>I felt the jew took over this show too
>help me Sup Forums, should I keep watching it?
>I felt the jew took over this show too
>help me Sup Forums, should I keep watching it?
idk, is it? Do the commies figure out their ideology is fucking shit?
>We needa blow up da banks shiet it's not fair we got ourselves in so much debt, we shouldn't have to pay it back REEEEEE fuck da system
Isn't this show about an Arab hacking the evil whitey corporations? When has it ever been red pilled?
stop watching tv
I just pirate it kek
what should I watch?
Opening sequence has Tom Brady as an example of why the world is corrupt and going to shit...
turn off the jew box
its 2 eps in you fucking autist.
This was always too political correct for me.
>indian hacker girl
>faggot murderer etc
Assumptions based on not actually watching the show at all.
he literally points out everything wrong with 'college philosophy' anarchists and commie bums, and gos to work for ecorp.
Show looks gay, not watching it.
>he literally points out everything wrong with 'college philosophy' anarchists and commie bums, and gos to work for ecorp.
lel? I watched the entire first season and started on the second season. In one episode the main character and his sister are literally watching a movie called "Kill the Bourgeoisie"
that being said if you can actually show me a clip where he denounces anarchists/commies I'll stand corrected
The show is definitely ABOUT communism, but it doesn't really JUSTIFY it or say it'll WORK
I suppose you're right, but it seems the implication in the show is that the anarchists are the good guys and the corporation (literally called "Evil Corp"...) is the bad guy, and thus that anarchy/communism = good
I guess we'll have to wait and see how it plays out to know for sure. Maybe the anarchists will "win" and then everything will go to shit (as it would) and the show will end up serving as a kind of warning to utopian ideologues. Seems really unlikely though but if they did that, then wow
this show has always been about "muh evil whitey capitalists". It was never ment to be redpilled
I can't stand any of that shit in TV shows. It's so unbelievable it takes me out of the story.
this isn't happening, you can see by the critics they point out that it's a liberal show
it is a shit show.
Stabs you right in the suspension of disbelief doesn't it. Where it's appropriate it's fine, but sometimes it's just so obviously shoehorned in to meet some sort of arbitrary diversity quota.
how was season 2? anybody know? I stopped watching in season 1 around 7-8 episode because it was retarded.
>faggot murderer etc
who the fuck is jeffery dahmer anyway?
a frankly disturbing amount of serial killers are homosexual, faggot
go look it up
I stopped after season 2 firsts episodes because it was heretic
> Sam Esmail
> Redpilled lol
I mean I like the show but it's sure as shit not /ourshow/
>Maybe the anarchists will "win" and then everything will go to shit (as it would) and the show will end up serving as a kind of warning to utopian ideologues
that's exactly what happened in season 2
you're a moron who only watched the first season
Name of the show?
Mr Robot
Breaking bad
This show appears to have literally no point. I always feel this way whenever I am bamboozled into watching television.
It's the most retarded fucking show to come out of nowhere. Just take some unreliable narrator trope and go crazy.
This show has been kiked since its inception.
>old black hacker
>muslim girl hacker (lol)
>blonde QT girl next door gets SHITTED
I wanted to like it but (((they))) made it impossible.
Is that the episode where he goes on the anti-religion rant at the AA meeting? Yeah I found that to be pretty annoying too.
>If god is real then why do bad things happen
wow deep
kek, it's so true
It was anti capitalist bullshit from the start.
This show sucked from the very first episode.
It's IT trivia is pretty decent. That being said, it's absolute commie bait.
You must be kidding, season 3 is not only awful but also keeps shitting on Trump
This show is the best redpill for multiculti and commie babies.
>gather an elite team of multicultural hackers
>destroy the biggest multinational corp in the world
>turns out everything is fucked without le ebil capitalism
>MC starts to realize he's a marxist mongoloid and tries to fix what he destroyed
i dont like s3 so far. its like we are back to s1.
season 2 was awful by the way.
season 2 was awful. nothing but filler. the entire season was filler except for the finale
That's also what is happening in season 3. Elliot realizes that their plot to crash the world economy has really just opened the world up to more shit and more oppression by government and big business. So, in season 3 he has been trying to undo all the bad shit he's done...and it's not really him doing it anymore, it's his other personality, Mr. Robot.
waaaaaay better than the first one. the first season was shit when compared to the second one.
It's a doomed system anyways. The sooner we bring it down, the sooner we can build a new one.
>I felt the jew took over this show
yes, felt this way too
He was an anarchist, actually.
There are no "good" or "bad" guys, you fucking inbred mongrel. It's just your crippled interpretation of what's been shown in the show so far.
let me guess, no television show or movie or book or any piece of story-driven art has good guys or bad guys right? It's all relative maaaaan, the good guys for you might be the bad guys for me maaaan
fuck off
If you watch this show and think you're supposed to side with Elliot you're an idiot. He's crazy. He has dissociative personality disorder. Also in the latest season he realizes he was just being young, stupid edge lord. He can't control what his other personality wants to do though.
its sad because i liked season 1. I just felt sad about how edgy the show got after that episode
What a fucking faggot
if you think like that then you're stuck inside a kid view of the world, just bc they take the show from a perspective, doesn't mean this POV is a good one. I just got boried about how edgy the show got, but what you're pointing isn't an argument
>tfw I have no idea what this is because I don't brainwash myself with the electric jew
stop watching tv
the fuck is it with season 3?
