How much importance do you place into cinematic aesthetics?
How much importance do you place into cinematic aesthetics?
Wow, you've actually changed up your OP a little since I last saw it. Nice work.
I still have no idea why you do it, though.
About as much importance I take in reporting you every fucking time you make this thread.
I sometimes forget how genuinely good KyoAni is. I kind of wish they would branch out more instead of just doing SOL.
They haven't done SOL in a while.
More than KyoAni
These trailers got annoying fast. Too much heavy panting and screaming.
Shaft's trailers suck
Their best show since K-On! imo
Good shit.
>close up
>close up
>close up
>close up
>close up
Yeah they don't really know how to edit proper trailers.
Of course it's always Kyoanifags that make threads like these. Are you guys really this fucking insecure? Jesus christ, I had nothing against Kyoani, but jesus christ you guys are obnoxious.
Kizu sure nailed it.
Can't wait to see the second part next week.
A lot but pretty useless when the writing of the show itself is nothing good.
S2 was particular bad, I couldn't even care anymore about the aesthetics in that one.
You're sounding a bit insecure there user.
>are you guys really this insecure
Damn dude have you looked in a mirror lately?
It is.
Why don't people do webm for these 3x3's? We have moving image tech.
>less than 1bill in the box office
>less than 50k BD sold
It sure nailed the flop
Not just picking random images would be a first step as well.
Best thing about Hibike was the amount of detail. And by detail I mean the instruments, how they were drawn, shaded and animated plus the research they put into how concert bands worked and how they portrayed that. They pretty much nailed it all.
So good, I want KyoAni to do this kind of stuff more often.
best scene
doesnt help when the story sucks
Fucking amazing, SHAFT has really perfected animation. Every single frame of this movie is a piece of art.
KyoAni is so much better than every other studio, no wonder they all want to be like KyoAni
It does actually. See Monogatari.
Haven't really thought about it, I might make some.
You realize you're suppose to give an example that counters my point and not reinforces it
It's probably not the best example but I really liked that scene where Shuichi rejected Hazuki, she pauses for a moment and blinks but the camera is behind her so you only see her eyelash move.
Can you make a webm of it? It's episode 8.
Hahaha, sure.
Shaft may be good on a technical level, but they have no self respect.
Splitting up Kizu in 3 parts and using CG for more than half of their backgrounds in Part I is something Kyoani would never do.
Look at this pic, it's fucking garbage.
I liked the visuals of every other part of the Monogatari series, but with Kizu I disliked a lot of stylistic choices. The animation was excellent for the 10min it was there, but that isn't everything.
You can't talk about aesthetics with backgrounds like these.
>Splitting up Kizu in 3 parts
This wasn't their decision to make though.
>Look at this pic, it's fucking garbage.
Nice try.
Not really a fan of his work in Kizu so far, it's a bit too sloppy; almost like a web gen animator's style.
It's sure funny trying to trashtalk one of the best cut in the movie.
Right, they are just slaves. You don't blame a dog for biting someone, you blame the owner for not keeping it on a leash
Why do people hate this shot so much? They do realize it's intentional right?
>Shaft may be good on a technical level
They aren't.
>but they have no self respect.
Indeed, but not for the reasons you posted. It's not up to them to make Kizu a 3 part movie.
You mean that one troll with too much time?
If Kyoani managed to have the length of Disapparence be 2h and 40min, I'm pretty sure Shaft could have asked Aniplex for the same, but as I said, they probably didn't even try, because as I said, they don't have self respect.
Nice try of what? That's Tekketsu hen for you. If you think that background looks good you might need to get your eyes checked.
Intentionally bad?
Reminder that Oishi is a hack.
Who cares what KyoAni does?
Outside of animating shitty LNs, there wasn't a lot of mentionworthy things in the past years.
Is this real?
Is it that hard to do an awesome room background like there's everywhere on pixiv
Intentionally bad?
Their kyoanus brains can't handle stylistic choices beyond filters and blur
>dat samefaggin
Tamako Love Story
Hibike! Euphonium
All among the best of the decade.
Upcoming Silent Voice is a big deal too.
More like Shaftslaves can't have creative freedom at Shaft because they just suck Shinbo's cock who sucks Aniplex's cock.
Not that much. Even with incredibly well thought out and composed shots, without any actual substance behind it, a show like that is just the director jerking off to himself.
