What can we do to get more women into STEM?
Women are severely underrepresented in STEM fields, and girls perform worse than boys in Science and Math despite performing better in every other subject.
What can we do to get more women into STEM?
Women are severely underrepresented in STEM fields, and girls perform worse than boys in Science and Math despite performing better in every other subject.
>girls perform worse than boys in Science and Math despite performing better in every other subject.
Seems we need to fix boys if they are doing worse at more subjects than girls.
Why do we need more women in STEM? Is there a problem that needs to be solved by this?
fuck off, divide-and-conquer jew
back to Sup Forums with you
>Science and Math despite performing better in every other subject.
Science and math requires logical and critical thinking, you are given a set of rules and you create out of it.
The other subjects are just memorizing.
Connect the dots.
injecting bullshit like 'what editor is best' and 'why aren't we SJWing enough' only serves to derail everything
>what is evolutionary psychology?
>What can we do to get more women into STEM?
If they want they go, it's very authoritarian and evil of you to want to control human beings like your lab test rodents.
What can we do get more men into Psychology, nursing and teaching? Men are terribly under represented in these fields?
And additionaly how do we get more women into bricklaying, garbage collecting and plumbing? Surely their underreprentation in these jobs is a severe problem that should be adressed straight away
>What can we do to get more women into STEM?
Why is it important, why should we care? why should we invest time and resources in it?
If for once I can be provided a sensible explanation for this, I'll consider it, but I won't hold my breath, eh?
Diversity for the sake of diversity is not a valid reason, in fact it is circular reasoning. Better ask yourself, why is it that people are mindlessly pushing for this.
Why are women not pushing for more jobs in garbage collecting, or sewer work, or road construction? Oh that's right, they just want the comfy jobs without having to work for it. They want their vagina privilege. Roasties should just get necked.
Unfortunately I feel the problem inherently stems from the way men work and explore problem solving and logical thinking, men *by default* handle problems with confidence and revel in solving difficult problems, they see it as a challenge to be solved.
It's the "by default" bit which is difficult to address, men don't need to be taught to think logically and solve problems; they do it naturally which not only gives them a head start in STEM fields but gets men interested in the subjects in the first place.
I think we're already addressing the problem by teaching programming in schools, but changing the way women approach problem solving is incredibly difficult, especially the perseverance part.
How do we get more men into colleges?
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Why does that matter?
30% of women go for stem degrees. 30% of stem is women. How are they under represented? If we get to specific degrees like biology and math women are about 40-50% of the employees.
Genders are not equally predisposed to different avenues of accomplishment, what is so hard to go get ?
we're in pol
>this argument is not allowed
Image: Percentages of Bachelor's and Graduate Degrees in Philosophy Awarded to Women, 1987–2014
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B/c shut up & feminism
we are not just getting shilled left and right by Sup Forums M o Ds inoperation but we are getting shill threads thrown at us from other boards now?
You want to force women to go into STEM? You some ideoligical nutjob who wants to force rules on women or something? Fukn sexist mysgonist.
T. Actual female in STEM
Shut down art history, communications, gender studies etc and require all cunts to take stem
girls need to breed and be mothers and not fail at STEM and push out more qualified men from positions
>T. Actual female in STEM
Agree. This question has been raised as far back as the early 90s. They have spent millions of promoting STEM to women and the take up rate has hardly changes in 25 years. I just think it does not interest 95% of women.
There are tons of women that go into STEM for education. They just happen to have some of the highest dropout and major switching rates. It honestly doesn't help that a lot of the professors are old cranky dudes, I've seen some unprovoked rude behavior towards women in my classes. That being said, I've seen it happen towards men too.
>What can we do to get more women into STEM?
Nothing. They just have a lower interest in doing STEM.
We don't have ANY chimps in STEM either.
Lets put some in STEM by throwing lots of money at them.
WTF OP? You talk "science", then presume the answer is that both genders are exactly the same and decide it is a problem because they don't get the same objective results.