>House of Cards (still refusing to watch past s2)
>Rick and Morty (never watched but apparently s3 is when shitlibs took over)
thankfully, you're in the minority and likely won't have kids of your own
he literally opened a tor link on google lmao
how the lead actor feels has basically no bearing on production choices
i'd be more surprised if an actor had the courage to say "maybe trump is ok"
in this regard, even chappelle is more reasonable
he's just an actor- who cares about his opinion? fuck off lol
>clearnet is bad, fellow paranoid parrot undergroundbros
checked and kek'd
>anything on tv in 2017
pick one
This is truth. Everything in Season 2 was about how they fucked everything up.
the same seems to happen with movies
who cares? stop whining and find new shows, if mindless entertainment is really that important to you
Samurai Jack had a pretty red pilled episode with a reference on abundant immigration if I recall correctly.
anyone got the webm of this creature doing squats
Rick and Morty is pretty good
>Should I keep watching show glorifying communism
OY VEY! Keep watching, Goy!
> Dumb burger doesn't know what Bla Ogon is
Nazis watch out!
so close
it's like watching spongebob workout
Idk, is the show redpilled? You tell me what this means.
Tom Brady is a chad.
cant recall that, however,
they did have an alien sludge monster stuck in what seems like the black stone in mecca
There are homosexual sex scenes in this show in multiple episodes.
If that doesn't tell you all you need to know about it, I don't know what will.
> mfw /pol claims to be red-pilled and look at the above comments about this show.. LMFAO
> mfw brainlets who don't work in tech critique the show's portrayal of tech which is pretty spot on as if they know anything
> mfw coinfags btfo
There are shows that require an elevated sense of understanding with this timeline... I don't think most fags are intelligible enough or have a sound enough mind to connect to it.
Your loss.
Go watch some capeshit or relish about a previous time you weren't even born in.
Keep watching. Elliot realizes he was being a stupid edge lord by season 3.
There's only 1 with Tyrell in season 1 isn't there?
Oh and Season 3 is quite red-pilled as were Season 1,2 beyond most people's level of comprehension...
Most people don't have the knowledge to be able to appreciate this shows attention to detail. Like that femtocell hack that was spot on.
If you think this show glorifies communism you're not paying attention.
I love it because it's visually great.
Story is utter bullshit but how cares about it anyway?
Much appreciated my guy
Rick and Morty
season 2 did have them using some hacking tools.
my favorite is the raspberry pi, they used it to capture network traffic or something.
they also used a pwnie pad near the end of the season.
His eyes are buggy and he has 0 ass.
Mr Robot got cucked
>literally showing clips of Trump as the bad guy in s3e1
>Mr. Normie
Yep. I made the mistake of watching with a group of friends once and had to shut it down because of the :
> That's not how things work commentary
Even though its exactly how they work and they have no knowledge of how the industry or OPs work.
> Pringle's can wifi booster
> Signed firmware checking
> Data center security cages
> Network management software GUI
Anywho, real insiders w/ a sound understanding of the world who are red-pilled get this show. I reflected recently that you can tell a lot about a person given what shows they watch and are able to appreciate. I use this as a pleb filter as of late.
What makes this thread hilarious are the number of so-called informed red-pilled anons dishing on it revealing they are so red-pilled/informed. In the little time i've spent here, things seem to drift lower and lower in terms of quality anons.
Most of the people here are idiots who form opinions on shows they've never even watched. They have to make assumptions because they're scared if they actually watch something that doesn't pander to them 100% that they'll be brainwashed because they have no critical thinking skills.
Who are you quoting?
Yeah, I captured some solid red-pills and threads in the earlier time I spent here but its becoming to be a considerable amount of noise, shill threads, psyops and foolishness. Cinema has been shit this year but there are a considerable number of red pilled shows that are very deep and forward looking. I am very thankful of this desu.
2018 looks to be a solid year as such.
I know there are a lot of pleb tier shows but there is also just enough solid shows to fill the year. Mr. Robot is one of those on a very deep level. In many years, it has frontrun actual world happenings.
The episode I just finished watching was I think the latest. They literally blamed trump for the world being shit and showed a picture of a border wall and called it "our prison". This show is the opposite of red pilled. If you took a blue pill and wrote cuck on it then you would have the appropriate pill. Fuck this show.
Is your argument that the show is good because it has accurate hacking? fucking lol. The show is retarded pseudo-anarchy bullshit with wish fulfillment for nerdy guys who wish they could kill gangsters and business execs.
It is garbage and you are garbage.
The show pushes the idea that all the shit you think it glorifies actually is horrible and just makes society even worse. You obviously haven't watched the show because it's message is the polar opposite of what you think it is.
I don't even care so much about a show being red pilled as long as it's entertaining. I have an iq over 100, so I don't have to worry about being manipulated by a fucking TV show.
I just watched it too and I literally had to think for a while to recall that scene. I think you're missing the point because you're thinking too shallow. You took the scene out of context which is that the fucking economy just imploded and rightfully so, a tight border would be used for all sorts of things beyond what it was originally intended.
> mfw your shallow brain causes you to pick up and focus on such quips instead of the bigger context of the show and deeper reflections like the fucking E-coin exposition which is right on point and front running what is likely going to happen.
>mfw you plebs haven't discussed the central point of nearly two episodes : how bit-coins are used to fuck people over even though shit tier minds think its meant to liberate them.
You're blue-pilled af as well as most of the people on /pol. You're only red-pilled in the sense of a narrow distinguishment from the avg. pleb. Literal Rick&Morty minds.
Thanks for replying to that idiot for me user.
Same. Utter shit show.
The real story is about the face off between the White Man (E Corp CEO) and the China man (Chinese minister/Chinese "Illuminati" Head). They're bickering over who gets to own the Congo.
Elliot was allowed to do his thing because the China man wanted to cuck the white man.
This pic summarizes season 2
every single show is CIA, every fucking one of them if there was one they didn't like they would cancel it