Should people who deny science be arrested?
Should people who deny science be arrested?
>science is like magic but real
Magics fucking gay tho
>if I list a bunch of more or less proven scientific facts with my own biases surely everyone will think they are real by association
hmm maybe string theory isn't entirely correct. Perhaps if I tweak this principle her an-
This is the leftwing paradise of tomorrow,
>evolution is a fact
But human races all evolved to have identical IQs.
>being a science bitch
Im pretty sure the question ISN’T about the efficacy of vaccines, but the possible deleterious effects of them.
The question with climate change is not whether it is real or not (it is). It is whether that change is anthropogenically originated (its not).
Evolution is a fact when talking about microevolution, but there is no proof or and even proof against macroevolution. Doesn’t mean creationists are right, just means macroevolution is wrong. (Precambrian explosion)
The rest is typical science worship by people who dont actually understand what science is.
People who talk about math being the universal language usually can't speak it.
anti vaccers are left wing
>Double 7s
>eggplant WIZARD
>besmirches magic
T. Undercover Magus
It's called convergent evolution
>vaccines work
Yeah, because we definitely don't have the flu any more.
Better get my 2nd flu shot of the year! Or is it 3rd...? My memory gets fuzzy...
Implying being educated enough to question and probably expand on high level mathematics is the same as someone who wants to teach their children Jesus will save them so don't go to the doctor if you have cancer.
How is researching string theory and making possible corrections denying science..?
>Should people who deny science be arrested?
Yes! YES! DOUBLE-YES! Critical feminist theory should never be denied.
>being pro-science
>wants me to believe in things i can't proof myself
>wants to execute me for not believing
welcome to the new dark age of scientism
>stand up for science
They are not deserving of more trust and have lost their authority in my eyes. It's been quite enough
literally all of those but earth are wrong
Hey science, wheres the curvature?
The accepted curve is 8(miles squared)
8in.(distance in miles^2)
Which means to take the square root of the distance traveled in miles and then multiply that figure by eight inches.
So for example, if you traveled one mile, the formula would look something like this;
8(1×1) = 8 Inches of total curvature
And for the first ten miles traveled of curvature in inches…
8(1×1) = 8 Inches of total curvature
8(2×2) = 32 Inches of total curvature
8(3×3) = 72 Inches of total curvature
8(4×4) = 128 Inches of total curvature
8(5×5) = 200 Inches of total curvature
8(6×6) = 288 Inches of total curvature
8(7×7) = 392 Inches of total curvature
8(8×8) = 512 Inches of total curvature
8(9×9) = 648 Inches of total curvature
8(10×10) = 800 Inches of total curvature
Yet we can't measure any curvature AT ALL!! FROM ANY DISTANCE!!!
>earth is not flat
>vaccines work
>moon visit
>climate change is real
no shit nigger, climate is changing all the time
>universe is expanding
scientific fact
>math uni language
>chemtrails arent a thing
>evolution is a fact
>we are all made of stardust
just need to add 'by God' at the end and it will be fine
>science is like magic but real
nerd statement
>Im pretty sure the question ISN’T about the efficacy of vaccines, but the possible deleterious effects of them.
That would be a good argument if people were equally concerned about the adverse events related to all the other medications they take, but they're not. Vaccines only get their scorn because of retarded famous people pushing lies by a former doctor who wanted to discredit one type of vaccine so that he could sell his
One square mile is 8inch -- which may not seem like a big deal, but thats still an 8inch sub sandwhich of curve.
Then you get to TWO miles which then fucking drops to 32 INCHES!? Thats like 2 and half FOOTLONG SUB SANDWICHES of nonexistent curvature!
And then you get to THREE MILES, which turns into 72 inches --- how many footlong subs of curvature is that?
Basically this. Hawking would have been arrested by Lefties for questioning newtonian physics and classical mechanics. The entire basis of science is questioning and observing and hypothesizing. Fucking colleges seem to have forgotton to teach these tards how to think instead of what to think.
scientists don't care about presenting and encouaring proof instead of believe.
a real scientists believes in the bibl... eehm... science books
evolution is not real
the contradictory nature of the endosymbiosis event proves this
By researching information that contradicts string theory they're denying that string theory is correct just like how leftists have an aneurysm whenever someone presents information that contradicts the theory of global cooling umm I mean global warming, scratch that I meant climate change.
>Evolution is a FACT
I don't need to see the model's face to know EXACTLY what they look like right now
In researching it you are inherently denying the efficacy of newtonian physics and quantum mechanics.
