Do self-proclaimed racist whites have a fucked up childhood?

I think a lot of people have a tough time feeling empathy for whites because they live in first world countries.

What could have caused self proclaimed racist whites and supremacists such grievance that they would curse at their fellow man with hate and malevolence?

Hate is learned and passed down one generation to another, but it manifests in other ways as well

Not all is sunshine in westworld. Those who hurt the most are hurt the most. Over 50% divorce rate in white America. I think this is the biggest proponent of the rage of white youth who are being recruited by stormfront and other WN groups.

I think the next would be abuse or neglect. And lastly, loneliness and sexual frustration.

I do not believe for a second that any sane and happy person could harbor such ill will toward others.

I would like to hear some of your stories to better understand my fellow man.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_law_of_headlines

Sure you would

>reddit spacing
>horse picture
>(((my fellow white man)))

Yeah, people who've been taught maths and can understand stats are racist! BTFO!



"Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no."'s_law_of_headlines

it's the other way nigger, it's you growing up without father and having crazy feminist mother, who is completely deluded with fucked up chlidhood.

eat a cock dumb nigger faggot


I understand it is hard to face your demons, but maybe saying what happened here anonymously will help alleviate their weight.

I just want the third worlders to FUCK OFF.

>inb4 not HUHWITE
I became well and truly racist after having to live in college dorm when I studied in UK exposed to pakis and blackies and their behaviour when authorities are nowhere near.

The blacks dont have a website vowing for murder etc.

I got molested :(

Is that what an attractive black girl is to most people? Cause I have yet to see one that's... ya know.... actually attractive

What happened, what did they do. I get very angry when some brown person with a silly accent tries to act tough. you can tell me.

>I would like to hear some of your stories to better understand my fellow man.
Go to Korea and China, ask them what they think about Japan.
Then go to India and ask them about Pakis.
Then go to Africa and talk to them about Chinks.

Hate is love. Hate is life.

keep up the shilling retard, it'll pan out for you one day

reminder that this "black" girl has a white daddy and only looks hot because of this genetic fact

Sorry to hear that user, that sounds terrible. I hope you find closure and clarity.

Pffft... Only reason for this is them being stupid niggers. /saged

Gas yourself, fucking kike

Shes attractive to me, I love her legs and even her stretch marks on her ass. I am honestly happy to live in a world where I am lucky enough to have such a wide selection of beautiful women from all different cultures to choose from. I feel lucky to be a man.

No, it's because blacks are animals.

meine nieger, pls
even jews came to the conclusion that well adjusted people from stable traditional families tend to be anti-semitic and recognize out-groups competing with them.(Authoritarian personality)
that's why they kept pushing multicultural society/promoting degenerate sex life/single mothers/feminism to break traditional nuclear faimly - so most of the society is fucked up in the head and they don't notice who rules over them.

I grew up in South Africa where the nation is 85% niggers. Not even american niggers but feral bush niggers. You try coming from there and not being racist.

Niggers have an abundance of entitlement but a lack of respect.

keep up this shilling, it'll pan out for you guys one day

who is this fluid druid?

Niggers will complain about racism, but will follow whites from neighborhood to neighborhood to live with them.

It could be her mother but I dont really agree with the sentiment. I think beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Niggers make up a small minority if the nation and account for over half of the violent crime.

Niggers rape and rob with little no value of human life, except their own.

Niggers will complain about institutional racism, but most work in GOVERNMENT JOBS.

everyone is a racist, you included you fuck

Im just talking to my fellow man.
Perhaps, perhaps you have another story to share.
Russian girls are beautiful. I love the hapa look.
Do you know any blacks by name?

Yeah the Zionists are perpetrating crimes against humanity using MK ultra tactics, but its self proclaimed racists who are falling for that pride and wrath Jew.
How has this effected your life?
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Niggers will only become active in the community if their race has something to gain with MINIMAL EFFORT required on their part.

If Democrats are so smart, and most niggers vote democrat, why are black neighborhoods piles of shit?

Racism is created by crime statistics and knowing or seeing or being a victim to it, you want to stop racism, stop acting like dumb violent savages.

Niggers will scream about white supremacists, but come out in droves to support black murderers, rapists, and thugs.

I was raised extremely comfortably, not many problems. No divorce, not a lot of deaths, no creepy uncle, no drugs.

I'm not racist either. But not I'm not stupid enough to deny IQ statistics when it comes to race.

I sure do.

Unlike blacks, I've spent years of my life helping predominately black neighborhoods.

Then I woke up to the fact that they are the animals they are.

Thats sad user and I sympathize for their families, but punishing all black people for the crimes of the worst will only lead to the same thing happening for your own people. This came to me in an epiphany. The change has to start with yourself.

