Universal Basic Income

>companies use robots because its cheaper
>universal basic income starts
>companies realize they're paying both for automation and their own customers
>goes back to hiring people

Why do so many lazy asses fall for the UBI meme? They imply corporations are greedy and then believe they will gladly pay for your comfort
Are you retarded?

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They want UBI so once the bots become ascend in consciousness they will see humans as parasitic commies and do what must be done to finally cure the world of the cancer that is Marxism.

UBI is stupid. Have people never heard of inflation? If we all have $1000, then $1000 won't be worth $1000 anymore.

Start doing job shares instead. Have two people split a gig, but pay them both the full-time wage. A 20 hour work week at the same pay would create more jobs and more leisure at the same time (we'd still probably have crazy inflation, but at least people aren't just NEETing it up).

>companies who get back to hiring people get outcompeted by those who don't
>everything remains automated
free market will prevent this

Not necessarily. Those people that are still inclined to work will likely be super motivated and innovative. they would find ways to stay competitive against automation.

But yeah, UBI is stupid and unsustainable.

Implying the major companies that dominate the market wouldnt team up
The market's not free already what makes you think it would in a state that literally taxes to the point of gibing a basic income


Most businesses run on a fairly thin profit margin. Where are employers going to get the extra full time salary?

they get all the power that consumers had. reddit retards that want UBI basically admit their opinions are irrelevant and want to live like a coddled faggot even if it means they make no decisions in society.

Its like we'd need UBI housing to counter housing price increases. UBI food vouchers to combat that inflation. UBI insurance, healthcare. UBI bank accounts.
You would need to subsidize every aspect of the UBI receiver's life in order to stop them from inflating costs for people willing to work.
I would even go as far as saying every UBI recipient wouldn't be able to draw cash and their account would only have the same set amount monthly regardless of spending.
If UBI could save money, say, living with their parents for a couple years, it would be fatal to the economy for them to have that money just sitting in accounts. So they would have to have a set monthly limit that only resets and doesn't accumulate.
There's no way you can give out credit to a UBI recipient. Home loans, credit cards, new cars would be non-existent to these people.

Its a weird, stupid concept that requires tons of restrictions in order to hedge against inflation.

There will be a new age then. The economy the way we think of it now won't exist. People will be slaves, controlled by threat of withholding their UBI, without which they cannot do anything (including opening the tap in their house, entering or exiting their house, turning on their computer or phone, or even flushing their fucking toilet).

>not waiving near a river and being able to purify your own water, while being able to farm enough to support your food requirements
What are you even foung user

>not waiving near a river and being able to purify your own water, while being able to farm enough to support your food requirements
What are you even doing user?

UBI is the second to last step in total human obsolescence.

Why do UBI when you can just purge the Federal Reserve, stop printing money and cut down on gouvernment expenses to cover that?

Because muh equality

you're quite right. i'm just not sure wether i should settle in the north of argentina (supposedly that's close to the rothschild antarctic base and you can see ufos and shit in the sky with a nightvision cam) or wether i should get into the US and settle in alaska. but im definitely going to become an autonomous hippie hermit.

We're already more consumers than producers, thanks to welfare and the corporate welfare that accounts for a part of our paychecks.

Post UBI we will exist only to consume and make viable the scale of automated industry.

Fast forward a decade and automation will become capable of supporting the lives of the people that own the machinery on a smaller scale, personally. Living like a billionaire without spending a penny.

Making us a penniless, needy underclass that they have no reason to support.

the people who think this is a good idea know it isn't...

They use it to get votes, because people want "free money."

If they truly believed it was a good idea, wht don't they argue the opposite angle? Instead of giving everyone $X to live off of, why don't we make it so basic living amenities are free?

Because in that scenario, we see that it is fucking retarded.

>they would find ways to stay competitive against automation.
lol humans cant compete against automation retard.

True, not even the ai explosion that is happening right under our noses.
In 5 to 10 years time if you call a helpdesk or any company you will talk to ai and you wont even notice.
All buses cars and trucks are becoming driverless, all jobs that can, will be replaced by ai.
What do?

