Christcucks, try and argue against this

>millions of Europeans left their families behind in order to conquer the holy land
>leaving Europe completely defenseless against Muslim raiders
>muslims still occupying vast areas of Europe but Christcucks just sail past it in order to get to Jerusalem
What is your response?

Other urls found in this thread:

>christcucks would never have been in Jerusalem were it not for Jews convincing them it would be fine
seems to me the problem is deceptive Jews??

>stupid christcucks letting muslims invade europe >:(
>christcucks going off to fight muslims? fucking pieces of shit leaving europe defenceless
hehe looks like us pagans win again :)

>european homelands being attacked by Muslims
>goes to Jerusalem to fight for the homeland of the jews
wtf I love Christians now

I am convinced.

I am now a Pagan.

Hail Odin

Pagan LARPers trying to make actual pagans be hated by Christians even though most of us are cool with christians

>goes to Jerusalem to fight for the homeland of the jews

when crusaders conguered Jerusalem they established a christian state not a Jewish one.

There were still many warriors left (most fighting men remained in Europe)

Muslim raids went on until the XIX century. The only thing that efficiently dfended Europe was technological advantage from the industrial revolution that allowed quick wrecking of Muslims starting with Napoleon and colonialism in N. Africa and mideast that put an end to their raiding later.Crusades to the holy land changed literally nothing and muslim raids would go on anyway even if a few percent of the continent's fighting men (at most) would have never gone there.

This whole argument is retarded.

this this the only thing you can do. Strawmaning atheists and pagans.

You are to stupid to defend your worthless judaic religion

You have to remember that all the whacky pics you can find of Pagans showing Pagans doing stuff is DESPITE of the ways of Paganism while all the christcuck examples we can find are Christians doing what they're doing BECAUSE of Christianity.

Huge difference.

>non-whites are inferior
>look these magnificent mud-huts made by vikings
>truly a master race
>I wanna be like that, live in contact with nature
>fuck modernity

This guy is a text-book example of a hypocrite, or is he just that retarded?

I am not a christian and neopagans are were and will be a laughable meme. Nobody cares about TRUE paganism because there are so few of you that you completely don't matter. If all TRUE pagans disappeared in Europe tommoroww nobody would even notice.
And within that tiny irrelevant fringe which achieved literally nothing in the last 50 years blood and soil pagans are a small minority. Most are DnD LARPers.

Christianity is dead in western europe and whats left us subverted by SJWs tho so all this christianity vs paganism talk is irrelevant for countries like Sweden.

We're fine tho.

>nigroid calling anyone retarded

>TFW an entire Pagan Village Converts because you cut down a Tree

Clerics were jews, wut?

>christcucks make up their own history and also destroys non-Christian history
>a thousand years later we should trust Christian sources

How long until you grow out that pagan phase?

You dont debate the religious, you lead them.

when you disprove the existence of archetypes and entities in your psyche

Make Jerusalem Christian Again.

I can't believe Great Britain had Israel and then gave it to the Jews. Although it would have been Anglican, I imagine it would have been an old-fashioned 1950's Anglicanism rather than todays liberal version.

Poland defending Europe once more. Well said lad.

Threads that attempt pit two groups who should otherwise be cooperating are DIVIDE AND CONQUER threads designed to invoke contempt and derision. Ignore these threads and choose to engage in threads of substance.

I wont.

I'm not clicking that snow nigger's video.

>entities in your psyche
explain please

except Christianity is literally anti European in every sense

Ever felt differently when you're hungry? enraged? hyped?
Jung proposed a view where those states are close to a possession by an aspect of yourself you could call an entity. The very aspects our pagan gods represent so well.

Yes millions of Christian European died for the sake of a Christian Jerusalem and then anglos just gave it away for free.

Kinda like how anglos started World War 2 over Poland but then just gave it away for free after millions had died.

interesting, how do I get into Jung or relevant thought?

Read "Man and his symbols" it's very basic, then anything from Bollingen series. When you're ready read "Seven Sermons to the Dead".

So how the fuck does a group of neckbeards and who knows what kind of damaged individuals resurrect a native European religion that had no writing or any sort of documents, just legends and sagas?
I mean, you first need to define the religion, not watch documentaries and ultimately invent your own bullshit cult, how the hell do you find out all the gods names, characteristics and explanations?
You could for instance, dig deep in the customs that remained form those times that the church adopted.
Like the serbian orthodox church, 90% is pagan and even the priests admit that, not only that but they say that it is a great sin to defile those traditions, because old slavs had a super god, one and only, forger of the matter, who is God Father (from the holy trinity).
Now, all the other deities that used to be worshiped are just fallen angels, EARTHBOUND. For this world only, doing their time as humans are.
Now, how does one reach Valhala, what do you 'pagans' believe or know, what are the rules?
You have to die in a battle, adrenaline rushing trough you? Your carcass must be burned with a goat head in a boat?
How much do you know about this thing you are advocating for, attacking Christianity along the way, as your main focus?
I dont think you know a damn thing. I think you are just feeling the late puberty rebellion that wont die out soon, because life is shit and unfair it seems.
Why are your kind only active online? Why havent you formed anything, i mean ANYTHING? ok, the temple in iceland is a great start, but what goes on there? Festivals? Buffets? What?
Who holds the knowledge about the religion you want?
What is that religions name?
Will bashing Christianity online bring it back all by itself?
What is your game in the end? Do you have any?

Thanks senpai

np and good luck!

>What is your game in the end? Do you have any?

Gay orgies in the forest while high on mdma.

