New Austrian leader bans Soros from his country

"31-year-old Sebastian Kurz, Austria’s youngest ever leader, has told colleagues that action must be taken immediately, after news broke that George Soros has donated $18 billion of his $24 billion dollar fortune to his Open Society Foundation.

“The situation has become critical,” Kurz said. “Soros is throwing everything he has behind his push for global control. Misinformation and media manipulation has already increased exponentially overnight. We have no room for complacency.“

Kurz, a self-described truther who says he was “red pilled” by the 9/11 filmLoose Change, claims that he understands the Soros agenda, and “there is no way in hell this country will be his fifth victim.”

It is understood the Austrian chancellor is referring to the number of national economies Soros has crashed in order to gain enormous personal profit and political influence.

Asked why he was banning George Soros’s Open Society Foundations, Kurz said, “Because it’s 2017.“

Other urls found in this thread:

>this thread again

>Kurz, a self-described truther who says he was “red pilled” by the 9/11 filmLoose Change

That story is bs, but that was pretty funny

Big if true,
Next thing you know he'll be ousting Merkel and establishing a fourth reich

Pls be real. Gib sauce

Austrians are limp-wristed faggots. Not as worthless as the Swiss, though.

Jews are weak and semi-autonomous operators within the Vatican echelon.

its fake news but the EU is now ready to block the mediteranian sea routy fucking finally i guess austrian election was the last straw lel

Aussie Aussie Aussie.

Why do you say it's fake?


You gunless faggot

You can oppose hate speech against jews generally, and also resist global powers and big global media players. Only in cult places like Sup Forums, its seen as an impossible and hypocrite task


Hate speech doesn't exist, and no person or group should be immune to scrutiny or criticism.

so another jewish puppet nothing new

Fucking Christians ruin everything.

cant wait for moar people to realize all these alt/right niggers are crypto-kikes so we can destroy them and from their bones fashion a new movement, one of power to cause trembling

thats why we whoop your useless asses in special unit competitions

Jagdkommando > Burger tards

Literally fake news clickbait shit you stupid faggot

>Look Mom I posted it again
Kill yourself and take your fake news with you

>Banning people from your country
lol the ultimate beta move. Chads welcome any and all competition because they know they can never lose.

Who cares? I can deflect Zionism all day. It's Globalism ruining people's brains.

Come at me Cletus ya fat cunt.

Well it looks like Austria has lost it.

>Kurz, a self-described truther who says he was “red pilled” by the 9/11 filmLoose Change, claims that he understands the Soros agenda, and “there is no way in hell this country will be his fifth victim.”
yeah, sounds legit

>Daily Mail

Doesn't that faggot Soros still owe the U.S. 6 billion in backed taxes?

Sieg heil!

My body is ready!


Bump for great bread.

Good for you Australia, is there any comfy village I can visit and drink beer and bant with some local austriacs???

t. kike

new fav prez

If I was a PM that's what I would do too. Take photos with Rabbis, praise Jews excessively and remind how succesful they are by being big players in media, banking and hollywood. Nobody has to know that people like George Soros is a jew, you can just call them internationalist that are trying to subvert the nation.

This. Calling out Jews outside of Sup Forums to strangers is playing directly in the hands of Jews. You can still attack Jews by calling them by whatever other name.

Stop being a fucking LARPer you are making the situation harder

MUH JEWS are not your problem. Skrampfst is a jew and is doing much more to fix your situation than you ever have

Fucking uneducated redneck retard

>JEWS are not your problem

someone like this is president?

where's the catch? Is this a trick?

Sauce pls

All of Austria is great

>Shareblue trying its hand at fake news

this isn't even close to convincing, everyone knows the left can't meme stop trying

He wants a monopoly on cuckery. Soros is competition.

not as attractive though
Unfortunately is a known fake news site.


I mean


Oh well, in Europe the right is different, nationalism is mostly ethnic. The Spanish are niggers to me.
Varg style pan-European nationalism is a meme. Not a bad one, but not an a actual thing .

>STILL not understanding the difference between Marxist diaspora Jews and conservative Israeli Jews.

Zionism is only a major problem if you fuck goats.
It's the left wing Jewish agenda of globalism that needs to be eradicated with furious hatered.

