Redpill me on Flat Earth Sup Forums. Why are the jews hiding it from us that the earth is flat?
Flat Earth Redpill Thread
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Why did the Jews make you fail geometry.
Just research it, too many jew shills here
If earth is flat, what's on the other side?
>the internet turbo retard can't answer this
Barren rock obviously. Nothing can really be or live there as it would fall down.
[[citation needed]]
Also we can obviously fly a plane there right, so where's the pictures
You can't fly a plane around the disc, only above or below it. The celestial winds would prevent you from making such a steep turn. Since no one lives on the other side, no one can fly below the disc.
Because Goyim, if you feel like you're running on a never ending hampster wheel, in the middle of a cosmic ocean, you'll feel you have no significance in this world. It's Flat. Scientism is a dogmatic false religion.
If the earth is flat explain the seasons.
If the earth is flat explain why with out gravity, we wouldn't be infinity accelerating upwards until we reached the speed of light and beyond, as there would be no resistance (gravity) to stop the acceleration?
Why can you board a plane on the north poll and get off in a completely different climate in the south poll?
Why can you attach a GoPro to a weather balloon and see the curvature of the earth?
How do satellite tv, or satelite PHONES work?
Why would we be the only observable flat astral body?
Just a few reasons the flat earth shit is bull shit. Just the tip of the iceberg.
There is no "other side". It's undiscovered beyond Antarctica.
What happened to that Malaysian flight again? Exactly. When flights get too far "South", too close to Antarctica, out of radio range, we lose contact.
Fpbp checked /thread sage
Oh yeah, what about that flat shadow we cast on the moon.. oh wait..
It's not a "disc", and there is no "below". The main argument of the community is that there is no detectable curve on the surface of the Earth and that we are motionless.
This is such bullshit man. Just walk out of your basement and go outside. Walk our beautiful earth. Does it feel flat to you? Does it look flat? Does the horizon? Why are WE supposed to be explaining shit to you when it is YOU who claim unrealistic crap that defies our senses. My senses tell me the earth is flat, why would I question them??????
How can there be no below, huh? Go take a plate out of your cupboard and look at it. Is there a below? I bet there is. Check m8
How many times do I have to post this?
Flat Earth threads are made by the very shills you guys hate so much to divert attention from things far more important like Clinton and Russia.
Either you've never seen pic related before, or you're actually fucking braindead.
Saged. Go fuck yourselves.
Your sense can't "sense" germs and microorganisms that will most certainly KILL your kike ass. Basing your arguement on your "senses" and no facts. Wow you must be a liberal with all your feelings doing your arguing for you.
Refute everything i said line by line.. oh wait......
I believe 95% of "allegedly flath-earthers" are globe-sceptics and not flat-earthers.
i wont believe in any of the two theories, because i don't have 100% proof.
i hate globers because they are mad at me for not believing in something i can't personally prove. why do they even care? it's not like they will die because i don't make a statement if it's a globe or flat.
No one claims it's a disc. That's disinfo.
Fags in here need to sage their brain. Think for yourself people.
You stupid shills are wasting your time. The truth is going to get out eventually.
For the record you can prove the globe is round..
For instance by just using the speed of light, and recording the time it takes the light rays from the sun to meet the Earth.. oh but i guess math must be a conspiracy too.
I didn't know there were jews in Norway?
Flat Earth is in an intriguing subject and one of those short-circuit mind fuck arguments that has me on the fence. In general, I've pulled away from it as Flat Earthers submit some of the most fucking sloppy proofs such as explanations for how the moon phases work or even the "dog cam" footage which is intellectually dishonest once you measure the distance the balloon went up to the diameter of the earth (you would not see a curve at that distance). Other arguments are intriguing like how the atmosphere spins with the planet and how lighthouse lights somehow bend around the earth.
What Flat Earth Theory did do for me we make me think more about my perceptions as human. Especially intriguing is how our eyes see as "The Law of Perspective". It's something we take for granted. Many Flat Earth arguments are over "horizons" and the way our vision is, automatically creates a horizon. This aspect of the arguments opens up topics related to our holographic reality and how we perceive it.
I'm not sure if the earth is flat or round but I'm very sure this is a computer simulation of some kind. So, in the end, arguments like this can be good to challenge your mind to open up and see things out of the box.
