results.

something, not someone

guerre raciale.


>(the socialist party in france is a ultraliberal party that only cares about the rich)

Stupid Goy , You are Directly going to american way

Federalism surrounded by sub-humanity

unaffordable housing , a high cost of living , bubble in Housing market/stock market
money printing and illegal immigration Decrease wages

And most of babies are non-white babies

Sound like America isn't it?


who knew that West Baby boomer generation fuck it up entire Western country and white race

are you a gook or whiteboi?

fag general

Assez tôt j'espère, mais je préfèrerais q'elle ne se déroule pas en même temps qu'aux US. Si jamais elle commence là bas j'aimerais pouvoir les aider, et en même temps pouvoir m'entraîner aux armes, dans tout les cas je compte passer par l'armée après mes études

Des gens qui ont regardé l'emission politique avec mlp hier soir? Vous en avez pensé quoi?

J'ai pas pu malheureusement, je regardais Richard Spencer, résumé ?

Vous me regrettez maintenant ?

Does Canada count as a Francophone country?
>full of leaf faggots
>high school level french
>worthless as a pile of fucking shit
>hates America
Keep in mind that 2/3 of the country wants to shove all of Quebec into a giant oven, especially all the Haitian niggers in Cuntreal.

J'aurais largement préféré qu'il gagne

Québec oui.

This thread is for discussing political events in France (and at a lesser extent francophone countries) So even, spaniard can post here, if it's about France and others francophone country. But I guess you can count as one

Assez tôt? DU genre 10 ans?

Ouais, histoire que j'ai au moins le temps de me préparer

Why would I waste time watching that cosmopolitarian retard, she's done

He would have done jack shit, look how he went on his knees before the journalists and compare it to Macron. It's the funniest thing actually, leftards voted out the guy because of economic policies he would never have applied and they instead chose the other guy who will not only pass the laws but also throw a bucket of shit on their heads

quelqu'un a de la weed par hasard c la galere chez moi?

Fillon aurait fait pareil que Macron
il faut surtout que plus de gens apprennent la vérité
le vent a l'air de tourner mais c'est dur de jauger le réel niveau de conscience
surtout que je regarde quasi 0 média francophone

Can I get a quick rundown on Macron?

Heard some conflicting opinions about him here. Like that he is most definitely a reptilian in man's skin but not as globalist as people made him out to be. Is he /ourguy/?

A Japanese friend told me yesterday that now Japanese politicians like Abe use France as an example why you need to control strictly immigration. Like they say "look how bad it is in France, there is too many strangers, this is why we can't accept refugees". Supreme shame.

I don't really know, I'm more aware of what's happening in America than France, but I do think that we're far more cucked than the US unfortunately... Maybe it's because I go to university and the fact that there're a majority of antifa and commies

TG sale nègre
Va au Maroc si tu veux fumer, déchet

Yeah truly shameful.... And I don' think something'll change democratically, we need a coup or a revolution.

>Is he /ourguy/?
absolutely not, I'd gas him first for the cringe alone
anyone telling you Macron has anything to offer is either a shill or a retard

He surprised me some times, but I don't trust him at all, he's a fucking globalist cunt, he's equal to melanchon in my eyes. They need to end hanged in a basement

Je sais pas, ça me paraît un peu proche, je dirai plus 40/50 ans. Et je ne vois pas une grosse guerre civile mais plutôt un long conflit avec plein de petits événements.

Who is /ourguy/ in France? Was it just Le Pen or was there someone else?

Yep... Even the normies in Japan say that a lot of area in Paris are not France anymore. They make tourists maps with the area you have to avoid. But if a French says such thing it's like he is a vile nazi. I think it's too late for this city.

It's caca pipi, not caca caca pipi pipi

For me le Pen juste rules for her and her family. It's just like a business for them, they don't care about French and France.

Bien sur que non, Fillon était même supprté par Henry de lesquen.

uni too, most people are braindead but I've seen a few hinting at their skepticism regarding WW2 official history
it should keep growing I'm doing everything I can to encourage it
why do you care?
unfortunately he did a shit score
argument imparable

Yep Asselineau was truly our guy.
youtube.com/watch?v=zF0L8kS9wiY but this was gold, he should has said "They're not a fixed price for an aircraft carrier'' (and this is true)

C'est un truc de gaucho la weed

Un homme d'honneur ne consomme pas ces merdes

En dictature fasciste, comme à Singapour, la consommation de drogue est sévèrement réprimé, et le trafic est puni de la mort.

is cannes kill? give it to me gentle bros

I have a french last name but bright orange hair, whom do I die for, I want to kill so badly!

1968 France is dead, deal with it "khey"

any anons know what Toulouse is like nowadays? lots of crime and migrants? used to live there

If you want to tell, what's your last name? I'm curious
"Khey" ? What bullshit is that

Japan is a shit country, they don't have anything to say.
France may have niggers but at least you aren't lobotomized wageslaves.

>Khey" ? What bullshit is that
It's a word that young french use to say brother.
I have french friends and they all use it.
It seems that it comes from arabic

Yeah but the majority of us are lobotomized degenerates cunts and left leaning

the japanese could outlive all of us by 1000s of years and they would still never create another france, it's as simple as this

Ridiculous, like these mongrel that use "wallah" or "wesh". Burn them with fire

bump, come on please

le suisse qui perd sa neutralité de oui mais manière anonyme bien sur...

France doesn't deserve a general until they get the damn flag down.

