How deep are you on this chart?
How deep are you on this chart?
Other urls found in this thread:
I only understand a few of those words...
>fuck slide threads.
All the way on the bottom: "New Age Politics" sounds like real progress but its just a bunch of fat ugly feminists in pussy hats demanding free shit
I am politically disengaged, I do not vote
I have political opinions and examine the historical political landscape, but completely uninterested in the day to day business of parliament and parties, or even who is chancellor
He means chart because I poop myself? Right?
this is literally not a slide thread because there is no such thing as slide threads you big meaty cuck
I am unironically a neo-feudalist.
Hilariously, the top strata is the most redpilled. Voting is for psychotic, power hungry hominids and complete faggots.
>Neo-Reactionary movement is insurrectionist tier
I'm Libertarian>Libertarian-Municipalism>"Pinochet did nothing wrong">Cybernihlism. With a pinch of Evolutionary Transhumanism. I'm really just in it for the spandex clad robo-booty.
>How deep are you
Balls deep
None of the above.
fuck of vanu nigger
im a normalfag.
I like that
bet your a gook to m8 filthy insects ove run any free to play game they love vs ur gay mate tr all the way
Actually I'm, German-Irish and live in upstate New York.
I play NC, but I lust after the VS infiltrator ass. Liberty or Death, but liberty is a doomed concept in the end for average humans, the average human is a sheep who will always choose shepherds and sheepdogs, so, stand apart, become more than human, Sacrifice some of your humanity for superiority and the power to choose your own rules.
ohhh so your one of them that cant aim a shotgun and have the highest team kill rate !!
I am at Pol Pot Did Nothing Wrong.
All of those are just different levels of faggots. No chart can describe the power of sky pepe.
I prefer to think I'm one of the 2% of NC that is given a bad name by the other 98%. I've been NC through good and bad all along, I do love me some shotguns, But I prefer Gauss SAWs, Reapers, Phoenix and the Titan-150.
also >cant aim a shotgun.
We can aim shotguns just fine M8, we aim them at our teammates with intent and precision.
I'm fortunately a mere normalfag. For now.
i miss him brehs
Still a long way to go
"Deep ecology" lol
Way deeper than that. I was at the enlightened level 6 years ago.
>Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn faggots
Being ancap says I'm a radical. But I also strongly believe that "Pinochet did nothing wrong". So a radically detached from society?
NC is the best.
>this base has been liberated!
Also historically illiterate
Thought, this is kind of a shitty chart. Then I realize its just another leftist meme chart.
me too senpai. I never got a Rum and Cola decal and it saddens me. Wrel is not even shitty walmart brand Higgles he's just a mediocre player with more autism that most other mediocre players.
>tfw higby hair never.
Higby plz.
>kekinism, republican, trump maga and i vote for anything that triggers libcucks arent in enlightened
fuck off shareblue
>Tfw when you're part of the reason the cyclone got nerfed
Feels bad man
i remember being a centrist
boy i should have ended it right there and then
Pancreas denier here.
Been for three years now.
The normies just don't get it.
>That cult would never die till the stars came right again, and the secret priests would take great Cthulhu from His tomb to revive His subjects and resume His rule of earth. The time would be easy to know, for then mankind would have become as the Great Old Ones; free and wild and beyond good and evil, with laws and morals thrown aside and all men shouting and killing and revelling in joy. Then the liberated Old Ones would teach them new ways to shout and kill and revel and enjoy themselves, and all the earth would flame with a holocaust of ecstasy and freedom.
Sounds good to me
I am rather enlightened according to that chart.
You can be politically engaged and not vote.
applied postmarxist conservativistic Judeo-Buddhism disguised as apathetic theoretical stalinist anarcho-primitivism and gnostic evolutionist ancestor worship
Wouldn't strasserism be more obscure then Nazism, considering it got purged and now most people would think national socialism as what Hitler did, and there's sure as hell more Nazi's in the world in prisons and such rather then Strasserists
What is this chart working off, I'm overthinking it im pretty sure
National syndicalism deep
Primo de Rivera did nothing wrong
Posadism is the biggest meme ideology among the far left.
Legend says that you can find one or two posadists in a crowded demonstration, but they are often difficult to spot.
Yeah, come to think of it, you're right.
This deep
My country is the world.
My religion is to do good.
Anyone subscribing to any of the terms and labels on OP's picture does not understand our place in nature.
They're still active in South America, apparently.
That is some proper autism
As an ideology Posadism supports the potential for Third World revolution, is enthusiastic about nuclear war and space exploration by the former USSR and the People's Republic of China, and has an esoteric concern for "harmonisation" and "man's relationship to the earth, to nature and to the cosmos", based upon an original analysis of working class culture developed by J. Posadas.
And that wasn't even the aliens and the time traveling socalists