Stop drinking alcohol you loser.
Stop drinking alcohol you loser
stop breeding your parishioners with niggers you christcuck
So Pastor Anderson's a teetotaler. Pretty standard for cucked denominations.
Stop having white children, goy
This guy sounds like he needs a drink.
I cut down to a 6 pack a week. It's hard though, mane.
>King James Bible
Greatest meme of all time. The only Bible that actually matters is the Latin version. If you want to actually read it learn Latin.
För helvete.
ryan reynolds?
not going to watch the video but I think its important to point out that Jesus and all his followers drank wine on a daily basis
Is this what happens when you forsake Tradition in favor of sola scriptura?
Are you retarded? The original languages of the Bible were Hebrew and Greek. Latin is just a translation into a dead language, and I guarantee you comprehend English better than Latin.
spamming faggots
it is weird how many mixed couples are at his church. I've never seen that at a baptist church.
Go suck nigger dick like Steven Anderson.
Some of us aren't alcoholics so it isn't a problem.
And how many children have you spamming faggots contributed to the white race?
Religion is just another form of addiction but instead of drinking from bottles or inserting coins in a slot machine you are "cleaning your conscience" hearing a idiot talking about a book bad translated and ambiguous.
I bet he can't wait to marry off his daughters to niggers, the pathetic cuckold. He'll do it himself.
Also he's part Jewish so he has contaminated that Aryan woman's genes.
Interesting fellow he claims to be libertarian because he doesn’t trust the government yet he trusts God.
>cuck xD
go back to 2015 stupid inbred
Always the same sodomite from Britain posting the same images in every pastor Anderson thread. Damn you mentally ill /polgbt/ abominations are mad af
not really a contradiction. Lots of libertarian christians.
>being this much of fucking pussy that you get assblasted by a single word
get your bitch ass the fuck up out of here
4 more days makes 6 months for me after 25 years of drinking, the last 8 or so averaging a 5th of vodka per day. Feels good.
>Leviticus 18:22(KJV) - Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
>Leviticus 20:13(KJV) - If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
I freaking love iron march.
WN's are a cancer.
You're all going to hell proddieshits
So why aren't you killing faggots Anderson?
>i may be actively supporting race mixing and a universalist religion but atleast I don't have buttsex
>listening to ancient sandniggers
Alcohol built Europe
Pastor is too important to the cause to go to jail. If everyone on Sup Forums did his job we could free America of the faggot menace.
Hello FBI
Not an argument you disgusting demonic abomination faggot
How can you distrust one authority solely because it’s an authority but trust another one?
>christians are globalists but they also don't like homosexuals
wtf i love Christians now
>old testament
So you're Jewish?
I'm not FBI just wondering how scripture is supposes to be followed
God is perfect I guess.
Just one more.
A joke for baptists.
Q: Why do you always take 2 baptists fishing with you
A: If you took one, he'd drink all of your beer
My one baptist buddy (became a Lutheran LCMS) had a family that were teetotallers who owned a still. See, it's immoral to drink alcohol, but it's not immoral to sell it to the sinners. Very jewish attitude. Plus tons of baptists love to drink themselves as long as they aren't judged by the community for it. See above. Baptists are very feminine in spirit and care primarily about appearance of Godliness over actual righteous living.
Indulging in correct circumstances has been a Christian tradition and only miserable judaizers pretend otherwise. If we applied the Baptist prohibitionist (different than "in correct use") attitude towards beer to sex, we'd die out, married or no.
Doesn’t the bible actually advocate for homosexuality in the parts talking about david and his assistant? Also notice ”like with womankind”.
>every person he ever met that said they are just social drinkers or only have wine with dinner actually got drunk EVERY SINGLE TIME THEY DRANK
Dude is either a liar or probably never hangs out with people that drink at all and saw some drunk people when he was younger
The eternal anglo speak like a nigger, what a surprise.
fairly sure ill die if i simply stop
But in order to know that god is perfect you need to trust him first?
>righteous living
What part of FAITH ALONE you pagan faggots don't understand?
Sodomites are not allowed on Sup Forums. You are a mentally ill aberration and a reprobate you are lower than a rat in my book.
>Romans 1:26–27
>1 Corinthians 6:9–10
>1 Timothy 1:9–10
>Jude 1:7
>Matthew 19:4-6
>Mark 10:6-9
The condemnation of sodomy is consistent throughout the Bible
Yes faith in God
I'm not gay though, but i'm saying Christianity not liking the 3% of the population that are homos and degenerates doesn't make Christianity based.
>muh based christian shitskins
Fuck this faggot
This. Christianity is the true path forward for the white man.
This guy is a fucking moron. He never even drank a beer? What a total faggot.
>muh based faggots!!!
You are mentally ill and sick in the head. Go get help you are a freak
Skin color is more than skin deep. It's an indicator of genetics right down to the full spectrum of their behaviors.
but that's how I get shit done, fuckhead.
No reply. I wonder...
Yeah, it totally advocated that which is why it said the punishment for all homosexuality is death. The fact that modern men read about men with brother bonds as "faggots" without any sexual intercourse is just indicative of how much of a grip homosexuals have on society. Men have done shit like this since time immemorial hunting parties and warrior bands had to sleep close together to stay warm enough to not freeze to death. Naturally, your fondness for people whom you had near-death experiences is a pretty strong bond, up there with matrimony. That's why most of the sagas contain laments when a warrior had to kill his brother-in-arms. The only time people started talking about this shit as gay was when jews took over our media.