I mean, you're doing Anti-Science right there. Stay the fuck away from my science, you're not cut out for it.
>girls perform worse than boys in Science and Math despite performing better in every other subject.
Look at this twisted, anti-science bullshit!!
Girls do better than boys in OTHER subjects so they MUST be better in math and science than boys.
This is why OP and girls don't belong in science.
>t. Proessional school
They outnumber us by a small margin here. If it weren't for affirmative action type thinking they'd outnumber us probably 7:3.
They're quite useful at least in school - super high stress it's useful to have a "motherly" authority to work through shit.
we need people interested in STEM to get into STEM and not for some political horseshit
The push for women in STEM is to suppress wages.
>they’re aren’t enough women in STEM! Why is that?
>dunno, why don’t you ask the women who are choosing to read other subjects that aren’t STEM
>well that sounds like shaming. It’s definately the patriarchy
>so, instead of asking the women who have chosen NOT to do STEM their reasons for not doing it, you’re just going to blame men?
Essentially what I’m reading is that women have the right to chose not to study stem, but aren’t accountable for their own decisions.
There are already enough Stacys in STEM who dont give a single fuck about STEM and lack every single critical skill and only produce subpar shit, but still get a job due to gender quota.
The big majority of woman simply arent willing to sit inside the basement of their department for 10 hours every single day and devote their next 3-4 years only to learn about their field.
If it dosent involve partying every single day, fucking hot boys and gossiping, woman will never be interested in it.
>What can we do to get more women into STEM?
Women have the option to pursue any degree in any field that they choose.
That there is a substantial portion of the female demographic that chooses not to, despite the greater pay and prestige, and instead chooses to major in fields like sociology, psychology, and postmodern category studies says much worse things about women then it does about society.
That said women continue to bitch about the lack of females in STEM fields is an even worse indictment of modern women, and a compelling argument against maintaining equal rights.
Clearly the people cannot sort their shit out, and require a man to do so for them.
>we do
Not your personal army, and not wimmin's either
>Wait so Sup Forums is a dumping ground
Yes, we get a lot of crossover posters on Sup Forums that provide absolutely nothing of value, political ideologies are not technology.
There are more women promoting women in STEM than there are women working in STEM fields.
It's fucking pathetic. Imagine if there were more army recruiters than there are soldiers in the army.
What fields do women do better than men in?
Being more highly represented is not the same as doing better by the way.
Perhaps we can do some scientific studies on STEM fields.
We should find out if technology has feelings.
Or if bitching can change the course of electrons.
All this means is women are better at going to school - not actually learning and applying it.
>I've seen some unprovoked rude behavior towards women in my classes.
I doubt that. Even male teachers frustrated with how gynocentrix higher learning has become won't risk their tenure like this.
because they chose womens studies not my fault
Scientific research is already over saturated with mediocre hacks collecting paychecks, which includes nearly all of the females. More dead weight just makes it more difficult for talent to break through.
What the fuck does it matter if there isn't enough X in Y. We live in a free country no one is stopping them but themselves. Literally nothing or no one.
Perform better in other subjects huh?
What's the fuckin problem then, why don't you cry about men being underrepresented in other fields.
Give it a few more decades for the older generation to die out. Women are already a majority in biology, maybe chemistry, psychology, nursing, medicine on university campuses and the ratio is becoming more female favoured. Some disciplines like nuclear and biomedical are already like 30% female at the undergraduate level. I thinkcit becomes more even at the post graduate level
theyre the child bearing sex. why would we want them in the trades? i still dont get it.
Let people make their own decisions and not force them into something just to appease some underrepresentation hardon we are all supposed to have.
Feminists have infiltrated all the subjective courses and basically rigged them to favor women. They can't rig STEM without it being too obvious because STEM requires actual work (not just fluffy essays women are good at bullshitting, but formulas and proof).