>What do?

become a painter of course.

All your deskjobs are nothing but parameters for a computer, human decisionmaking can perfectly be replaced by AI.

Yes, have you seen the brick laying robots yet?
The jobs that are not being replaced by robots anytime soon have now been regulated to flexijobs, with no security for the worker. Contractor has all the strings to pull. A day sick? Fired.
This is the future.

>companies use robots because its cheaper
>companies trade with each other only because only they have money
>the great culling
>the end

People getting money for doing nothing.
Hey that worked so well with welfare recipients and lottery winners. They suddenly start getting creative and educate them self because they don't have to worry about money right?

The cost of technology continues to go down. There are going to be people with no skill worth paying for. Are we supposed to inefficiently increase the cost of the job until it makes sense to employ that person?

the reality is UBI will come from corporate taxes but also income taxes and other sources. UBI will ensure that when these people become unemployable that they have at least some money to keep the gears of our consumerist society going.

The suicide rate will skyrocket because people will lack any sense of accomplishment.

UBI can work *only* when we can make food star trek style. That's it, any other scenario and we all starve.

Nah senpai, spend days shitposting. :^)

After real automation companies would have no need to pay for your stupid UBI. What are you gonna do? they will just flee into countries without UBI, good thing there are no barriers for capital unlike for people
>bbbb-but there would be no sufficient labor
>automation, oh wait..
>bbbb-but they would have no consumers in these countries
>whose consumption they need to pay from their own pocket, oh wait...

>automation happens
>tax companies
>give the money to people
>they buy shit
>everything is fine again

Is not hard

I suggest yall watch this: youtu.be/OEkT14RBzDI

>masses allowed to consume infinitely
>niggers rape the planet of resources
>elites tell you to fuck yourselves and start their own country with their robot army
woooow who could have predicted this

When they have machines making burgers and fries and over half the population can't afford them who will buy? If nobody can afford to buy consumer goods than a ton of companies will go out of business. Corporations will need UBI to shuffle around enough welfare for people to be able to buy shit to keep the cycle of consumerism going.

The cost of UBI, at least in the US, will be borne by the wage earners in the form of higher federal income taxes, which is how the corporations get to eat their cake and eat it too.

>eat their cake and eat it too
keep their cake and eat it too*

>lol lets just kill everyone with robots

You cant fight the masses, the elites know that

>doesn't understand the nature of man
>doesn't realize we need strife and misery to give our lives meaning
>doesn't see that this utopia of universal basic income will burn to the ground

You havent seen terminator aye.

just a murrican freudian slip don't worry about it.

>implying people will revolt

They are going to live a meaningless hedonist life, yes, but no one will burn everything to the ground just because the world is too comfy

>companies use robots because its cheaper
>retire to undergorund automated cities
>nuke the planet flat
>wait fifty years
>re-emerge into a paradise in which they have dominion over everything
Yeah, UBI isn't part of the plan m8ts. The second they really don't need us, we're all fucking dead. Nukes, biological weapons, whatever it takes to cleanse the Earth of us useless eaters and bad debters. The elite will retire to Antarctica or one of several hundred confirmed massive underground facilities they've been building quietly for the past fifty years. And, no, they won't have a sudden moral change of heart like that ridiculous 2012 movie, they hate us, have always hated us, and will delight on the day we all die, finally free.

they dont kill you, they just tell you to fuck off.

>comparing animals to humans
Muh mozart

They'll make the A.I. robots that way so they buy more products and are more productive. Instead of making products adapted to the consumer's needs, they'll make consumers who are adapted to the product's needs.

Commies realized that simply crying "gibs me dat!!" doesn't work in America, so they huddled around and came up with the laughably retarded idea of UBI by adding another layer of pseudo-intellectualism to their existing retardation.

They've even hinted that they've built a moonbase for very purpose of cleansing the Earth of us scum. It's got fucking wifi and everything. The sneaky Japs have kitted it out.

Luckily for us right now this second, the so-called AI Revolution (actually expert system revolution, but whatever) will take another hundred years minimum, so we won't live to see the arrogant purge of the planet.