All sex in the Bible that did not result in penis in vagina was sodomy.
So you're saying I can drink, whore, and act like a total degenerate as long as I feel bad about it sometimes and said the sinners prayer? Yipeeee! I'm an Anglican. I'm not a dogmatic RC and I don't believe in salvation-via-sacraments, but holy hell is Baptist doctrine retarded.
Are, per chance, a brown person who found Baptism and found comfort in its simplistic, rudimentary, and simple doctrines, hence hiding your nation flag?
*are you, per chance
*Orthodox Anglican (No fags, no female priests)
>christcuck that can't read
how rare
>Orthodox Judaism doesn't like homos too
>wtf I love Judaism now!
christcuck logic
Please show me the part where it says all. All quotes that I have seen are conditional eg. ”like with womankind.”
>people getting married
Sodomites are wrecking civilization as we speak. Why should I care about Christians converting third worlders?
>when the 70 IQ hits hard
I quit drinking 20 years ago. I smoke a little marijuana every now and then. After all, God put it here for us to use.
what's the point of living then? Might as well become a monk.
yes this about what would become of his black grandchildren!
Christianity is for cucks but teetotalism is the true red pill.
alcohol is found in nature too
Stop drinking the purple Flavor Aid, faggot.
>my skin is all i have
>You are mentally ill and sick in the head
What part of his post made you think "muh based faggots!!!", user?
Fuckloads of poisons are found in nature.
>my son-in-law's beautiful black skin is all i have
love that guy. kinda sad though most people need to believe in a god just so they dont act like utter degenerates
>homos are wrecking civilization
>not muh based Christian ghetto niggers/spics
Christian priorities
>solo scriptura, disregard all church teachings
You and our baptist friend here should get along fine. How about the entire breadth of Church teaching up until the past 70 years, all sodomy was punishable by death and we still have laws on the books in some US states against oral sex, although they aren't enforced? If you want Scriptural context, how do a man and woman copulate? The penis goes in the orifice. The commandment ITSELF presupposes that the only correct sex is penis in vagina. Therefore, when it says do not lie with a man like you would a woman and that it's an abomination, it's saying penetrating a man is not only not sex, it's an act which cries out to God for vengeance.
The 'sodomites are just 3% of the population just ignore them' part. If you don't actively oppose sodomites and their agenda you are a horrible evil person. Lack of action and opposition to those subhuman freaks is an implicit approval of sodomites
>Steven "The Bible IS God" Anderson
>Steven "Gays are totally and absolutely unable to repent because reasons" Anderson
>Steven "Races and geneologies don't matter at all but check out how my grandma is 100% Ashkenazi Jew how crazy and cool is that?" Anderson
>Steven "the KJV is perfect even though I know that there are some poor translations therein" Anderson
>Steven "I scream like a girl when I get tazed" Anderson
>Steven "I preach about homosexuals at least twice a month, but I'm totally not obsessed about them" Anderson
>Steven "Vitamin K" Anderson
This poster gets sodomized by Arabs for fun.
>So you're saying I can drink, whore, and act like a total degenerate as long as I feel bad about it sometimes and said the sinners prayer? Yipeeee! I'm an Anglican. I'm not a dogmatic RC and I don't believe in salvation-via-sacraments, but holy hell is Baptist doctrine retarded.
It's in your Bible.
Romans 10:9: That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
That's it. That's all you have to do to be saved. Jesus did the hard part. Any works or sinners prayers or feeling of guilt are garbage compared to what Jesus did on the cross.
Does that mean you can do whatever and still be saved? Yes, but God is going to chastise you. Deuteronomy 8:5: “Thou shalt also consider in thine heart, that, as a man chasteneth his son, so the LORD thy God chasteneth thee.”
Consider the story of Samson. He was a saved man blessed by God, but he died a premature death, blinded, and in bondage because he was also an unrepentant sinner.
>The 'sodomites are just 3% of the population just ignore them' part.
What does that have to do with them being based, user? Are you mentally ill?
>If you don't actively oppose sodomites and their agenda you are a horrible evil person. Lack of action and opposition to those subhuman freaks is an implicit approval of sodomites
I agree completely, user. It's just that I have jews on that list too, which is why I'm in every thread like this one doing what has to be done.
i wonder what his internet browsing history would look like...
Can't wait until you have a slow painful AIDS related death you hideous effeminate repulsive sodomite. You are not even human
Because they're insincere conversions. For 50 years, the Anglicans have been bragging about their missions in Nigeria. 50 years later, they have even more cases of AIDs, even among the Christians. They still practice voodoo Christianity. They're still asking for even more money to fix the situation. Nothing has changed despite mission after mission. Their priests and bishops are now trying to COME HERE to the US to escape their hellhole and their duty to their own people to convert them. And when their bishops get here, they still act more like animals than men. Roman Catholics have the same problem.
Love how christcucks arguments are always "lol ur gay" You people cant stop thinking about others sucking dick while letting your daughters do that to absed niggers. Amazing
If you are too dumb to understand that pastor Anderson is getting targeted by sodomite shills lurk moar. Sup Forums has zero tolerance for sodomites and other sexual deviants.
Skin worshippers are just blind for the Truth.