For me, it helps to trust in a higher power to punish evil in this life or the next.

>punish all black people

LOOK AROUND. Do blacks look like they are being punished in this country?

They are THRIVING and being EMPOWERED.

i hope a pack of niggers show up in your home and rape and murder your family.

They usually grew up around minorities so yes theyve had difficult childhoods

I can related user, I did habitat for humanity and some blacks stole the tools we were using to help build affordable housing in the inner city.

However, another time I was in 711 and dropped my wallet with 50 dollars in it. A black kid a few years younger then me picked it up and returned it.

One time my house was on fire and many blacks lined up to point and laugh as I fought to put it out. My white nieghbors just stared. The first person to help was a black cab driver, and the second a sikh with a turban.

die nigger

How long will blacks be a victim?

Until there is one lone white man living in northern Alaska?

Blacks will go there and kill him, because god forbid the white man have one place to himself.

Whites ended slavery in our countries, at the expense of white lives.

Yet slavery still exists in Africa.

Why would you wish that on someone? What troubles you?

Ive lurked here for a long time user, and I often see people make mosts on how they never interact ever with blacks, hardly ever see them so to speak.

I understand, eugenics, the greater good. It just doesnt sit right with my moral compass. Live and let live for me.

>be me grow up in nice white town
>not a racist
>graduate from college move to city to get a job
>black guy breaks into my car
>black guy tries to carjack me
>black guy rapes a woman I work with
>my gf can't go to the mall alone because of black guys
>cop neighbor gets shot and killed by black guy
>black guys shoot each other everyday

yea I'm kinda racist now

Nothing, this happening will be good for you, it will allow you gain a deeper understanding of the topic. after, you will be enlightened.

went to school with blacks and mexis

that was all I needed

I am not God. I will not spare a city for there being one good person in it.

That being said, I don't want to kill all niggers. I just want them to be separated out of our society, if not moved elsewhere. They can have an entire coastline of the US for all I care, but they stay there.

Becareful user. There are powerful forces at work working to dim your light. Dylan roof engrossed himself with images like that before he murdered innocents. That is what MK ultra does.

If you go to pornhub, there are videos about turning whites into sissys for bbc. Its not black doing it. Its the zionists. Dont fall for the wrath jew user.

>how they never interact with blacks

Yeah, out of choice. I picked the career path I did to encounter/work with the least amount of blacks possible.

The fact that whites have a higher IQ than blacks has nothing to do with morality. Why are you letting your moral compass dictate facts?

Let your moral compass dictate how you deal with human beings, not which facts to believe in.


I hate jews, but I hate blacks more for not having the mental capacity to realize they are puppets and being used.

Hard to make that realization when you're being ecouraged to be criminals, degenerates and parasites. Hard to wake up when you're being subsidized not to.

oh and what images to blacks engross themselves with before they murder innocents enmasse you fucking retard. and pornhub turning whites into sissys, that sounds suspiciously more like a personal fantasy of yours. is pornhub also why blacks all turn gay for the stay when they are in jail? the hoods dirty secrete, those thug niggers play wifey in lockup.

Some time after visiting pol I wen out with my mates to the bar. It was packed. This larger black shoved me when I tried to get through. I was mad but didnt start anything because I didnt want to get stabbed. But soon after, this douchey white kid takes the hat off my head and adjusts it for me. Both condescending acts. However It would be silly for me to attribute the experience to every black and white person I met afterward.

they probably grew up around blacks

I would race mix with that woman.

Just go to pornhub and search hypnotize, I was just tryna get my rocks off, but every fucking video was some weird MK ultra sissy cuck shit. Defeinitly a sinister agenda.

I relaxed around blacks when i was 9 and got pushed down two flights of stairs in school and had my sneakers stolen while i was gasping for air, they called me such things like "pinky" and "whitey" and after that they started playing a game canned "get pinky" which was like tag except there were 5 of them and the objective was to catch and beat me.

Caught one of them alone in the bathroom once and put his head through a sink. They stopped bothering me after that.

it must have worked on you already.

But high IQ people ARE more moral. It takes real intelligence to understand the value of morals. A high IQ society is a peaceful one, think about it. All crime ridden countries are low avg IQ shitholes, more or less.

>reddit spacing
>self proclaimed racist whites and supremacists
you have to go back, Paco

I was insinuating your peers here take it to the next level with forced sterilzation etc but I can see how you didnt make the connection.

I think we are all being used.

Yes. I watched nigger culture and kike degeneracy seep into and destroy white families. Empathy doesn't matter, only white people have empathy, it doesn't exist anywhere else in the world, not in Africa where they fuck newborns to cure their aids, not in China where people die like insects in the road, not the India where they shit in the neighbor's lawn, not in the middle east where they buy and sell children for brides.