I'd quite like to witness it, however. More than that, I'd like to witness the total collapse of the new elite society about three generations into Utopia due to the usual eugenic regression kicking in and there not being enough humans left to invigorate the bloodline. I'd laugh so long and hard I'd choke to death, the Last Man Alive's fitting ending.

>psychopathic satanic paedophiles giving the plebs UBI
What fucking planet do you live on?

>Fuck off
>Lol ok :(

People starving will just loot their shit and put their head on a pike

Too risky, what really is going to happen is massive sterilizarion and propaganda to not have kids because muh overpopulation

Pff dude who cares, your moralfagging is boring af. iam dirt poor, Basic incomr would aleviate most of my problems. You shitheads dont understand the system is rigged.


>I made shitty decisions in life, so YOU OWE ME

Well, i can make life very bad for you.
Whats the difference between me fighting for a better life and the capitalists robbing us blind?
The only reason there is unemployment is to keep the fear in the employed because they are replacable.
Fuck you btw :)

Think about it, the only reason trade between willing individuals exists is because both have something to offer each other that could not be, or would be more difficult to be acquired otherwise, it's a benefit/cost calculation. That's why ennemy empires would still trade with each other.
Trade is just time, effort and capability management that happens to involve willing individuals when those are the only availible capable entities.

They've successfully done that in Europe m8 (the proper bits, the ugly areas they just warfared into submission as ever). And it hasn't worked. In China they really went for it with their One Child bullshit, and again, a tiny drop in the ocean.

The second they don't need us, we're all dead. Almost the same day they feel confident that their secret underground factories really work and they've covered all the bases of creating a Utpoia everafter, that's the day we die.

There is another theory: that the elite have invested the missing $1.7trillion a quarter into a gigantic and bold interstellar space programme. They will simply board spaceships and fly the fuck away, leaving us to tear each other apart.

Frankly this theory underestimates the costs of running a successful child prostitute rearing/smuggling ring and total domination of the drugs market every year. Our one last hope was that they needed us to make fucktoys to abuse. Well, with this artificial womb business, they don't even need us for that any more.

Northern argentina is hot as balls but the highlands are pretty comfy although with a fair amount of natives

>look im the perfecto slave, im being a wagecuck so i can look down on you, my fellow white man
Being this cucked.

The other thing against UBI fantasies is that it would have to be implemented worldwide, prefereably with a fixed market value i.e using a one world currency. If they were going to issue, say, Britain with a free £1000 a month (reasonable wage for frugal living and the occasional luxury) and not France, the fucking French would pour into London in even greater numbers than they already do. Just look at the chaos the pathetic pittance of welfare handouts in Europe has caused by the horde of shitskin gimmiegrants, and multiply that by a bazillion.

So, basically, it's got to be All UBI or No UBI. We've already seen the reluctance on their part on defining and defending national borders. Any implementation of UBI in a single client state has got to be viewed as a destabilisation tactic on their part.

Say hiel to Hitler for me.

>G*d damn jewgle commie phone autocomplete capitalizes Stalin but not Hitler

Immigration policy is a thing. You'd know that if you lived in a nation-state.

I think fundamentally, lefties reject the notion that we are in fact animals with basic needs for survival. Counterintuitively that is, because of course they use the food and shelter needs to justify their social programs, but they cannot accept that we are not special, we need to live in harmony with the natural world somehow, and we need to struggle somehow, and live among our own kind somehow. To think we can just live in a high tech, post-scarcity civilization with no property or currency is just laughable. It's hard to even imagine how horribly that would go wrong, but it would, and spectacularly so.

Oh, I read about you. It must be strange waking up from a coma since 1952, how are you adapting?

If we had Star Trek style replicators, fed by limitless essentially free energy, I can imagine a future where people didn't freak out in automated cities. I doubt they'd work all day and fucking night in Jeffries tubes on dangerous space stations, fuck that, just jet off to an uninhabited world with the replicators m8. The Cardassians can have the worm hole, who gives a fuck?

> ubi starts
That’s where you’re wrong. People become robot mechanics.

There's no free market in this world you nigger