So foursquare released data saying this is each states most popular restaurant's whats chic fila' s end game?

So foursquare released data saying this is each states most popular restaurant's whats chic fila' s end game?

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Pissing off fags, Remaining faithful, and making good chicken. Whats not to like?

>Texas favorite is “In N’ Out” and not Whataburger
This has to be fake

Chic-fil-a will forever be the most describable fast food simply because they have the balls to close one day a week.

It has nothing to do with religion either. They are creating artificial scarcity. Scarcity exploits the brain into perceiving additional utility.

I was thinking that too. In-and-out is kinda gross in comparison.

Forgot this

To be the one fast food place in town that's not staffed by nothing but niggers and spics.

plus they're clean and the food is really good.

Bullshit fake viral marketing stunt by Chic-Fil-A

Holy shit, that is so true. The Chick-fil-a girls are always so nice to my doggo too.

No one eats at Bueno in OK. Well and truly Chick-fil-A here. Except my town, all What-a-burger (on the Red)

You don't have Chick-fil-a in your state, do you?

Yeah, there just aren't enough locations in Texas for In N Out to win. Unless they're only sampling Dallas. Confirmed for fake and gay.

Beat me to it

>Louisiana Kitchen
What did they mean by this

>No one eats at Bueno in OK.
Yeah bullshit you stupid nigger. Bueno is amazing and always full. You'd experience that if you didn't live in some shit town.

Study is based on visits per restaurant. So it's not very accurate. Texas has like 650 whataburgers and like 20 in n outs.

California not being In N Out, and Texas being In N Out makes the chart feel weird.

They probably polled "What's your favorite?" rather than looking at popularity numbers per restaurant.

WTF does DFW metro have absolutely every chain imaginable in abundance?

I was born and raised in fucking KANSAS. With the absolute shit there is to do in this town, i can 1000% say WHAT THE FUCK IS A CULVERS? I haven't even heard of that shit.

Culver's is pretty white, too

you need to eat there right now

>muh Chicken has scarcity because they take Sunday off
Then buy it on Saturday you fat stupid fuck

The fuck is a chick full-of-gay?

>not Rally's
>not Wendy's
>not Taco Bell
>not Zaxby's
>not Sonic
>not Popeye's

As a Kentuckian I could seriously keep making this list.

Chick fil A is SHITTY

Nothing worse than KFC though

lol About 8 years ago democrats promised they were going to take down chick-fil-a for daring to put Bible verses on their cups. Now they're the most popular fast food place in the country. Good job libs. Keep on winning.

restore american values

Disrespecting Whataburger this way.

This is why we need to stop californian immigration to Texas.

Kansas getting cucked by Wisconsin’s fast food

I never really thought about it, but chick fil a is the only place staffed with cute white girls around here and not sheboons or troll looking ESL students

It's the embodiment of Wisconsin in a fast food place

>not freshly grown frood or supporting your local restaurant by dining there
>Not fruit and veg

Lmao, no wonder people call you mutts and Amerifats

>Chick-Fil-A is shit
About what I'd expect from a dirty commie

Find the nearest one, good stuff.

Aside from the alcohol

Damn, Culvers got cucked hard in WI.

There's no way. We literally have like 4 in-n-outs and they're all in the Houston/Austin/SanAn area. The rest of the state will tell you it's Whataburger.

>He doesn't know In-N-Out has been doing this same thing from day 1
>In-N-Out has been in SoCal since the goddamn 50's
>Literally no one says shit
It's because Chick-Fil-A is owned by Mormons.

In-N-Out Franchises are a fucking mistake. LOCALS ONLY!

>visits per restaurant
damn that is just about the worst way they could do it
just means that there are not enough of that fast food for the demand

I used to eat one of these every day because it was the only restaurant near the construction site I was at for 6 months. My arteries have been definitely hardened.

Jesus, is McDonald's really losing this badly?

Fuck Whataburger. Hot garbage on a bun made by niggers. In-N-Out employees mostly whites.

Niggas don’t know about my Taco Bueno

They're always so nice

This is retarded. NH literally has 2 chick-fil-a's in the whole state

Heh, I would've guessed that McDonald's would be the biggest by far in every state.

There is only one Chik-fil-a in my area and the line is always around the building at the drive thru.

You guys have Lee's. Be proud.