Excellent meme! I searched for this for like 9 months. Please, feel free to share anti (((christian))) - pro white, pagan memes. Please!!!

Here's a new improved version!


>there are people on this board who absolutely cannot stand Jews yet unironically adopt a faith derived from countless Jews






>Trusting a Marxist Jew

Fuck off you ugly rune-cuck.


Pagans should be gassed





Rune-cucks are impotent. Sage


Paganism is anti-white, vikangz sold white women as slaves to muslims

slaves are meant to be sold

>the weak should fear the strong
>muh Christians are weak and shat themselves to death
>Christians literally anihhilated the pagan barbarians and saved Europe from the mudslims countless times

lmao pagan cucks are buttblasted


Do you want to go down the route of who's done more harm to Europeans? Because the worst thing you could find the pagans doing is probably the most tame thing you'd find the Christians doing.


and pagancucks meant to be destroyed


Yes Sven, traitor cuck back then and traitor cuck now



>le Mr Silly vs Mr Aryan

C'mon, don't start with this shit, it's just a non-argument.


>cross on a flag
>is a larping pagan fag
>a swede

Why am I not surprised? What do they put in your water to make you such mindboggling retards? Ok



>all these non-arguments



Hey, those priests were asking for it.

Jerusalem is worthless.

If christcucks are so weak, why did pagans loose to them?

>gets raped by vikings
>worships vikings

Jesus Christ, you're an even bigger 'cuck' than the Swedes are.


Why did European culture loose to Cultural Marxism?

Neo-Paganism is retarded but Abrahamic religions are entirely responsible for the current mess our countries are in.

Atheism, 'neo-paganism', judaism and other meme religions are responsible for our downfall, not Christianity. Europe was the strongest force in the world when it was Christian.

>>worships vikings
When did I state I worshipped vikings? Is that what you think paganism is?

>>millions of Europeans left their families behind in order to conquer the holy land

They weren't Europeans yet. They wouldn't call themselves that.

>>leaving Europe completely defenseless against Muslim raiders

There was no Europe yet. Also what raiders?
>>muslims still occupying vast areas of Europe but Christcucks just sail past it in order to get to Jerusalem

The identity of Europe was not formed back then so this question is pointless. Or example; Andalusia wasn't a problem of Europeans. It was the problem of neighboring Spanish kingdoms.

Explain to me what you people worship there because there is no coherent thought in you besides what Varg says (and don't try to deny you're not a listener of Varg, every neo-pagan gets his knowledge on the world from a white nigger living in a foreign country).


Norrbagge speaks the truth

is it true that most of the clergy were jews? Where did he get this from

>(and don't try to deny you're not a listener of Varg, every neo-pagan gets his knowledge on the world from a white nigger living in a foreign country)
I literally don't though, I listen to him sometimes but I think he's a bit of a dumbass. Stop making assumptions you low-info faggot. We worship nature fundamentally. We see ourselves spiritually as one with nature and that we must practice natural laws in order to sustain ourselves. We express this worldview in the various gods, which are manifestations of the various peoples. Since many of use here are Northern Europeans, Wotan is the go-to, but not the only one. I don't think I've ever seen anyone here revere the vikings.

really fucking pathetic. I wonder why Japan is such a great fucking place. Could it possible be that it has held onto its native religion so well? No of course not in the mind of a christian with there myopic view of the time line of christianity they've somehow created everything the whites have ever known. You've turned me into someone who admired christianity into someone despises all christianity and thats all thanks to Sup Forums christians. I guess its much like living around non-whites to really hit you with the reality that living with non-whites isn't pleasent. Even though my most of my family is christian. Thanks a lot Sup Forums Christians.

So... you believe in these Northern gods unironically? What do you mean 'worship nature'? How the fuck do you 'worship nature'? How? You do rituals or something? Or you just LARP on internet boards about how much of a pagan you are? Because I'm willing to bet it's the latter.

>join me and a religion so dead no one alive actually knows how it was practiced.

Seriously, paganism is so dumb that Zoroastrianism maintained a better following, that's fucking sad.

how do you worship a jewish god? Why do you have slave morality? Why are you even bothering with this thread as christians have no say or care in life when it is all about death.

Posted the original picture in class today.
It got really heated.

his autistic wife had a vision again




Yeah Varg is a true viking, living on food stamps in fucking catholic France


Jesus disciple literally baptized a black in the bible

> And the angel of the Lord spake unto Philip, saying, Arise, and go toward the south unto the way that goeth down from Jerusalem unto Gaza, which is desert.

>And he arose and went: and, behold, a man of ETHIOPIA, an eunuch

>Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus.

>And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him.

Acts 8: 27 - 39

>The Ethiopians were white as well

Not according to the bible or DNA so wheres your proof?

>Can an Ethiopian change his skin or a leopard its spots? (Jeremiah 13:23)

Notice it says a Ethiopian cant change his skin, White people can change thier skin when they go out into the sun their skin changes from sun burn to red then to brown, When black people go out into the sun their skin stays black IT DOES NOT CHANGE The Ethiopian cant change his skin so they have to be black to fit that definition

Also according to DNA tests their is no white admixture among the Ethiopian population




"Thanks to the generosity of Polish Catholics it has been possible to help refugees from Sudan, Nigeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. Polish bishops, from 2009, have organised collections in their dioceses in aid of refugees, which are available not only to Christians. Gratitude is owed to Catholics in Poland for having raised, in 2014 alone, more than 5 million zloty (1.2 million Euros) for refugees. Caritas in Poland currently assists more than 3000 people annually, from Africa, Eastern Europe and elsewhere."