Plus I guess guys like you jerking off on him.
You guys don't understand. Shaft intentionally makes all their shit look bad so they can "fix" it and sell more BD. Aniplex tells them to do it.
random screenshot thread?
Take away all those fucking filters and these would look incredibly average.
KyoAni is the leader in using post-processing effects to trick people who know nothing about animation into thinking their shows look good
Chuu2 was god-tier as well if it wasn't for that absolutely terrible 2nd season which doesn't exist.
I like Chuuni but it's not at the same level as what I listed, in my opinion.
Do they tell Shaft to have production disasters too?
What's the point if the writing fucking sucks? I'd probably give a shit about KyoAni shows if they did some nice action shows instead of all these high school dramas.
>Silent Voice
>Take away all those fucking filters and these would look incredibly average.
Like how everyone was cheering about Unlimited Budget Works because everyone was comparing UBW TV to DEEN/Stay Night?
They tell Shaft when to breathe
Kyoukai no Kanata was an action show with drama not focused around high school. Phantom World had action too.
Nothing wrong with using digital processing to help enhance the visuals. If you have the tools available, might as well make full use of them. Also, they have good animation and framing to back them up so I don't see the issue here.
>That jarring 3D
Even Gumball does it better
kyoani is cancer. they just make highly detailed shit but with shitty composition and basic color palettes but because Otaku don't know shit about visual composition everyone now thinks they should be imitating them. eva had much better shot composition and much more expressive color palettes. God even ping pong was better at everything visually with its low budget.
kyoani is generic anime wallpaper tier.
I watched it KnK and I wasn't impressed.
Haven't watched Phantom World yet, but it's still in high school isn't it?
No one really thinks that KyoAni is top tier.
I do.
What do you want? Both of them have nice action.
Violet Evergarden will have bits of action too but that's in 2017.
Whatever Digibro told me to think about it.
>shitty composition and basic color palettes
They're the most consistent I've seen recently. Everyone else takes massive dips in quality.
One day, the cancerous wannabe-hipster sakuga-twitter circle will unite forces with the youtuber-league in an attempt to bring down all of Sup Forums.
>caring about a bunch of literal whos
Kyoani regularly puts out pretty damn good stuff and then we get a flop every now and then *cough*Musaigen*cough*
is Sup Forums dead?
You should care, because they want to make threads on Sup Forums where anons ought to talk about them and their private life instead of waifu- and loli-threads.
And once a few of them are doing it, more of their ilk will come, and then the entire board will be nothing more but anons talking about youtubers instead of anime and manga.
Phantom World didn't flop.
I think it's already happening. 4 years ago Sup Forums would've hated Reddit: SAO, but now it seems like a good chunk of the userbase likes it, my theory is that Reddittors, Tumblrinas and Twitterniggers have been infiltrating Sup Forums. They already ruined Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
And Sup Forums and now they are slowly killing /lit/
it's hard to talk about visual composition and getting somebody who isn't into painting or photography to understand but let's say kyoanis shot composition looks more like a touristic photography while eva or ping pong have compositions where you can see the artist understood that what he was working on is ultimately a 2d representation of reality enclosed in a frame as opposed to just naively copying reality.
The thing which annoys me about KyoAni and many other anime directors. There is the complete lack of sublety.
Everyone is done in the most jarring, obvious and most dramatic way possible.
I don't see those sort of threads to be honest. Not sure about youtubers, but noone talks about twitter sakugafags in any animation discussion around here. Seriously, there's nothing interesting about discussing some guy with an opinion.
I've seen a couple about a week ago specifically on Digibro, but nobody actually discusses anything in them.
Even fucking Dawson Creek showed more restraint than KyoAni.
Ping Pong was an anime that naively copied manga panels.
Get the fuck out.
Kids on the Slope was like the last anime that did the teenager angst stuff in a more meaningful way.
good shit
>that floppy Bahi JD animation
Disgusting desu
No fuck you it was great.
That's good.
Well, there are indeed people who like Key drama stuff.
Rotoscoped garbage
>laying mistake
>awkward character animation
>drew gestures that a Japanese person would never use
It's amateurish work.
That isn't anything like Key drama.
I don't like Key drama stuff.
Nigga what?
Looks like proper kino to me mate.
Half a decade to made, half a decade.