Sorry my friend, I've never been to Toulouse but I guess it's the same as the other big cities unfortunately. Surely filled with shitskins now

I hadn't seen that
what a shit journalist
>C'est un truc de gaucho la weed
définis gaucho
>Un homme d'honneur ne consomme pas ces merdes
pourtant, je suis là
>En dictature fasciste, comme à Singapour, la consommation de drogue est sévèrement réprimé, et le trafic est puni de la mort.
sans dec
et ça va empêcher les gens de consommer?

>no mlp no fillon no socialists and fuck macron
tu propose quoi ? asselineau ?

Pour tout les ptits jeunôts sur ce thread, laissez moi vous dire qu'il existe un problème dans le monde, et la France est au coeur de ce problème. Ce problème c'est la "judéo-maçonnerie" (judeo-masonry in english).
Faites vos recherches si vous ne me croyez pas.

ptit docu en rapport a la judéo-maçonnerie :

un film sorti en 1943 qui explique l'ampleur du problème

>TL;DW :
>ils ont infiltrés tout les partis politique
>les deux faces d'une même pièce

Si vous avez des questions j'essayerais d'y répondre

>get the damn flag down

Ne t'en fais pas mon frère je suis bien au courant, comme pour les jésuites dans l'église Catholique. J'ai lu les Protocoles des Sage de Zion et ça m'a ouvert les yeux. Et bien sûr, nous ne gagnerons pas notre liberté par la démocratie

thanks user, i probably knew that already but i wanted to have hope. at the least, we have the memories

Asselineu obvioulsy
he probs won't win but he's still the best choice
>Pour tout les ptits jeunôts sur ce thread, laissez moi vous dire qu'il existe un problème dans le monde, et la France est au coeur de ce problème. Ce problème c'est la "judéo-maçonnerie" (judeo-masonry in english).
are you for real?
why do you think we're here?

not as many as in Paris/Montpellier/Marseille (%), but still quite many, especially gypsies

Art de faggot

fuck sake, thanks user. what's the place to go now? or is it the same everywhere?

proposition de thread theme :
- youtube.com/watch?v=QGCWR9xeg1c
- youtube.com/watch?v=wlogKJhiGOQ
- youtube.com/watch?v=9loIw0dI9n4

wtf is this though?

Did you heard about mohammed merah ? pic attached (google it). There's many muslims over there

The countryside is still nice user

Bon choix !
youtube.com/watch?v=h8taVLnAS2A celle la est bien aussi en chant militaire

He is probably talking about that "he will not divide us" flag which is actually in france

well, hard to say, since the most people get used to see shitskins everywhere.

Bayonne area might fit you, it's definetely less infested

Its in central paris. A man fucking a goat, and behind gim, if you look closely, you’ll see another man sucking some bull’s dick.

yes, i was there at the time, i was only 16 though. maybe i just didn't notice how bad things were

of course, i was just wondering where all the middle-class people go to avoid being robbed, planning on taking my gf there to reminisce, don't want to ruin it with a truck of peace etc

damn I didn't know that
how are we supposed to do it though?

Goyim usually take a long time to realize they re fucked.

I propose none, the most competent lad is a globalist fuck (Macron). You might shit talk him for being a globalist puppet which he is, still the manner he is handling the presidency makes him far superior than his predecessors and candidates that opposed him. Fillon for instance we all know to be a fucking cuck, he let Sarkozy cuck him, he backtracked on several bills as a Prime Minister and he let the journalists throw mud at his family. Macron on the other hand broke the commies and unionists and I'm fairly certain he will pass every economic policies he said he would (which is good), his diplomacy is fairly reasonable and again a step ahead of all the other retards.
Still the problem is not having a good president or not, the problem is deep rooted in our country and one man alone won't change it.

It is in front of Pompidou, I don't think it is still there

>Sup Forums : zionist, kike, hebrew ...
>me : judeo-masonry
Je suis spécifique, tu y vois un problème ? Y'a un moment ou faut commencer à pointer du doigt les responsables, j'ai jamais vu quelqu'un parler du grand orient de france ou de la grande loge nationale de france ici.

thats actually a great idea user, thanks for that

That one is actually from Germany and the centre Pompidou bought it (the artist contacted the Louvre but they told him to fuck off)

Here is a capture the flag idea. Use a laser to burn the flag from the flag pole.
If you use a decent adjustable tripod to aim the laser you should be able to make it accurate enough to burn the flag off the pole even without a really strong laser. As for retrieving the flag, if you can't just get in manually after it's fallen, then you can try using a drone and some string to retrieve it. Have the drone fly a piece of light, but strong, string with a loop on it up to the flag pole. Place the loop over the pole so that it forms a zip line to your location. There should be another piece of string attached to the first piece in a way that allowed it to move freely along its length. The free end of that string should have a hook on it so you can use the drone to hook the fag with it. When the flag is burnt free by the laser it will then zip line to your location.

I noticed that but...
>praising a traitor
j'étais au courant des 33 degrés avant d'arriver sur Sup Forums
j'imagine que les gens savent déjà ici aussi

......... so when will you frenchies gonna do the dirty work of physically removing the jews, the muslims, and the niggers?

>btw an interesting thread about a time traveler told us that France will host the most bloodshed of shitskins in the 2020s

what areas are the most fucked now?

good idea but why not just burn the flag?
and record it too

hon hon hon oui oui baguette hon hon

>the problem is deep rooted in our country
hence my post about judeo-masonry. I agree with you that we need more than a president to do so, although uncle Adolf alone almost did it.

let's share the idea with 18-25

soon I hope
we don't have the numbers yet I'm afraid, a lot of people are still terrified at the thought of someone calling them racist or whatever
I try to fight that by being as politically incorrect as I can but there's much more work to be done