What? Jews are fighting other jews? So they're not an homogeneous hivemind group all fighting for the same thing? Maybe I shouldn't have told that jewish baker the other day I despised him because he controlled all corporations, media and banks.

They are the same in the sense that they are both the enemy.

>It's ok to hate people merely because they were born Jewish
What's it like being literally retarded?

Sure except the bit how they threaten to nuke half the planet if their spat with the sand people goes sour.
Zionists dundu nuffin dey gud bois gettin dey life on track you antisemitic goy.

OVP would never do that.

Oi oi oi

>all jews are evil
stormfaggots are literally a cult

>it's ok to hate people merely because they were born muslim
99% of all people who defend the Jews on people treat other groups the exact same way you claim is retarded

>Because others are retarded I have to be too!
Eurocuck pls

But all jews are evil

New meme in the making?


How hard is it to immigrate to Austria?

> nnettle

fucking emperor from star wars

>“Because it’s 2017.“
The absolute fucking mad man

Jews in Israel HATE soros.

Dude you are fucking retarded if you trust Israelis or zionists. Everything bad that happened in Europe was caused by Zionist Jews and now in this century you've got some anti-Zionist Jews stirring shit up and are like "Zionists are truly our greatest ally!"

Never, EVER trust a kike. You'd have to be an actual braindead dropkick moron to do it.

Who is the shill who keeps spamming this literal fake news article from that shitty site? What do you gain for doing that?


>World leader

people forget that jews have a left/right divide just like every other nation on earth
right wing jews want Israel and to rustle arab jimmies
left wing jews want global domination through globalism and white extinction

The Soros Management Fund is doing this. It has immense wealth and continues to push George Soros agendas. However George Soros is DEAD. No one has seen him alive since October 2016. Apparently he died of heart failure.

Wow shills are really upset by this.

where is the link?

fake news.

Looks like I'm moving to Austria


Is everyone in this thread a shariablue shill? Jesus

This, you have to play the game by the rules, until you get enough power to break free

Fags, I think we may have found /ourguy/!

Fucking. Based.


lol have you forgotten where you are? Sup Forums is full of naziboos, trolls and shills posing as nazis all of who like to perpetuate the uncompromising antisemitic rhetoric for various reasons.

there are many sensible right wing people who are actually want to take practical and pragmatic steps to save our nations. unfortunately this is made harder by nazi larpers and die hard, uncompromising racists who do nothing of value their whole lives

I'm fine with Kurz as long as he doesn't push for a law that will send me back home to Croatia.

He is /our/ guy

*breaths in*

If they had nothing of value in their lives you wouldn't be shrieking about their political values. I agree naming the Jew is retarded in the modern political context of our Nationalist movements but there will come a time when it is addressed.

What you Sup Forums tards don't understand is why is this guy is so good. He operates in the normal boundaries, but he does it so cleverly that he influences others to become more redpilled.

>jews are a problem in 2017
damn dude

4d chess

Why is she wearing those headphones mirrored? I see this often with Beyers, and it bothers me.

>Sebastian Kurz
Call me crazy but he looks like a jew to me.

why do jews always come here to say 'its the other jews you should hate'
all the different kinds of kike come here to tell us to hate just the other kinds 'the bad jews'...
How the fuck can you criticize us for this when EVERY KIND of jew comes to tell us how bad the other jews are?
you just continue to prove that the only solution to the JQ is the final one. You all sense the threat and turn on eachother. You choose HERE to do it out of fear. You are afraid because you are guilty. You know we know, and are trying to get out of a punishment you know is coming. You know it will be us.

Wow, refreshing to see some actual balls from an EU country.

Guys I have a crazy theory what if maybe the jews are fighting in our side this battle, I heard their own parasites are turning against them

god speed austria


nope. Hitler understood this well. He was a friend of conservative jews who wanted to be protected from antisemitism (caused by liberal ones)

The only guy who gets it. Sometimes Sup Forums is pretty dumb.

there's not a lot of us but we're here

how about some souce?


Also you think a politician has any chance if he goes full 88. Nazism is bad for bussines, affiliation with nazism is bad bussines.
If you want to look like a benevolent nationalist you need to suck a few jews to distant yourself from "le bad Hitler nationalism "

Ivan, it's fake news. Only fringe right wing blogs are writing it.