20sec low nrg laser procedure causes melanin to be gradually removed, permanently turning brown eyes blue. What does Sup Forums think? Can one buy Aryan status? Should it be covered by insurance? Banned?
Laser can turn brown eyes blue
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dis cultural propreetian n sheeeit!
Why would you want to do that?
If it removes melanin it might damage the eye, no?
holy shit im getting this. My brown skin plus blue eyes will absolutely increase my success rate with whites 100x
Please explain to me how blue eyes/blonde hair makes one superior to another.
Explain to me how a Nordic in more superior than a Med.
You can't.
Celtic genetics carry a syndrome where sufferers eye pigment changes colour regularly. It is tied to poor blood circulation
It doesn't change your genetic make up so your children would still have Brown eyes
I have blue eyes and dark blond hair.
I just want to know why you people think that these features make one superior to another.
I was blonde as a child. I remember being saddened when it started tirning brown because brown is the color of dirt and, other stuff. Thats hair but its basically like that. A matter of preference.
If this works with no detected aftereffects (meaning we would need at least 10 years with about a couple hundred willingful cobayes to see if any of this shit damages the eye over time, you never know), this is a huge step for eugenism, even if it is purely vanity or cosmetic. That's how the little things add up.
Personally, I wouldn't. I do have a shade of light brown sparkled with copper and green, and my wife likes it.
Image very much related
along with red hair and freckles it's the most uniquely white features we have. Therefore those with those traits are the most white
Blue eyes/Blonde makes you better than Brown/Black. If only for scarcity or rarity.
Plus, being so white as being blue eyed/Blonde or Red haired is a genetic sign or your superior human status, as the modern world has been built by and for white people.
If brown eyed people were less than 1%, they would stand as the most-seeked genetic trait. Fact is, they're not.
Life isn't equal, world isn't fair. Deal with it.
i dont think it actually turns the eye blue i think the laser precisely paints blue over the brown part.
Blue eyes will lose their value if every asshole has them.
How is one a "mostly white"?
As far as I know, a Nord isn't superior to a Med and vice versa.
Just because of a genetic mutation due to cold weather, doesn't mean you're superior.
Hell, blonde hair and blue eye genes are recessive and once the Earth inevitably warms up, they'll cease to exist.
Also, most inventors of the white race had darker features.
>If only for scarcity or rarity
Right. That makes sense.
that strawman is still whiter than 90% of your country
Will this work with my dick too ?
t. Blacked
This is retarded. First, height and iq is more important.
If we remove men under 6'4 feet and 130 iq we will land on Mars in 5 years. Eye color is irrelevant
looks like shit though.can't wait to see a bunch of poos and other brownskins walking around with semi-blue tone garbage eyes.
Any chance we can amp up the laser and use it on skin? Just imagine going to a BLM protest and hosing them down turning them white and watching them turn on each other.
Jokes on you it will be like circumcision performed at birth as a matter of course them all americans will be literally master race.
>what is scarcity
my hair was curly and light blonde until i was about 3 and then it went dark brown and straight, atleast my eyes are still blue
Ok yeah thanks, we're not white eventhough the roman empire, greeks and spanish- portuguese colonialists are pretty important to white history.
Its a beauty thing more than a superiority thing. IF we had to send a representitave of the "white race" to some super important beauty pagent we'd probably pick a blond haired blue eye girl because no other race could field one like that. It unique to us and pretty, why shouldn't we like it?
I'd rather just be who I am than who I am not.
it doesn't matter what WE think, with blue eyes and blonde hair you are subconsciously treated better by 99% of the world in all interpersonal matters just because of your looks. All normies prefer it, hence it is valuable to be that. Pretty sure you're a jealous Paki to not know this though.
Gray eyed masterrace here
Thanks. Rarity is how we determine value as a species overall.
A panda baby is going to be worth more than a bear cub, although from a exterior point of view, they're just oversized mammals that add nothing to the equation.
Same for redheads, or green eyes.
how much does it cost? while it is working do your eyes turn light brown, then greenish, then blue or do they turn some weird dark navy shit color first?
>white people are treated better by society
>b-but the jews are killing the white race! affirmative action! coloured representation!
Pick one and only one.
It's normal that blonde hair darkens a bit
>One subspecies of man, and one alone, specialized in light colored eyes. This same subspecies also evolved light or blond hair, a character far less deeply rooted than eye color, as blond children tend to grow darker with advancing years, and populations largely of Nordic extraction, such as those of Lombardy, upon admixture with darker races, lose their blond hair more readily than their light colored eyes.
this is a mistake.
physical aspect is a direct reflection of our genes
Green eye masterrace reporting in. Blue eyes are overrated.
There is nothing wrong with brown eyes. They are actually quite beneficial.
You can't. Niggerness isn't only determined by color. You would end up with extremely weird looking people whose facial bone structure look alien on a white person.
Good looking people with brown eyes are treated much better than fatties with blue eyes
Enjoy your shitty vision and ruined eyes.
>mfw somebody does that shit and when they end up having a kid it will be a mud-eyed subhuman
No,we can't tank Sunlight like cumskins think we can.
Nah people are much nicer to me than my blue eyed brother.
you for sure need short and light weight men for space travel
>There is nothing wrong with brown eyes. They are actually quite beneficial.
she'd get the rope; stop kidding yourself
My friend has one eye that is half blue half brown. What happened?
because it looks sicckkk
About $2k for the procedure, iirc. Not sure what it looks like in between, probably the first one since it takes weeks and there is only so much melanin
Sure but she is getting paid to look good for now.
