Why do so few anime benefit from being in HD aside from the older ones? Most aren't even animated above 720p. What shows look good enough to justify watch in HD, let alone 1080p?
Why do so few anime benefit from being in HD aside from the older ones? Most aren't even animated above 720p...
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guys, is there a fucking english subbed episode 38 yet?
I'm still hoping for a BD of the original series. I mean it is their 20th anniversary.
How would they even release a dubbed version? Fuck watching it in moon. It'd be fucking weird.
end yourself
The DVD one looks the best IMO. The colouring on the Blu-ray is just too weird.
Most of stuff go HD in 2007/08 when it comes to digital anime, almost everything from 2000+ until that point is SD cancer
Some things looks decent like GitS SAC or Planetes which is actually in HD and they spend fuckton of money to make it that way
>Why do so few anime benefit from being in HD aside from the older ones?
I really don't know how many 1080p blurays are upscales, but most modern ones look great at that resolution, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.
>tfw no blu ray for indigo league
Oh well, there's something nostalgic about watching it like this anyway.
Older animes were shoot on 8mm or 16mm films.
When you do the HD remaster you take the original film and you rescan it.
New anime is rendered 100% digitally and the master video files have a fixed resolution.
Most anime from the early 2000s where rendered at 480p or 720p so that shows can only been upscaled with filters.
Wouldn't they have to redraw everything outside of the 4:3 box anyway? That would be a massive amount of animating to do.
>tfw anime lost original film
>dubfags on Sup Forums
No? Are you retarded? 16:9!=HD.
You can still have a show that's 1080 have a 4:3 ratio. it's just sized differently at 1440x1080.
>not watch Pokemon dubbed for max nostalgia
Fuck's wrong with you, boi?
>muh nostalgia
But whenever they make a BD of older shit, it's always in 16:9 when it was 4:3 before.
Pokemon is one of the anime you just watch dubbed, user. You just do it.
Literally kill yourself, newfag.
i like the HD quality
newer dbs episodes have been looking good desu
Just because SEED HD and Dragonball were cropped doesn't mean most anime BDs are cropped. I'd argue 80-90% of pre-2000 BDs are not cropped.
Why am I having a hard time finding DB rips that display the whole picture?
>GaoGaiGAR got a BD
Been meaning to pick this up.
Because it was a shit transfer? Did you not read my post? Dragonball's BD were cropped. Just because Dragonball, and SEED got fucked up doesn't mean every other series gets fuck. Watch more shows.
It looks great, although bunnyhat hasn't touched them in like five months. So only episode 1-13 or so are encoded/subbed.
Was DB even released in Japan?
Pokemon lost the original film masters?
As someone with strong nostalgia for dubbed Pokemon pre-TPCI, it's frankly nowhere good enough for me to prefer it dubbed as it still suffers many of the same problems every 4Kids dub suffers from.
You low-standards-having asshats are the reason these kinds of shows very rarely, if ever, get subs at all. I don't care if it's a kids show, we shouldn't have to settle for old butchered dubs because M-MUH NOSTALGIA, take off the rose-tinted glasses already.
You're literally watching pokemon. Fuck off.
>It's Pokemon therefore it's acceptable!
Fuck off nostalgia fag
Why watch anything above 360p if that's your attitude.
Why are people so fond of the Indigo League arc, out of curiosity? Ash was arguably worse then than he is now, his higher losing streak aside.
>Gets the Boulder, Cascade, Marsh, and Rainbow Badges without winning battles
>Begs Blaine to give him a Volcano Badge without battling
>Beats Team Jobber for the Earth Badge instead of Giovanni
>doesn't even train a number of his Pokemon
>still bullshits through the league with the Kingler he'd never used beforehand
>loses because he failed to train his Charizard properly
>claim to watch dub for integrety and quality
>procede to say "i-i'ts just Pokemon!" when btfo
Nostalgia, genwun, etc
The first series is objective!y the worst from a writing, animation, and plot standpoint.
>Ash was arguably worse then than he is now
Not following the series, but didn't he lose the league again this time?
I remember seeing a major outrage about that.
He was worse. Current Ash is competent at least.
Most anime from like 2000-2007 looks terrible
>Current Ash is competent at least
And you fucking retards make fun of oldfags.
Well, I did mention losing streak aside. But as the other user mentioned, he was able to at least make it to the finals this time around. I think he was still in the late preliminaries when he lost to Ritchie.
holy shit
Why is it so hard for you to believe that multiple people disagree with you?
>Why do so few anime benefit from being in HD aside from the older ones?
Older anime was hand drawn on clear sheets of plastic, called cells, then placed over hand drawn backgrounds and photographed. The process of 'HDifiying' an older anime is simply going back and photographing the cells and backgrounds again with a better camera.
Newer anime (since the mid 2000s) is produced digitally. It is drawn and colored on a tablet at its native resolution. Converting it to HD involves a computer program extrapolating what its lines would look like at a higher resolution. Computer programs are getting better at this, but are still inferior to the artists original vision.
>Because it was a shit transfer? Did you not read my post? Dragonball's BD were cropped. Just because Dragonball, and SEED got fucked up doesn't mean every other series gets fuck. Watch more shows.
The one on the right is DVD rip, the one on the left is bluray rip
This is not gonna work if the entire episode of an animated show was mastered on analogue video like betamax or VHS, which is the case of 98% of american animated shows, and hence why many of these shows look horrible on DVD due to using interlaced video transfers and some of them had decayed over the years, plus bad DVD transfers, its a mess.
pic VERY related, dont believe me, look a DVD screenshots of ANY cartoon show that IS on DVD and compare
Yes I know, Do you know what a crop means?
Feel like watching old Simpsons now. It was comfy as fuck before the 2000s. Got OK again after the film came out 9 years ago.
>9 years
im dying
So did they just throw away the original cells or what? Why would anyone be so retarded
Some early 80s animated cartoons were still mastered on a master film first, THEN transferred to betamax for broadcasting, hence why they still have the traditional effects and fade ins and fade outs and no video generated effects, but then along the line, Americans figure it out that they do not need to do the hassle of editing a film print first, since they opted to, used the film trims, and instead scan them and mastering the final episode on home video, as well of adding those video generated "supers" (text and credits) as well as video transitions and fade outs, that video effect for flashbacks when the image liquefies, etc.
Also what you are thinking is not the original cels, but the film elements or film trims, that can be re-scan to HD resolutions.
Also most american shows were outsourced to many studios across the world, (mostly asia), but only the japanese might have the sense of preserving the film elements, often however americans just discarded those once the main master (the videtape) is done.
Its a lengthy subject.
Being cropped makes it look like shit though.
pokemon is shit, dont watch it
Says who?
The Achilles heel of digital processing of anime, limit of h264 and rendering.
My view point is that all shows should be scanned at 1080p to 4K as a minimum, though most studio are not equipped to handle that much amount data.