You aren't retarded, are you user ? You do realize that most of the Muslim hatred being pushed online is a Jewish psyop in order to push Western governments into more wars in the Middle East for Israel's interests, don't you ?
You aren't retarded, are you user...
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Go fuck a goat, sandnigger.
Sure, Jews play both sides, but that doesn't change the fact that Muslims are in Europe and America right now raping little girls by the thousands. You have to go back, Ahmed.
Muslims wouldn't be fleeing there nations in the thousands if it weren't for the wars. I agree that Muslims should stay out of the West but the West should stay out of Muslim lands too. And now you guys are most likely going to be pulled into another war either in Iraq or in North Korea because nothing gets a president re-elected if they are overseeing a war. And Trump just happens to be a very good goy. Sad.
The Jew is the root cause and our main enemy, most here accept that
absolutely. child fucking satanic kikes try so incredibly hard to make the focus of european right wing and nationalist resurgence to be muslims. when clearly at its cure it is and should be kikes.
most of those little girls are sluts tho
Sure, but I'd still hate muslims without it as well.
Hello Turk, I'll always wonder how you can defend Islam when it shat up your country so magnificently.
Could have had a much better standard to go home to, instead now you're becoming progressively more hated in Germany and going home is probably never going to be an option.
Islam swept across the Christian world like locusts eating a field of grain. I prefer the Christians in the middle east who somehow survived and resisted them
Agreed. Europe has buttfucked itself by letting in muslim refugees.
Yeah I know. But that dosnt change the fact you and your kind are scum. The filthy pakies in my home town are what I'm judging you on. Your fate will be the same as the Jews.
Oh look. It's afraid...
Multiculturalism doesnt work. Its the jew trap.
Except most people don't want wars in the middle east, they just want an end to muslim immigration.
Muslims in the west dont get the phrase "when in rome, do as the romans do"
You all so fucking Brilliant I can almost see my reflection on you
Muslims are fucking scumbags and have sexually assaulted people I know.
Muslims talk openly about making our daughters wear the head scarf and brag about how many children they will have in order to take over countries. Fuck you. Islamic bastards.
You all need to leave. This is now beyond a joke. My hatred for Islam will never run out. I will make it my life's mission to see you all leave my country. I will do anything in my power to see you all fucking go away because you are ruining our country with your shit shit culture and beliefs. You are scum.
You all deserve to be fucking gassed.
to all of you, including the thread poster, stop grouping all muslims into one. arabs are not the same as indian muslims (pakis) or nigger somalians.
and yes all non-westerners should leave the west, but beyond that enough hostility, we have a common enemy. act like it.
60m+ refugees for (((greater Israel))) the worst exodus in human history
Multi culturerism would have worked without Islam.
Ans you accusing the Muslims like good little pussyass GOYZ stfu before I bitch slap you all with my dick after raping your mom eyes socket you stupid Cunts
I see you hav fallen for the jew trap.
Multiculturalism is a joke.
Islam is the problem. It ironic your whole religion is a jewish trap.
Islam is a brutal totalitarian death cult that is destroying the West right before our eyes.
Please encourage your friends and family to be skeptical of Islamic assholes who have no intention of integrating, they only want to see the West burn and take over.
Europe is under attack and you have to make others aware of this
Tf niBBa muslims hate the j00s more than you western cucks
You worship the same God you cuck.
Yet our holy scripture says otherwise. Islam acknowledged the jew trap while you dont.
Do you or do you not worship the god of Abraham?
yeah, cause u've read that in your garbage ass filter bubble. my god people here are so obvious in their thinking. Sup Forums was known for gentle btards and faggots, not for pieces of fuck like this. when will snacks come back and swing the b& hammer to knock you motherfuckers off this planet? i hope soon :(
Go fuck your mother jewtard!
Yes we worship the god of abraham, muhammad, essa (jesus) and other messengers. Its the same concept. A God.
What about you stfu while you taking it up your ass Twink pussyboi you the reason for all this mess since 1666 you taking bad decisions just shut you cunt mouth for once chump fuk
A Jewish God.
I don't mean work as in an actually functional society. I ment work as in nobody would have realised the Jews plan if we didn't all hate Islam.
Why would a jewish god want its followers to hate the jews? Nyc contradictions mate.
They are your contradiction not mine. Why do you hate Jews if your God is Jewish?
Fuck off, sandnigger. I can hate Jews and Muslims at the same time, for different reasons.
Our holy scriptures (word of god) are anti semetic.
So multiculturalism is working in the United States you think ? None of their immigrant groups are Muslim, in fact they are catholic. But hispanics are still over represented in crime and drugs and form ghettos. Same with African Americans. There is ethnic tension and divisive rhetoric. Don't be a fucking retard, user. Multiculturalism doesn't work, period. People need to stick with their own and work towards making their nation great.
Youre a fucking indian, just let that sink in. you're indian.
Agreed nationalism is the only ideolgy that works.
Tf not poo in loo gtfo
why don't you get back to the middle ages in an arab country ? no one likes you deal with it
>because the Jews told me too.
Btw can confirm multiculturalism is created by the ShlomoAndGoodGoy Co. and should be avoided at all costs.
Fuck off kike lover
Indian pajeets are cancer tho.
I don't live in America. In the Uk multi culturalism they mean more Muslims. And i agree it wont work.
Islam is an immediate threat.
Don't ask me to ignore the masked gunman simply because I have cancer.
>Muslims are an immediate threat
>Muslims are pushing feminism in society
>Muslims are corrupting youth and making them embrace consumerism and atheism instead of a wholesome outlook on life
>Muslims are pushing degeneracy and faggotry and seek to eradicate the traditional family
>Muslims are pushing communism and identity politics
>Muslims are funding groups like BLM and Antifa
>Muslims are lobbying to send American men and women to foreign lands to fight for (((reasons)))
>Muslims are in control of the media
>Muslims are in control of the corporations
>Muslims are in control of the banks
Only retards belive this, user. Look around you and you shall understand who the real enemy is.
Nah fuck you leaf.
Islam is evil and has no place in the West.
Non progressive muslims are a cancer themselves user.
Progressive Muslims are the neckbeard euphorics of the Muslim world. The only reason they reject tradition is to embrace a life of degeneracy and decadance because (((Hollywood))) commanded them to do so. With their rejection of God and the religion of their forefathers, the sole purpose of their existence becomes unbridled indulgence in a life of nihilistic consumerism, smoke weed, drink booze and fornicate. They are truely pitiful creatures, like all "humans" without faith, forced to living a life without purpose and meaning. Verily a miserable existence.
Agreed west is no place for sharia law and bs.
>rejection of God
Doesnt that make them not muslims?
>Islam has no place in the West
I agree. Islam's place is in the orient and plces that have historically been Muslim. Get the fuck out of our nations though, your imperialistic and neo-colonialist policies are the reasons why refugees exist.
A Muslim who embraces degeneracy and faggotry is implicitely rebelling against God and the laws of nature.
Agreed degenracy and faggotry is unacceptable.
Fuck off sand nigger
Don't worry, Abdul. I hate them about as much as I hate your goatfucking kind.
jews and Muslims belong together in the desert and not in the west
ah now i get it, so the muslims have not been slaveraiding Europeans for the last 1400 years, and have not destroyed the he Nalanda Libraries in India and the remnants of the Alexandrian library? Muslims have not been genociding white christians? WOOOHAHA
Everyone did a lot of bad shit in the past. Name me a nation under the sun who is sinless.