To encourage a group would also mean to discourage another group. The only way that people can be happy is to leave jobs alone. If women are underrepresented in one group, then they're overrepresented in another. Making both sides equally represented is just going to displace people for the sake of politics. Men are better in STEM fields because men are more logical. Women are better in creative fields.
Because they aren't in the moneymaking influential positions yet, as it's all a power play. Nobody wanted to be an autistic software developer before people realized how much they make and cool tech companies started sprouting up like mushrooms.
It's not enough if women go into chemistry or biology, because it's a power grab
Don't force them, thats the point.
IF they want to join encourage them, if not don't. pretty simple.
Girls cant build shit unless men show them first.
This is more easily proven than (((climate change)))
They don't want to
Why force them?
It really doesn't you just have outliers and thats fine. I find feminism very contradicting with the whole 'u can do whatever u want' but then in the next sentence 'except a mother because that's sexism'
Kek this, i don't have niggers in my class. Only had one graduate guy help with labwork. Only nigger i saw during my whole 1.5yrs
Develop solders that melt at room temperature to prevent damage to their fragile hands....
it's simple we lower the standards of success then give everyone a degree so long as they go through the motions of minimal education effort.
Girls love STEM!
STEM is a cuck career for people too dumb for politics.
Women are the niggers of gender.
install gentoo
Real EE students pick up a soldering iron like this exactly ONCE in their life. This trick should go back to art-history. Dumb cunt.
>Women are severely underrepresented in STEM fields, and girls perform worse than boys in Science and Math despite performing better in every other subject.
It's almost as if women shouldn't go into fields in which they generally suck.
>we need to liberate women
>how do we force women to go into STEM
There is no girl underrepresentation in STEM. They are overrepresented in all other fields.
This is because boys are discriminated in any field that allows for even an inch of subjectivity in grading. This has been happening since Marxists infiltrated Education.
Remove Marxists and useless pseudosciences, and the problem will fix itself.
You can't do much more. In some fields of engineering, like chemical engeering/chemistry girls are quite well represented. But if they don't like something, or are not good enough to get in, then there's really no way around it!
Real EE students are retards?
I fucking wish I could pick up a soldering iron that close to the tip tho. Would make my solders much more precise.
thats gotta hurt
Force all women into a concentration camp of engineering where they are brainwashed to value science and technology above anything else. Problem solved.
>Girls cant build shit unless men show them first.
Sadly this is true. I've worked 15 years doing cpu design and validation. I enjoy building things, electronics, mechanical, programming. I've got 2 girls. I've tried to enstill in them a love for creativity and curiosity. Gotten them every kind of useful toy that encourages them build on their own.
I've been largely disappointed. They're not dumb kids, they pick up shit when I teach them but they have no urge to fiddle or experiment like I did when I was their age. We dont have TeeVee as the electric jew was banned from my household about 8 years ago, this forces them to read and draw but that's about it -- unless I facilitate some activity where they build or try new thigns, they largely wont do it.
I almost envy my sister who has 3 boys. But she herself is just about retarded and will probably do her best to indoctrinate them into leftist faggotry.
sigh. at least my girls will be red-pilled, they've at least inherited my sense of property rights, self defense and disdain for redistribution of wealth and handouts for the lazy. Sadly I dont expect greatness from them, just above-normal mediocrity.
>What can we do to get more women into STEM?
Nothing, if you're not good enough you don't belong there.
Chem engineer girls are shit. I work as a process at a phosphate concentration plant and ALL of them are garbage at their job which gets agreement from all of the supervisors in the morning meetings(all male by the way obviously) but we have those goddamn quotas.
Everyone makes a mistake as a beginner, nigger. Only retards fail to learn from it.
As with everything, you lower the standards
hm maybe we shouldn't take open positions away from men who actually deserve it. There's no massive conspiracy across all universities to not accept women in stem. Maybe it's just womyn niggers don't match up. You know what I want to see? I want to see more hottie plumbers. It's only males and we need to fix this now!!!! Oh that's right, womyn only want to high paying, ac comfy desk jobs. Can't wait until the womyn genocide when enough men go mgtow and artificial wombs kill off the useless nigger gender we call womyn
No, dumbshit. You hold on to the rubber part that looks like it was designed to be held onto not the metal part that gets hot.