No, if you arrest people because of their thoughts people will eventually begin to think that they might actually be on to something. The best thing to do is prove them wrong, the same thing we do to communists.
Once again how is denying one theory and replacing it with a better understanding of said theory equivalent to denying science in its entirety?
What is contradictory about it?
He forgot IQ differences between races are real.
This is like the basis for science. Research more and improve.
>chemtrails aren't a thing
Do you think the ionosphere is seeded with metals from no where?
>there are only two genders
you know you have to quit scientism if you start to behave like zuckerberg.
there's still hope for you. cook some food (without calculating the amount of proteins, carbohydrates etc.), go to nature (without thinking about evolution and darwinism), get a gf (without explaining her your science theories) and get a physical job
Current scientific consensus is that race is just a social construct. You don't want to get arrested for wrong think do you??
Read the opening post again. OP interprets the denial of the absolute truth of the statements listed on that shirt as a denial of science.
You are a fucking idiot. What type of lens is being used? Couldn't being the image is distorted with a wide FOV. Did you notice the curvature going UP in that vid?
>Current scientific consensus
I really don't know where this comes from. Medicine is very clear about racial differences, it's makes a pretty massive impact in everything from pharmacology to transplantation
Nobody wearing that shirt has taken more than HS and remedial bio in college. They probably failed chemistry.
>earth is not flat
I agree.
>vaccines work
Not in the way that people think they work. They have horrible side effects.
>climate change is real
Not in the way that the left wants to spin it.
>the universe is expanding
Prove it.
>math is a language
Mathematics can't be used to express things like emotion or every day objects in ways that people can understand, so no, it's not. This is why we have words, faggot.
>chemtrails aren't real
Yes they are.
>evolution is a fact
I agree.
>we are stardust
We're carbon based life. There's carbon in other things in the universe. This is meaningless drivel that sounds like it's straight from r*ddit.
>science is like magic
Maybe to shit for brains liberals. For everyone else it's logical.
>implying most people don't also question side effects of pills
I work in a pediatric clinic and the parents that are gung-ho about getting 18 momth old kids on ADHD medication are usually the ones making jokes about anti-vaxxers. Where are anti-vaxxers will usually ask about side effects and alternative therapies.
>I work in a pediatric clinic
No one cares you fucking 4 month cert course phone jockey
You have to be autistic to believe that Climate change on a global scale is our fault
I went through catholic school thinking evolution was real, everyone in uni (engineering)thinks evolution is real. It's a real eye opener when you see there is plenty of room for debate and it isn't settled.
Same way how they are saying, being gay is genetic and not a choice.
These tards aren't doing science courses
>Hey Pol
>Do you remember Isaac Newton?
>Remember how he questioned the current models of his day?
>Do you think he should have been arrested?
>Hey Pol
>Remember Giodano Bruno?
>The guy who was burned at the stake?
>Who believed the stars were distant suns, not holes poked aimless in the floor of heaven?
>Did he deserve it?
Dude wheres your argument?
eukaryotes need to exist in order to happen, yet eukaryotes can't function without mitochondria or chloroplasts
>I work in a pediatric clinic
I'm also a pedophile
>Earth is not flat
This is true tinfoil fags
>Vaccines work
True but they can have irreversible affects
>We've been to the moon
Can't confirm this 2bh
>Climate change is real
True but climate is always changing and humanity can't do shit about it. We had nothing to do with the Ice Age or any great extinction events of the past.
>Universe is expanding
Depends on what's your accepted model of the universe but I believe it is expanding.
>math is the universal language
Technically yes
>Chemtrails aren't a thing
Most bullshit thing on here imo
>Evolution is a fact
Microevolution is fact but it would be hard to test macroevolution without waiting millions of years so we have to go off of current evidence
>we are all made of stardust
All heavy elements were produced from fusion from starts and supernova
>science is like magic but real
Kill the people who made the t-shirt pls
Here: techs rarely have any insight into medicine and manage to make asses of themselves when they talk about it
>earth is not flat
>vaccines work
>climate change is real
>the universe is expanding
>math is a language
False. Mathematics is the science of patterns, order, abstract structures etc.
>chemtrails aren't real
I don't know.
>evolution is a fact
>we are stardust
>science is like magic
Only for retarded leftists.
Anti-vaxxers are the kind of tards who will try homeopathy and healing crystals. Lets assume your anecdote is real and you really are anything but a NEET, if they're so concerned about adverse events of other medications then where is the massive protest movements against those medications? Why do vaccines get their attention so much?
