what do you guys think of this flag for the planet earth?
What do you guys think of this flag for the planet earth?
Seems pretty stupid.
Looks gay
Gay and Jewish.
How come no one was asked about it and they just decided on it?
Fuck you and your globalist agenda Belgium
I was in your frame of consciousness about 7 years ago. You still have a long way to go, fuck your multiculturism kikery. Worry about your own communities and nation before you worry about the world as a whole
Aliens will probably gas our planet if they see that is uses kosher flag like this. Not that they will be wrong.
it's a fucking university art project, no one has decided on shit.
It should just be a Radiation Symbol with a Mushroom cloud behind it
That isn't the flag that was shown to the council. Changing flags won't neutralize any criminal charges, just so they know.
ok then HOW WOULD YOU like your flag? to represent earth?
Looks like a gayer version of ayum shinko
The International Flag of Planet Earth is a graduation project at Beckmans College of Design
(Stockholm, Sweden)
If we do get to space. Sweden and America aren't on the same team. You should've made the flag a picture of shrek
its kind of crop-circleish
This fake flag has 6 interlocked rings, 6 is the number of mortal men. We are not mortal.
For the real flag, I was thinking 4 arms in a counterclockwise swirly pattern
It a representation of the galaxy we live in, which is our property forever
Mushroom cloud with radiation symbol
I think it's fake and gay
i didnt say it was announced that the flag was going to be legit i asked if you guys would feel about it
What do you guys think about this flag for the planet earth?
loll amazing (top kek)
I want this flag
not diverse enough
looks kosher to me
It looks like Orcs have designed it.
i love it when does it go up
For Gaia it'd be a seed; for Theia, idk.
A bad version of the seed of life.
The only proper global flag would be the earth with a face that is screaming and being fucked in the eyes by monkeys.
seed of life cool.
alright u guys should then design a flag that should represent earth
Somebody once told me..
It's straight from the synagogue of satan.
This is the best representation i saw.
that would be so fucked up dude LOVE IT kek
A flag that is supposed to show the unification of things that have no business being unified always looks shit because they never have anything meaningful on them.
Like the EU flag.
Pro belguim globalist agenda
do you like my design?
wow wtf
is that a dumb or a trowd up kebab in the toilet?
Looks about right
Earths flag was already staked into the moon satellite
july 20 1969.
>tfw ayys know about (((them)))
I knew it'd have some occult meaning
Almost satan, you seem surprised..
dude get better at english
>implying (((they))) landed on the moon in a golf buggy tied up with gold foil and duct tape
Kek is mysterious
You think it's easy speaking english when you just learned it 2 months ago?
Always the Kabbalal kek, every time.
where did you find that even?
Let's go with this instead
nah (too much sci-fi refferences)
Got you
It even has our motto in it
ok ok....... what that flag, it represents human and life in every way possible
What about AIs?
It reminds me of the biohazard sign.
ai right now is at rock bottom
its at its most ignorant
Pure white olympic rings on steroids?
could work
lol you need black ones too? because black life matters?
I like this one better
Very Intersectional.
usb ports will probably be outdated when the ai will reach the top of its intel
(((isaac Asimov)))
ffs he is even has the Masonic pose in that picture you posted.
Like your flag?
very jewish
very close minded
>current year
>not choosing glorious imperial banner
Welcome brother, the rabbit hole never ends. Look up moloch and the connection to pedos/pizzagate.
So... a crypto-hexagon?
No thanks.
Fucking Burgers...
Says nothing about humanity or our planet.
Black flag, blue dot, human skull on the blue dot. Our Earth, our pure skull.
Slave screams, he thinks he knows what he wants.
Slave screams, he thinks he has something to say.
This is the best one by far. Could still be imrpoved though
What do you you recommend?
baka looks likethe pursians grouped up with the russians
This should be the flag of Earth. Prove me wrong.
How would you make it better?
Also here's a version with the decoration only on one side.
I just realized the massive similarity between the Roman and Soviet flags
what did they mean by this?
Old Freebie is the only flag I'll accept
SPQR motherfucker
Australia leading the way already. We don't even really need to zoom out, particularly, it's the same message.
Red and gold wasn't always commie colors.
The red in the Roman flag was more of a reference to Mars (the god of war) and the gold was well, gold cuz it looked cool.
sucks big donkey dick
this is not going to be EARTH'S FLAG
That was my idea while making the flag, I basically wanted to modernize the Roman flag.
earth is blue and green make it as such people
But there's also the wheat in the exact same way as it is presented in the Roman flags
That's quite enough "coincidences" to not be accidental. Was the Soviet Union actually the Third Rome?
I haven't got my reading glasses on. is it goatse?
On Sup Forums.
Germany was the Third Reich, so the soviets are probably the fourth.