Unless you have lived under a rock your whole life there is absolutely no excuse. If you don't know that metal conducts heat then you need to go back to the mental institution you escaped from.
But they don't want to study STEM fields. Nothing wrong with that.,
i wish stem was as easy as following instructions a la Lego
We don't, the last thing we need is another diversity hire who can't do her job and tries to get everyone else to do it further, while also having HR on speed dial to create drama every time her value is questioned or even tested. Only to eventually quit after making everything worse or or promoted to some retarded non-technical position in the department like "scrum master".
The cold hard truth is that women are shit programmers and very few actually have a mind for it. The 1% who do are social autists, indistinguishable from men aside from appearance. There's a reason why your freshman year classes had 30+ females with "Code Like a Girl" stickers on their macbooks but your senior year classes only had 1-2. There are legitimately 10x as many women promoting "Women in STEM" than thet e are female graduates.
If you want to do STEM just stick to biology, where all you have to do is memorize shit. I bet there are plenty of women in those classes.
How do we get women into marrying early and having many kids?
That's the important question.
I went to a three week course for cybersecurity. It was 36 men to 4 women. There was some prior requisites, very easy. Everywhere I go in tech where it requires hours of work and little pay, there are no women. Not because they're not hired, it's because women don't apply,
We don't need to convince women to get into STEM, we need to convince them to become mothers! Convince them to leave the job market and shrink the labor force.
EE here, I build and work with electronics all the time in my personal life, so do other members of the family in engineering. I think you just read about what EE was online. It takes a certain personality. My dad was an EE MS and taught me how to solder things when I broke a cable to my NES decades ago.
The fact is, most of us know exactly how to solder things but women EE's don't The applied side is gone,. they have no real interest in how things work. They are just basic bitches with another job. They spend their money on overpriced leather bags because it's stamped by a brand that overcharges for everything. They posture about money rather than buy quality things. I spend my money on enterprise network equipment, broken classic electronics, old audio systems. I solder things, refoam a speaker, run cuircut bias tests, and try to get the speakers to have as large of a null range as when they were new, or better. I spend my money on expensive calibration tools and rack mounted equipment. I'm better at my real job because it's also an interest. I guarantee you there isn't a female in my company in a similar job that has even spent 5 minutes at home with equipment like this.
I go to places like Skycraft a lot, I've never seen a woman there that's doing anything but looking at dumb models or pretty shit. They never look through the capcitors or tubes to find the right one. They don't apply what they know unless they need to for money.
Stock photos of "people doing engineerin' an' shiieet" always crack me up.
Ha, what the hell is meant to be going on there?
He's fixing the PSU obviously.
When I first met other EE's at work I thought I could share about some of the stuff I was into. As soon as I mentioned it they just shut down and gave one word answers or even insulted me. It was like I was talking to highschool girls about resistors. I learned to not talk about it, but I can;t even do stuff like complain that guitar enthusiasts online have no idea what they are talking about. They got mad at a remake Fuzz Face Pedal I made that had modern and accurate resistors. They won't change value in temperature and their rating is off by 1% instead of 10%. It's a better piece of hardware that more accurately represents the original in more circumstances. But I got ripped on for the parts not begin the original parts even though I have the original pedal too and this is 100% identical in a Fourier analysis.
Anyway, I mentioned that and my engineer wife will get all annoyed then go back to talking about some celebrity bullshit.
Women really are vapid as hell.
When I met female EEs. The guys I can talk to all day about this stuff and have great and engaging conversations.
I'm jealous of you being passionate about your work. Good stories though.
>What can we do to get more women into STEM?
Why would we want to do that?
Women dont' have the intellectual capacity for 90% of STEM fields.
Everyone knows this and yet everyone has to pretend that it isn't true.