Purple Revolution

Why is nobody talking about the Purple Revolution?

Soros and others trying to create their own Kekistan phenomenon opposite.
Combining red and blue (american flag) having a new symbol of "unity" purple

Other urls found in this thread:


because everyone knows Israel is the root of Jewish evil and Soros is just a fall guy. what Soros does is irrelevant and usually distracts from whatever shit Israel is up to.

Days after the election, the Clintons met with Soros to discuss new their new plans going forward in a Trump Presidency. As we all know, Soros' goal is to create instability in the Unites States. He's known to finance color revolutions across the globe, such as the recent revolutions of the Arab Spring and Ukraine. This will happen next in the USA. It's the plan. THE PURPLE REVOLUTION. The PR friendly Clinton explanation is that it symbolizes red America uniting with blue America. But we should be aware it's just another color banner operation for Soros.
>Clintons are pictured at her concession speech wearing purple, a color-coded message that this revolution was just beginning.

Enter the #MeToo & Hollywood sexual harassment scandals. For a moment I believed we could push elite pedophilia rings into the mainstream but we didn't quite play our cards right. Instead women's rights groups took control of the narrative when they created #MeToo, taking the intense focus off of Hollywood and placing a broad focus on everyone.
>What the fuck does this have to do with the Purple Revolution?
We should know by now that many women's groups are fronts for Soros style infiltration. Now that they have control of the narrative, Soros is injecting his Purple Revolution into the idea of preventing sexual assault.
>My next post will have an example...

Trending right now on Twitter was #PurpleThursday and #SpiritDay. A harmless hash tag. Or is it? Taking a scroll down I see a lot of women's organizations suddenly with purple t-shirts, all coordinated with one another for "Purple Thursday." It's to stand in solidarity with domestic violence survivors, and of course they throw in LGBTQ support for good measure. This can easily sweep the normie-sphere and quickly become an EVERY Thursday is Purple Thursda kind of event. Think about all of those pink "Pussy" hats from the Women's Marches, which was a test run for this sort of thing. Purple and pink go hand in hand. These are signs of a growing color revolution movement.

Using purple and pink for vague "pro-women" and "anti-harassment" causes is to sucker in the vast majority of the population. Of COURSE no one WANTS people sexually assaulted, it's hard to say you're against that, which is why it's being used. It's a stage for more Soros-funded networks to weave their way through the country and psyches of normal Americans. Keep your eye out for any celebrities donning purple, advertisements for marches that are in purple, and movements that are attributed to attaching a philosophy to color.
>One last thing I noticed is that green, the color of the Kekistan flag, love it or hate it, is the color opposite of purple.

Here's a ZH article if you want to read more:

Let us not forget that Soros just gave the Open Society (pro-open borders, pro-globalism, etc.) SIXTEEN BILLION DOLLARS. This will not end well for us if we let the infiltration continue. Be weary of all NGO groups and activist groups popping up.

This pdf may have some valuable information on how color revolutions are started, and the signs of one. Don't worry, it's in English.

Here's another that short and sweet AND it has flow charts

thanks for posting this user


Oh shit. Revolution confirmed

They dare insult Prince?!

Actually red is the opposite of green since you don't require red (of the three primary colors) to make green. The opposite of purple is yellow, which might be an idea if you feel like making a counter-revolution.

The Gadsden flag is already widely known and have revolutionary and patriotic root.



Worth consideration.


Literally fake news. Booooooring.

bumping for downfall of the gigakike


it's your daily dose

Check out that academically sourced PDF on how color revolutions are started. Know that Soros financed at least a dozen in our lifetime.

47% of women should of shut their mouths

If Antifa wears purple on Nov 4, you know their going ahead with this game plan. Don't be surprised if some of these protests get shot up by an "extremist sniper", not unlike Ukraine.

They might not wear purple but their soros smoke grenades are!

Remember folks, the fallen angels can't actually create anything themselves, just appropriate or follow orders.

Kind of makes me curious, where do they get these purple smoke grenades? Is there just some smoke grenade supplier out there that sells colored smoke grenades who are confused about the sudden demand for purple?

>Remember folks, the fallen angels can't actually create anything themselves, just appropriate or follow orders.
So are fallen angels the niggers of the heavens?

Heh I was thinking the same thing, but the Chinese.

I'd love to know too. Any infiltrator anons?

>Purple = Red and Blue without white...
What did they mean by this?

there's only one purple revolution I'll accept

Sauron proposes bold new plan to unify middle earth with his 'One Ring' agenda

Is Soros like the last boss we should win?

Awww but i like purple

Purple Reign


This stupid purple, red plus blue occultist shit is older than your grandmother.

Astute observation. Oh fuck.

I never heard of that before. Do you have any more info?

I bet it's as old as being "intitiated" by getting ass raped:


... but even more women are raped. Join me today for National Rape Day, as we celebrate a united hatred for real statistics, facts, and the single tool responsible for preventing about a million rapes a year.

They're not hard to make, or buy from a fireworks shop for that matter.