You should be murdered
t. Pedro
Green eyes= master race
>TFW IQ of 146 but 5"9
Heterochromia you dumb dumb
Damn 2K isn't bad if it is permanent and fool proof
>The jews are the majority of the population on what's modern civilisation is based on and not a handful over rich minority that only acts because it was constantly assblasted by whites through time.
Phew lad.
5 inches?
Damn, you must be really small.
Oh god what happend to his eye.
>fool proof
Putting lasers in your eye is never foolproof.
The risk is blindness (though it's small these days)
Google "heterochromia" mate.
Got hit by nerve gas, I think.
Pretty sure i would get green eyes if I did this since my dna shows I got active green eye genes but have brown eyes
Every poster before me is wrong. Light colored eyes serve to communicate more information about a person's thoughts, due to what's called involuntary pupillary response. Your pupils dilate when you hear or see something you like, and contract when you see something you dislike. It's literally a second rudimentary set of eyebrows you can't control. Imagine a blonde girl smiling up at you, pupils all big like a puppy. She likes you doesn't she? Now hold that same face in your mind but shrink the pupils. Is she thinking of cutting your dick off while you sleep? Maybe. Maybe your breath stinks. In any case there absolutely IS a difference between light and dark eyes.
I met a kiwi once who had one blue eye one brown. I said she looked like one of those husky dogs (favorite dog). She did not talk to me anymore
wouldnt it come across as "fake" blue though much like how you cant tell the difference between hair dyed blonde and a natural blonde
My sisters eye colour changes between green and hazel
It was small 10 years ago, now it's absolutely nonexistent. At least in France or Switzerland.
Wouldn't know about the US, you're such a mismatch of everything great/bullshit that I wouldn't know where to get the operation.
But since your flight ticket are dirt cheap, you could do it anywhere from any state and would just have to add a hotel bill and a plane.
Completely doable.
Yeah of course they wont be real whites but they will be close enough to fool the niggers.
How about her brown eye? Does that ever change color?
Lower risk of Macular Degeneration.
Men with brown eyes have more dominant faces.
Possibly better for driving at night.
Quicker reaction speed (people with blue eyes are said to have better strategical skill instead)
Seen as more trustworthy, harder to read a person with darker eyes.
More resilient to bright light.
There's more, but i'm too lazy to type/find them all.
Depends how well she wipes
>Close enough to fool the niggers
I laughted heartily at that. Thanks user.
Still wouldn't risk it, not worth it.
I've got greater than 20/6 vision right now. Why would I want to fuck with that?
Old Europeans had brown eyes. Nordics also had/have light brown eyes.
>quicker reaction speed
Nigger this is your brain not the fucking color of your iris
Yes shitskins are more accustomed to having to defend themselves from animals, because that's what they are
The dr specifically say under every brown eye is blue eye, no green.
mine too
>tfw IQ of 256 but only 2"4
>harder to read a person with darker eyes
This, it's part of why asians (orientals for you limeys) are regarded as inscrutable.
Brown-eyed people should not be allowed in a white ethnostate. Say what you want about him but Varg is correct that shiteyes indicate non-European genetics. This procedure will allow these people to infiltrate and subvert our society and destroy the Nordic phenotype with their muddied genetics.
It's the genes that matters dimwit
that's something a brown eyed brown haired loser would say
fuck off to r/averageguypride or whatever
Im an ancient nigger king
Go home Paki
scarcity is what most will tell you. If you are asking beyond that germanics are big we wuz who think that roman emperors and all historical figures of importance were blonde haired, and blue eyes white kangs. There are people like that in this board right now.
It's funny because the Spanish golden age of three centuries happened right after the reconquista, meaning that, according to Sup Forums our race was already blacked. Nordicists forget the Spanish and Portuguese empires.
Maybe so. I don't think I've ever met a white person with the black eyes that Asians/Africans have. European brown eyes are actually brown, while theirs are not. John Quincy Adams was said to have black eyes, though.
Do another test. Livingdna tests way more populations, but they don't have results for Jewish or Amerindian.
Because the risk you take by taking the plane to the actual place is higher than the risk of anything going wrong in the procedure.
You're probably locked in place, and a robot does it to you. It's precision is a billion time more accurate than any trained human who would still have done all the test to ensure you get out correctly.
People call it "an operation", but I got my eyesight fixed 5 years ago with a laser. It lasted 20 seconds where I had to look at a red dot in a black tube with each eye while laying on a table (eye didn't have the same vision score, they adjusted accordingly prior to the procedure).
Now BAM ! 30yo and vision is still perfect. They warned me natural aging will cause natural degeneration, and I'll have to lay back on the table in about 25years from now (or wear light glasses as all old people end up doing anyway).
Cost me the whooping price of (approx in $) 1500$, with the 2/3rd of it covered by my insurance.
See ? Nothing to fear. It's unnatural for a human being to be underwater, I agree, but I believe you can hold your breath for more than 3 seconds. It's fine.
It means brown eyes correlate with faster reaction speed. How young are you?
>tfw IQ of 437 but only -1"3
Fuck yeah, Im totaly getting this shit. Always wanted blue eyes
stupid list. you're wasting bandwidth
Actually it was $5k but several years ago. I thought the project might fizzle out but the website seems to be planning sonething. He had to practice in central america since it wasnt approved in USA, maybe its changed.