Blocks your path

>short hair
>resting bitch face
>feminist glasses
>overdone eyebrows
Jup, Checks out.

*insert exaggerated laugh track*

>she is soon joined by an ally.
>calls you nazi scum

She probably teaches some shitty mandatory elective that they force all the goyim into

I'll just call them commies and shoot them.

Such is life in Finland.

Or in other words 'I'm racist'.

She prolly does alot of cocaine


Stuart Smalley in drag?

She needs the D.


Who the fuck wants to talk in class?

Good point I guess

Those glasses could be a problem.


>she is soon joined by an ally.
>calls you nazi scum

Call them white supremacists because they are white and do not identify as Uhuru black.

Does she like hot coffee?

Who fuck hires these people into positions of and shread of responsibility. The university system is a fucking joke

>You just need a good dicking
I've never not triggered a feminist after saying this

Truth is a strong trigger.

This is true. People who actually raise their hands during lecture were usually pretty awful.

Woah. That. Is. Powerful.

Maybe the black students will study now.

You really should start using cold water to shave your chin every morning. It lets the razor do a better job dude.



I-is that a... bite mark?

This is what happens wen you give the completely unprepared a teeny bit of authority. It happens in the military too and it evidenced by a Lt who endlessly micromanages his or her group.

People like this are so very easy to completely frustrate and disrupt.

Beat the shit out of them

Why are you investigating cartoons, you stuid leaf. Fall is here, time for you cunts to blow away.

She must not mind never getting the right answer on the first try.

She's actually admitting to a fairly serious crime. Any of her white students can now sue her and the school for violating their civil rights.

>McKellop is a marriage and family historian

So nothing but has a chip on her shoulder anyway.

My Jewdar is going off.


When did contact lenses go out of style? I cannot believe how many people have fucked up eyes.

But she does have to ask white men.
Why should anyone ask again, if they have the right answer?

>muh horn-rimmed glasses

at least 5 coffees in the last 16 hours. How?

Can't you sue for discrimination

>“In normal life, who has the easiest time speaking, most opportunities? Flip it.”

Wat? Most black women I know won't shut up.

y'all think if I cut off my willy I too can become an Ivy leage professor?

She's a graduate assistant, which means she is nothing. She's not a professor, she hasn't even received a Masters Degree yet.

How do you spell helicopter in Retard?