why you should buy bitcoin
Why you should buy bitcoin
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And shouldn't buy paper gold.
Paper """"gold"""" is total BS. Also:
>7 transactions per second
Good luck keeping up with the growing popularity.
you realise the graph is showing if the paper gold market collapsed today a bitcoin would be worth $438000
>if the paper gold market collapsed the market cap of BTC would increase by 70 times
Sure m8. Which crystal ball do you own?
>reliant on fiat
Only peados and Russians buy bitcoin
bit coin litterally i valued in a all fiat currencies, without the fiat, bitcoin would be worthless, i was just scrolling through and saw your retarded comment and it took all of 3 seconds of critical thinking to come to this obvious conclusion. i guess i cant be too hard you, blacks lack the critical thinking and you are a bong after all
There's a difference?
literally everything is valued in fiat, does that mean literally everything is a ponzi?
If Bitcoin is so revolutionary, why is it priced in fiat dollars?
because its a scam
Pay no attention to these nocoiners. This is just their coping mechanism
cryptoniggers need to fuck off to their containment board
Jokes on you. I bought link and odn
Btc with gold manipulation
& what is that manipulation?
invest in copper & silver
looks fucking cool
you can price anything with anything you like. If you price bitcoin in usd it's not apparent that it hasn't stopped growing exponentially.
If you price bitcoin in gold adjusting for paper gold it turns out 1 bitcoin has the purchasing power of $438,000 usd dollars
All art is a text book ponzi scheme then. And it just keep increasing and increasing in value every century... but hey, unfortunately it's just a ponzi scheme you didn't invest in. Not all ponzi schemes go bust. Just look at a Van Gogh or a Picasso. Both had ZERO value in the beginning and NO PRODUCTION VALUE yet here they can be found at at Sotheby's for hundreds of millions a piece. Who define's what is valuable wins. The plebs still haven't figured that out yet...
If 1btc = $438,000, what makes you think it's use has any value outside of the financial markets? Only giffen goods tend to be a commodity traded in btcs.
>money laundering
For bitcoin to become big it needs companies with innovative CFOs. At the moment it's just a massive circle jerk of traders feeding of each other's hype, that's why /biz/ is full of autists shilling their stupid fucking coins
Bitcoin is a market based purely on speculation of future prices.
And nobody buys it to use as a currency (except for token uses which are about as common as barter), so it's really just a commodity.
It isn't just tulip mania, it's tulip mania while pretending that it's a currency.
>disregards a man who spent his life in the financial sector
>is a neet investing in bitcoins based on hype an news instead of his on research
This is why people think you're fucking stupid
you think i care what you think?
Yeah, but without fiat it would be valued against gold. That's the point you fucking faggot.
Not caring what others think of you is the reason you'll stay dirt poor, peasant
All currencies are textbook ponzi schemes, despite the fact that legal money is state enforced.
Legal paper is better.
I've been buying and holding btc since 2012, sure wish I wasn't poor though!
this is a boomer free board laddio
I don't care how many bitcoins you have faggot, brag more when you have it in cash like a stud
Ummm, no sweetie.
I just bought a flat with 100% cash (im 23), started with around £5000, and that was only 1/4 of my stack
How do you plan to sell your 53 bitcoins?
good to watch to know when you will become one of the richest people on the planet
localbitcoins, where i bought them.
those 53 were just the fiat i had made selling btc +$100
>wasting btc on real estate before the global property markets collapses
mate don't be retarded
you can use crypto as collateral for a loans now
use someone else money to buy property and only break off as much crypto as needed to keep up to date on the repayments
that way you can get your foot in the property market plus keep your btc for when it's waaaaaay more valuable
yeah you're right, but I don't like the idea of debt or living with my parents
>these graphs show that BTC is undervalued
>and totally not that the USD is overvalued
Why is "paper gold" even allowed to exist.
Why can't they just do "paper Bitcoin"??
when you're in the rat race debt is a crushing, life destroying weight
when you're rich debt is just a tool
mega rich people always use someone else's money. that's why they're mega rich.
Why not? Physical gold is troublesome for trading so people instead trade notes that you can supposedly redeem for real gold. The problem isn't that it's paper gold. The problem is that there is dozens of ozs of paper gold for each oz of actual gold.
>buy bitcoin now that it is expensive
Yeah sure.
Give OP a break. He bought at a bad time and now he's trying to convince random anons on the net to do the same mistake so his asset appreciates.
a great deal of art is a scam - a small group of artists and their promoters have been ramping up prices for modern art for decades - establishing reputations and constantly inflating prices . when Saatchi's warehouse burned down with supposedly hundreds of millions of pounds worth of art no one could actually remember what any of the pieces of his collection looked like. there was no public outcry at the terrible loss - it was just a pile of shit that the art market had inflated.
you can go into any junk shop and find crap paintings from fifty or a hundred yeas ago - any auction room and get a portrait of someone from 300 years back for a few tens of pounds - most art has not increased in value with age.
it is just the fashionable and the famous. so if you think bitcoin is going to stay fashionable and stay a modern goldrush/flash in the pan/bubble that never bursts, feel free to "invest" but since it has no real world roots for value, only an artificial demand and fashion value.... I will stick to real money...