All i can see are some bullshit scribbles. I base my beliefs on the Bible, what is your source? Where does the Bible say the earth is a globe?
Ad-Hominem proves nothing. No substance in your argument.
The world is in fact one big giant dreidel spinning on top of a matzah ball. (((They))) are worried that if we find out, we will believe in their religion which they selfishly want for themselves. This entire global conspiracy is to keep the religion small so that they get all the rewards in afterlife.
Spread the word user
ok earth is a globe, what now? is it ending human slavery, bettering living conditions, making anybody more happy?
i'm too lazy to search for a proof, because it doesn't matter to me.
maybe it matters to scientists, but it doesn't matter to me. that's why i just make no statement about what i believe in.
but why are scientists so mad about me then? it's like they can only sleep at night if everybody agrees with them, at least the ones in the youtube comments.
same goes for flat earthers by the way. both side use name-calling, shaming techniques and other dumb shit.
all i can see is a bunch of angry chimp-outs raging over some shit that doesn't even matter to me.
>what's a composite image
google it retard
It should matter. It changes everything.
The scientists want you to believe their globe crap because they're in cahoots with NASA!
>what are seasons
Ad-Hominem proves nothing. No substance in your argument.
Replied to wrong comment. Good info here.
There aren't. Only sandniggers and the occasional guy with a few spare braincells.
>believing a fairytale with a glorified book made by smelly sandniggers 2000 years ago
Christianity is a political tool you SHOULD use, it is not something you can use to deny real life physics.
I don't know why I'm subjecting myself to trying to convince you retards that "muh joos" aren't hiding the "fact" that the earth is flat.
What will you believe?
Will you believe actual calculations based on physics, or is the computer you're using to write this also just a jewish lie?
How fucking delusional can you get to the point where you blame kikes for everything?
In fact, I believe you guys are the very same that tries subverting attention from ACTUAL kike shit by making us all look like retarded teenagers who simply cannot accept any sort of math because they never finished high school and are sitting in some dark office getting paid by a certain kind of people.
maybe if you have to do some calculations as a physicians or mathematician, but i'm none of that. i'll leave that to the jobs were this topic belongs to. i'm not qualified to talk about these topics.
>math isn't substance
What will you believe? what the actual fuck does it take?
None of your arguments have ANY substance either, it's just a bunch of fucking unproved theories that doesn't correlate with physics. AT ALL.
I'm so fucking tired of seing you dumbasses clogging up Sup Forums with this shit.
I'd rather have two full pages of BLACKED than one thread of you retards who wont listen to ANYTHING, no matter how much proof is presented.
are you really this stupid? I hope you're not this stupid.
please tell me you're not this stupid.
You're a human and this is your world. Don't let other people define it for you. Nothing in your human experience tells you you're spinning at 1000mph, which the current model supposes. It's pseudo-science we've believed for too long.
Have you ever been to the beach? Notice there's a horizon? You don't have any excuse to be that god damn retard
It's got nothing to do with that book. Human experience as well as texts left by many civilizations with many religious traditions.
What is real life physics? Some scribbles produced by kike shills! Look at all those drawings, figures - who can possibly make sense of that? It's obviously a work of Satan, how can someone refuse to see this?
I'm done talking with you - you're obviously too stupid to understand real reasoning.
what is gravity?
There is no fucking gravity, it's a jewish fairytale
You assume you know more than you do. The Earth being flat does not negate any of the modern technology we have. Physics and theoretical physics are two different things
When you're riding down the road going 50 mph, do you feel anything? No idiot. You only feel changes in speed and direction, which the earth doesn't experience.
It makes me physically ill knowing there are people like you living... breathing... using up resources actual intelligible life could be utilizing.
>Dailey reminder that not one flat earth thread has reached the bump limit the thread always gets purged and the user banned
Yes, while my relative movement is similar, I can feel if I run over a twig in the road asshole. What's next?
It's a psyop to make anybody who questions NASA look like an idiot. And it's working you fucking idiots.
>this only applies after they made /garbage/, i mean /bant/
Seriously kid, take your head out of your ass.
Put a gun in your mouth and kill yourself with it.