Empathy is white concept, and it is well, a well that has run dry.

"intelligent" people are capable of abstract and lateral thinking but they use the tools they are taught to process information.

Which means if they're shielded from reality and taught an ideology incompatible with reality they can still self destruct, and being intelligent usually makes the self destruction more damaging.

Kek i like this guy

I wouldn't be comfortable with sterilizing anyone besides convicted pedos desu.
Personally, I think black folk should be allowed their own country in proximity to the U.S., they've worked hard enough in this country to be allowed a chance at finding identity, if they so desire.

you dont have to there a crime statistics to see what is more likely... thats the point.
No amount of willfully pretending reality is a disney movie will change that.

That is all based on your preconceived ideas of how "the smart people" are. What you are talking about are sheltered types, which is just a subset.

Experience was different for me user. There was a bigger white kid who tried to bully me. One day he caught me in the bathroom. I had a pencil in my hand. He went to grab me or something and I accidentally stabbed him a little in the chest. It wasnt that bad and purely accidental, but drew blood and went through his shirt. He didnt need stitches or anything. But he never messed with me again.

>r*ddit spacing
>jewish projection
back to /r/Israel with you

It was more like I had an excellent upbringing, and I don't like seeing change, imo, for the worst, as I want my children to enjoy the same childhood I had without the place turning into south africa in a generation. I'm not even racist, I'm against a race-baiting media and the brackets agenda.

>I wouldn't be comfortable with sterilizing anyone besides convicted pedos desu

>feed them and house them
>they do nothing but spend their time fucking and asking for more free shit
>they don't kill each other fast enough to offset the reproduction speed

They won't stop reproducing and producing dependents so if they want gibs they should be penalized or sterilized.

Kinda of, the highest IQ's rule the world, and they are pedophiles, murderers, and betrayers of mankind.

>we're all being used

Oh? Where are the daily killings of black women by white men I'm not seeing?

i would have just whooped your ass, what a pussy afraid of a little blood.

then I would have taken it a step further and reported you for stabbing me.

That's a bit speculative. Both parts.

They can do what they want in their countries. Whites built the West. It is our inheritance and destiny.

kweenz are my weakness, can confirm met plenty of decent shitskins in my city and they're somali but perhaps they are quite different to american blacks and have a higher work ethic and assimilation rate

I don't know man. I had a fucked up childhood and I'm not a racist. I've been treated in a racist manner by others though. I don't agree with the concept of just blindly being a dick to people just because of their race. Sup Forums seems to think that if you aren't a full retard tier racist, you must be a full retard tier "REFUGEES WELCOME" globalist traitor. People aren't that black and white.

Why do people keep replying to these shit threads? They pop up all the time and are clearly just there to derail and bait. Probably some lefty fag thinking hes gonna get some ammunition from the responses.

"Hur hur r u alt rite cuz ur virgin?"

Just let these threads die.

I was a rich kid who grew up in a white, rich neighborhood and went to school with other white and rich kids. I had it really good growing up until my mom fucked over my dad for no reason other than to fuck him over I guess, she divorced him and made us poor.
Any way when I was 12 I witnessed one of my new "friends" (read as: shitskin) stab one of our other "friends" over a Pokemon Yellow game. He died and I didn't care, on that day I realized I was racist and exactly why I was. Because this kind of shit is common amongst shitskin, they'll beat each other up and murder for no reason other then they can.

I've literally saged every reply I've made.

you built nothing yourself, you can't piggy back on what 3-4 generations earlier did, it's as bad as the niggers claiming they built the country from being slaves


I think we became friends later. I got in actual fights with blacks too. I know all the reasons you could hate them for. That school was 53% black. in time, I learned to forgive them for what they did. I realized my life was great. Maybe they werent as lucky, maybe thats why they lashed out. I think if I went back I could avoid a lot of those problems just by being cool.

Most Whites don't hate blacks at all, because most Whites don't have to deal with them, so they only feel a mostly theoretical disgust. However, if Whites are forced to encounter blacks on a regular basis then their natural disgust will harden into hatred, and why not?


I grew up next to and with niggers.

Somalis are caucasoids like pic related. Cant deny Caucasoid aesthetics.

Idiot, niggers don't build or persevere anything.

It's because niggers are bae people who shoot/rob/rape/steal and then act like their on the same level that whites are. It's a joke. Niggers are a joke

the ones that can afford the plane to travel have to have a higher work ethic

I'm pretty sure most came on a boat

But to mandate such a thing calls for terrible violence. The idea will be met with untold resistance, black and white. I understand the need for an ethnostate for whites. Being that your genetics are recessive. I hope it comes down to a civil solution.