NH here and I didn't even know we had chick-fil-a up here. I don't know anyone who has ever been to one and I've never seen chick-fil-a trash on the roadside or a commercial for chick-fil-a.

My thought too.

Kansas literally only has 9 of these in the entire state. All of which are in the KC area. With Wichita being the largest city here, i will again conclude this graph is absolute bull shit. Probably sponsored by these companies.

Lots of posters disagreeing with the map
I'm in Michigan and think it's shit as well, don't even know where any chick-fil-a's are

Also go to Wisconsin often, Culvers is definitely the place there

I know that I’ve seen only two or three In n outs in Texas, and that all us Texans shit ourselves out of pure joy when we go to Whataburger. Fake news.

Texan checking in. Whataburger is the gold standard for fast food in Texas. There are none better or more popular.

Most people I know in real life consider McDonalds a last resort.

While I dig Culvers, I can think of exactly 2 locations in Kansas; Lawrence and NW of the Speedway.

Dig their food though, best fast food fries at the moment.

Why am I not surprised?

Who else /proud-dixie/ here?

>chick-fil-a over culvers

yeah fucking right

>anarchist born and raised in Kentucky

Lol bro

What kind of retards use foursquare?

A&W always has cute white girls working at them, at least here in Minnesota, food is okay.

Milo's master race reporting.

I heard everyone goes there

The smallest chicken tenders I had ever eaten in my life came from a Chic fil A.

If I cannot fill my stomach with chicken tenders for less than $8 I permanently stop visiting that resturaunt.

>not whataburger
What kind of shit is this?


Connecticut here. Eight Chik-Fil-A's get more business than 143 Mickey D's? I don't believe it

Are you retarded?

those were probably the chicken nuggets

Lived in Kansas all my life, never even seen a Culver's

Maybe you could fill up on their tenders if you weren't such a fatass.

As someone who worked CFA I can tell you this list is probably accurate

AMA I guess too

That is the AnCom flag you dumb fuck

Stop being fat

Utahfag here, we have like 3 In-n-Outs I have no idea how it got first place.

Aside from grabbing a quick double cheeseburger from here, who is unironically having meals at McNiggers? Why get their big "premium" burgers or sandwiches when absolutely every other chain is better quality.

There are only 5 in Kansas. But you're correct, they're all in the KC Metro area.

Yeah actually. I live 15 minutes away from any chain you can imagine, and 5 minutes away from the top 10.

The transsexuals of the political ideologies. Can only end in self harm.

They most certainly weren't, I even checked with the manager. I thought it was someone elses order.

2nd smallest chicken tenders are the new mcdonalds chicken tenders(they taste far better than the chic fil a ones too, impressed)3rd smallest is Dairy Queen.

Cane's has shit chicken meat, and I don't like the breading.

KFC all time heavy weight champ in shitty tasting chicken.

If you aren't going to Zaxby's or Popeyes for your chicken in 2017 jump off a bridge you literal casual

Total shit, we don't even have a chick fillet in our state. Fuck off, slider.

>100% of the workers at my local chick fil a are white
>every other fast food place is staffed by darkies
what did chick fil a mean by this?

Its listed only as "anarchist"

People go to in-n-out because it's not in a lot of places.

You stupid fat shit. Do you know how fucking dumb you seem? Do you have schizophrenia or something?

Same here. Never heard of it just looked at the map and I don't think there is any near Wichita. All KC area.

that's exactly what they want people to do and that was the entire point of his post.
>that moment when you are actually the fat stupid fuck.

This looks like bullshit.
How did they define "popular" ?
There's like 2 CF in oregon that I know of and about a hundred mcD that I've seen.

>this is each states most popular restaurant'
That seems REALLY unlikely.
Sure, Chick-fil-a is always busy, but there's 5-6 McDonald's for every Chic-fil-a.

Hush, I'll go eat there today to spite your faggot ass. It's not as good as Taco Mayo though.

Michfag. I know of 1 in in lansing metro and its new.
Personally if Im going to stop its going to be party store pizza or qdoba

They probably asked people where would they prefer to eat. Its not that complicated.

>Faggot flag
>Loves PIZZA

Checks out.


Vermont. Fucking explain yourself right now!

I will fight literally anybody over fast food preferences

You're all plebians

>not having whataburger in texas
this can mean only one thing, invasion.

>no five guys


Theres like 2 chic fillets in my state but they say its most popular? Total horse shit.