who else thinks our guy Jack should ban Trump's twitter accounts? he is spewing hate speech a lot on that platform. I'm beginning to think Twitter CEO Jack has no balls, and will block fellow liberal hollywood stars but won't block the big cheese. JACK if you're reading this, which I know you are, you are a pussy m8.
Why doesnt twitter just block Trump?
shut up retard for real serious
But user, that would make too much sense.
i think thats a fantastic idea
I will report your slide threads so badly, slimy worm, that your entire neighborhood is going to be IP-banned
Twitter is a listed company. If he does that, the shareholders are going to make jack suffer a fate worse than death.
I wish a nigga would
This, probably.
The entire news industry depends on Trump's Twitter.
What was twittergate? I'll take reasons why not for $200 Alex
Above all else, Jack is a jew. Blocking Trump would be business suicide, as the clicks/views Trump's twitter generates are keeping Twitter open. They couldn't give a shit less about politics when sheckels are involved. Also, sage goes in all fields on slide threads.
i voted for trump but now i want him jailed
>who else thinks our guy Jack should ban Trump's twitter accounts?
Twitter is already circling the drain financially. Banning the president would kill the platform.
Would start a war.
>be twitter jack
>be known for banning peo0le for exposing lies or wrong think
>one problem
>can't ban him, how will it look for the company and the profits
>even though he has wrong think
>ban him cause ooga booga and commie feels
>overnight, stock value drops 50%
>share holders call a meeting to find out what the fuck is going one
>turns out, trump was a money maker
>get relieved of position
>twitter crashes and burns, with no survivors
>next stop, faceberg
You voted for him did you?
Twitter likes Trump
I got tricked by russian disinfo information, I regret my vote
>>twitter crashes and burns, with no survivors
>>next stop, faceberg
I'am starting to like the sound of this already
OP won't get paid if he says nigger
drumpf is making twitter tons of money with his dumb ass
hes the jews dream
What a surprise, retards calling any opinion they don't like hate speech, shut the fuck up. Trump is not posting hate speech you inbred sub 50 iq retards. "But he said WALL" shut the hell up that isn't hate speech
Obvious shill is obvious
I remember reporting the pedo accounts sharing cp on twitter. Just did a jewgle search on twittergate.
These people have litteraly re-written the whole ordeal to be "latest right wing conspiracy". They are just digging their own graves at this point.
Thousands of us saw the cp accounts. These people deserve the bullet sooner rather than later.
Next stop Trump buys Twitter.
Why don't you boycot twitter instead?
Twitter is US based right? If so are they at all even allowed to ban the literal PRESIDENT of the United States?
OP can't stop sucking liberal cock
>he is spewing hate speech a lot on that platform
Hahaha only a fucking sackless bong would classify rhetorical speech as "muh hate speech". Go suck rabbi goldblatts cock some more faggot.
careful, youre going to get arrested for viewing right-leaning speech on the internet. make sure your tv license is paid too
Yes, meme twatter to oblivion!
The amount of morons in this thread who don't understand what you are trying to do baffles me.
And drop the relevancy?
Do you know how many hundreds of people literally just confine themselves to their platform because of that man?
because obviously they don't actually see his tweets as an actual issue. Just a bunch of fearmongering in the easily triggered.
Blocking Trump would redpill too many people.
Because it'll finish them.
Trump would actually have to get stuff done instead of tweeting all day.
bannin one of the most influentual people on the world right now would hurt their abillity to hold discourse. Trump makes sure plenty of retweets happen and the site has maaaany people visiting and logging in.
Because he's their most valuable Twitter account by a fuckhuge margin?
Ahahaha, a fucking britbong thinks his buttmad opinion matters in what the American CEO of an American company does with the account of a sitting US president. You haven't mattered on this continent for hundreds of years.
Fuck off and bin that spoon.
Are you that stupid? There's no hate speech coming from his twitter. You're British. Your whole country is confused about what hate speech is.
There is no such thing as "hate speech" at all. It's a leftist buzzword designed to destroy our first amendment right to free speech. There's either free speech or censorship. There is no middle ground and centrist cucks can get fucked.
>Make Myspace great again.
They'd lose how many millions of users? he'd just go to another platform.
Right. Russian disinfo give me a fkn break. Who ever is paying these retards should get better shills.
only read your title not evengonna bother reading your post
if they ban trump, trump will go to the next twitter and everyone will follow, and twitter will start losign to competition
Because if they did alt-tech sites like Gab/Minds would blow up overnight.
please do faggits.
8 years.
>implying the mods are going to do their jobs and not let this slide thread garbage stay up until it hits the bump limit
This place is dead
>This place is dead
go back to Bantz faggit.
The federal records act basically doesnt allow them to. You cant delete federal records, of which the president's personal tweets are a major grey area. And when you ban an account, you delete the tweets. This means that they risk breaking the law to delete his tweets.
twitter is a saudi company
>1 post by this ID
stop replying retards
I think we should make sure after Hillary is in prison and Barry dances on the end of a rope that Shareblue shills should be next.
Thats actually a strategy in art of the shill