Have you heard about our lord and savior, best girl?

Have you heard about our lord and savior, best girl?

delet this

That's not Kirino.



>tfw you will never take advantage of ruri's low self esteem to hook up with her and have lots of abusive sex until she gets knocked up and you have to walk out on her with her sister

Ayase = kirino >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> manami >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kyosuke's toilet >>>>>>>> kuroneko

Really? What did she save us from? HUH?

Kirino is the best girl.

Fuck off kuronekofag

Wow fucking plebs in this thread

kill yourself

She never won. That was the biggest problem.

She's literally the worst girl, that gets better over time thanks to Kirino, there's even a chapter that shows what would have been of her if she never meet Kirino. A sad emo landwhale.

What chapter are you referring to? Fate-san shows what her future would be like if it wasn't for the siblings, a complete loser.

>tfw you will never pressure Ruri into sex when she's not ready and then slip the condom off when she's distracted and cum inside
>tfw she will never clean your softening dick with a scornful expression as she lets the cum drip down her leg

Yes, I know, I was exaggerating a bit. The extra chapter is called "There's No Way My Black Haired Little Sister is This Cute"

Kuroneko best girl for plot
Ayase best girl for doujins

That makes no sense though, that short story is about how it would have went if Manami didn't exist. I don't think it even features Kuroneko.

She have no such interest, user.

She experimented on the rebound. By the time Ayase got to her she wasn't a virgin

>Being this mad at a cat
>Still sour about seasonalfags from four fucking years ago
They must have really hurt your feelings huh

Kirino is the one and only best girl.

>They ruined the anime
>They almost ruined the LN
>Not being mad at the cat
Fuck off. The assholes and their cat deserve what they got. May their tears last us an eternity.

Too early.

Off by a few seconds user. Then again, the timing doesn't seem like that much of a deliberate attempt.

Man, Sup Forums is really slow today.

When did I said otherwise? Also

>What was going on? No no, how could I put it—first, one of them was very big. She was even taller than me, at least 180 centimeters. Besides that, her clothing was unbelievable—she wore a black dress, there was a purple rose on her head, her face was hidden behind a black veil. So terrifying, there was no one with such a fantasy-like mind. Akihabara surely was a dangerous place—that was what I thought.

>Behind that huge girl in black clothing was another girl in similar clothes. She also wore black clothing, a purple rose on her head. The difference was she didn't have a veil. She had pure white skin and quite a beautiful face. Her irises were red, and there was a mole under one of her eyes, she had a perfect poker face. I only met her eyes by chance, but I suddenly had a cold feeling— just like she was covered in an aura saying 'the living should not come here.''

I don't see how that can be interpreted negatively, Ruri cosplaying with Saori in Akiba. If anything it tells us she managed to get friends even without the siblings helping her which is a positive thing.

>she never got over her chunniness
>she's dragging Saori with her
Seems like the regular Kuroneko from the beginning of the story, and the regular needy Saori from the beginning of the story only hat this time she just got stuck with Kuroneko.

At the end of the LNs Ruri is still chuuni and she and Saori are in an otaku group, of course they'd do something like that. Also in the short story Kirino is 14 so it's still early in comparison to the canon, probably just shortly after volume 1.

Well in this thread I can see a lot of very angry kirinofags and zero crying nekofags, so it looks like if anyone's tears will last forever it's yours

Nekofags are everywhere. You just have to look around a bit to find them. They'll find the thread eventually too.

At the end of the LNs Ruri is making friends in highschool and Saori group grows larger which give foot to her reconciling with her sister. I agree with that is too early to have a saying on their futures, but knowing the classic Kuroneko, she would have never leave her comfort zone if it wasn't for Kirino, and Saori would have never oppose any decision Kuroneko would make and just tag along.

>tfw you will never coordinate with kirino where she tells ruri she'll let her have sex with kyousuke but only if she's blindfolded and then fuck her when she thinks it's kyousuke
>tfw you will never pull off the blindfold as you empty your balls into her womb and watch her pleased face turn into horror as she looks at your face and sees a complete stranger

Too bully.

It's helping her grow up

>Incestfags still this mad that people like the supporting girl