I fugging lub science
Science is used by higher ups so people will eat up anything they say. Currently is completely dogmatic, It's like a fucking religion nowadays.
Climate change is real - YES.
Climate change is caused by humans - NO.
The Earth has been through many climate changes, most of which were before we were even on the fucking thing.
I'm OK with the rest on the shirt.
You're okay with science being regarded as fucking magic?
I'm honestly surprised they didn't mention any gender cancer on that shirt.
>what is speciation
You forgot that diversity is strength
Neanderthals were dumber than modern humans though.
>Earth is not flat
>Vaccines work
it's more complex than this, myriads of vaccines have been shown to induce autoimmune disorders and even bring about narcolepsy and other neurological disorders (search vaccine narcolepsy on pubmed & branch out from there)
>Been to the moon
ehhhh, maybe, maybe not
>Climate change is real
no shit, but it doesnt matter, Royal Society lecture on global greening:
>universe is expanding
so it seems
>math is universal language
>chemtrails aren't a thing
perhaps not widespread, but we have military patents for passive aerial dispersal & geoengineering tech
>evolution is a fact
best creationist series around:
>we're made of stardust
we are made of dust, I agree
>science is like magic but real
magic is satanic, Science is a framework to methodically collate observations into explanations and novel insights and test those explanations to refine evermore truer explanations
I'm pretty sure it's a reference to Clarke's law.
>Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Yes, I'm OK with this.
You guys remember that episode of South Park where Cartman froze himself and got brought back to life hundreds of years in the future. In that future God had been replaced by Science, and Dawkins wrote the new Science Bible, and they said things like "praise science," and "science damn you."
Looks like you're ahead of them on this one, OP, they didn't think it would happen for hundreds of years to come. Literally no different to the religious figures of the past, murdering or imprisoning anyone who suggested God wasn't real. You just have a different God, "Science."
Do you understand how symbiosis works? As in how two separate organisms work together to help each other? Like legumes and rhizobia
Sounds like philosophical bullshit so I disagree. I study math, not questions that ask more questions. I believe in God but I don't believe in theology.
yes anyone who denies racial science goes to the camps
>X is the universal language
Triggers my autism. Same way people say music is a universal language when genres and subgenres exist (analogous to different languages and dialects)
I think what he was trying to say is that just because you can't explain something doesn't means you should call it magic
>Climate change
Haha always have to move the goal posts
I think it means that math is a "universal language" by how it has the same relativity to anyone as long as you understand the base 10 system.
We all know english is the universal language
i feel you my dude.
Most genres and sub genres are rooted directly in diatonic theory or are a direct reaction to it. Even when you break the rules it's in the context of the "rules," still, with few exceptions.
Science is always changing Faggot.What's a certain scientific fact could be proven wrong tomorrow.It's in our nature to question these things.So no people who "deny" science should not be arrested.
Actual science vs. dogmatised science
Throw them into a river. If they sink, they're a science denier.
FACT: these posts that saying that earth is flat or evolution is false are made by shills working for the kikes to discredit Sup Forums, the alt-right etc.
That's the bluepillest shirt I have ever seen
Into the high tech ovens.
Only if they deny IQ science.
They should add "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" and I'd wear it ironically.
>Rick and Morty - The Tshirt
The entire world can be simulated using only mathematic. Physics, sounds, graphics, passage of time, universe (as far as we understand it) - everything can be explained, understood or described with numbers, as shown by computer software.
That's the destiny of all jews and niggers in the ideal society: radiation chambers.
Raped brutally in a public square prior to being stoned to death by anyone who can prove they got at least a B in a university level science course.
Those who don't understand it shouldn't. Lots of people are simply dumb and this is not a crime... kinda.
the universe is expanding is some extremely theoretical shit
Moooorty! I turned myself into a way to make science education unbearable and obnoxious! I'm nu-male riiick!
>Implying leftist policies don't end up eating their own.
Perhaps I'm misreading diatonic theory but
>The vast majority of music is broken up in 5 steps to an octave or two half steps in an octave
How is that different from
>The vast majority of languages have a past and present tense
Both seem like grasping at straws to force a common link.
It is, but without it we wouldn't know the age of the universe or when it will end.
but the progress of science starts from the assumption that the current informations may be wrong
if anything the government could create jobs by having people informing and distributing counterarguments in the contexts where people spread false informations.
>tfw you dont even get paid