the EU summit just agreed that no progress on Brexit has been made and thus no new chapter for negotiations will be opened.
How does it feel to be at least 6 yrs away from freedom?
the EU summit just agreed that no progress on Brexit has been made and thus no new chapter for negotiations will be opened.
How does it feel to be at least 6 yrs away from freedom?
pay denbts stupid sandnigger
Indeed, it's kind of stupid how you expect one of the key points (Northern Ireland) to be spoken about without trade talks. As customs arrangements have to be made that will affect that border issue. So in essence, you want us to pay for 27 other members to have their pensions covered for life. You also want us to pay for everything else. We've said we would honour what we signed up for and pay for 2 years of transition. All in all that's about 20 billion Euros.
You won't let us have our share of assets (being a NET contributor) and you are angering other EU countries that want trade to continue with the UK. All because Germany and France don't want to plug the gaping hole that we'll be leaving.
Sorry Germany but you wanted to rule Europe, you have to either adjust your budget or you cough up the money yourselves, why the fuck should we pay for things we see no benefit from? What because we said we would? Well now we're saying "we're not" so you can complain and cry and brainwash the mainland about that. But if you do want that Irish border sorted, we actually have to talk about trade.
And we will fucking walk if you keep demanding money. You've been issued an ultimatum from May so you either follow that or shut up.
And if you don't talk about trade with us or a deal, you will be the ones in breach of the GFA, not us.
Oh and one last thing... There will be no 6 years, you've been given a date. March 2019... The ball is in your court, so either accept the very very very generous offer we have given you. Or don't... It's irrelevant to us, oh and EU citizens rights have already been promised here. You are the ones not promising UK citizens any rights in EU countries. So it's time your cunty left wing pro EU media started telling you faggot small dicked shits the truth.
Good day young lady.
>implying te UK is leaving shit
((They)) will have found a way to use their puppets into redoing the vote by then.
What do they even have to negotiate about and why should britain care?
If you want out just go and sever all connections. Your fault for getting dependent on the EU in the first place.
>And we will fucking walk if you keep demanding money
Just do it faggot. You sound like my crazy bipolar ex who kept threatening to kill herself
>that picture
>implying germans know anything about governance
>If you want out just go and sever all connections
Exactly. Why in the world are the Brits not just leave and be done with it? There is the WTO out there.
>What do they even have to negotiate about and why should britain care?
The two most pressing issues for the UK are access to the single market for their services (since that isn`t covered by WTO rules, even if the UK was a WTO member) and keeping Ireland free from internal borders.
It happens whether a deal has been made or not. The EU doesn't get to decide it's just not happening.
>, you've been given a date. March 2019.
What’s this 3 yr transition period until 2022 in which “everything stays the same”?
Haha, kys Hans, your shitty empire is falling
Go back to fapping to cuck porn, white nations are talking.
As-salamu alaykum
The real funny thing is that “white” in the US includes Turks, Armenians, Iranians, Syrians, Kurds etc. No joke. Kim Kardashian is see as “white” because she isn’t Hispanic, black or South East Asian/Japanese/Chinese.
>no new chapter for negotiations will be opened.
Are that the one every new member has to open before entering the EU?
I think a second referendum would be even more in favour of leave. Project fear never materialised and the way the EU has behaved has made many of my remain voting acquaintances change their minds. If they want to keep us in they're not going to do it with the people's consent.
No, the EU just likes to use the word “chapter”.
How many millions more are you spending on the NHS by the way?
>I think a second referendum would be even more in favour of leave
The second ref would be way more sneaky. It would be one about a. crash out of the EU with no deal or b. same de facto membership deal.
We never paid a cent for ww2 to anyone but Jews. So why would we pay Poles if we do not pay the real winners in that war a cent?
I just made a 3 flusher poop. I was scared because the first flush left the poop above the water.
the real funny thing is DE brought together 28 of the most highly developed, oldest nations on the planet and this is the end result
Stop masquerading as Hans, Ahmed.
How much longer can you take the Turkish invasion, Hans? Put up as much red tape as you want, just know that EU trade will suffer as well.
Turk numbers in Germany are going down.
France > UK > USA > Germany
At least on the outside
>nominal before the dollar weakness
are you shitting me?
Didn`t even read your post nigger
Because they receive German citizenship. Even with double Citizenship they're now counted as German.
see kek confirms
gas the krauts
To some extend yes, but not all of them.
In total the Turkish background numbers have stagnated.
Well if anyone in europe know about being non-white it should be you
This behaviour from the EU proves the British right. The end result will be that Britain leaves without an agreement and without paying a 'divorce bill'. Britain will then cut side deals with individual EU members, starting with Ireland.
>Britain will then cut side deals with individual EU members
Lol no
the German HQ is clearly a former BASF chemical plant
thank fuck but don't worry, you'll join us soon
Cutting side deals is legally impossible. No joke, Other EU states would have to leave the EU for this to work.
Yes, stagnated. But not reduced. Around 50% stay for welfare reasons alone, studies show.
And now we get filled up with Arabs and nogs that also want to have access to gibs. Not a good deal.
Around 50% of newborns in medium/larger cities are minorities (in West Germany at least). A good part of them are Muslims with the usual issues (school dropouts, unemployment, crime, pushing their culture through and our's out). Won't end good.
It was irrelevant till your stupid ass government and people decided to disrespect America. Now your stupid asses are at the back of the line because you fucks have no balls to retake your land.
You are submitted now to suck Euro cock for some years now since uncle nigel tricked you into became EU niggers now
>Germany becomes non-white
>Meaning Germany becomes poor
>All the non-whites will search new countries to fuck up
If we go we take all of you down with us
At least they are no puppets of the US jews
OPs photo is illogical
The dumb cunt shows the residence of the French head of state and the US head of state. Yet the residence of the UK head of GOVERNMENT.
THIS is the residence of the UK head of state.
user, I...
All 4 pics show the place of work of the head of government, genius.
Law is a matter of opinion.
Britain will offer a better deal than Germany can.
What you are saying is that EU members must deny their own self interest in order to satisfy German ends. It won't last.
only one you're taking down with you is france and sweden
two more islamic countries, that is
bye bye
6years better than you're feeling you fucking stinking hairy arsed kraut marxist bootlicker
The head of state has no real power in both the UK and Germany though. Here is the place of the head of state in germany
Kraut btfo.
krauts btfo again
Again, this would require other countries such as Sweden, Denmark, Ireland, Finland etc. to leave the EU. Not impossible, but unlikely.
But inside the EU, EU states cannot strike side deals, just like the EU cannot circumvent Trump and strike a trade deal with liberal California.
HM Queen Elizabeth forms the executive of the UK Government.
It is 'Her Majesty's Government', genius
Bilderberg group is on the EU side. The UK will fall due to their nigger arrogance
The pic you post is not the place of work of the head of gov, but the place of work of the head of state.
>Britain can offer a better deal than the free Germanbucks most EU-countries get
>image comparing government penis
>Doesn't realise that the uk is a constitutional monarchy.
Ok I'm going to explain this in a simple manner kraut. The PRIME MINISTER sits at the table with the House of Lords, the House of Commons, and the Queen to which she has sworn an oath to remain loyal.
The prime minister is our representive in the governance of our country and that's why she has a shitty house.
The fat burger shows his ignorance of true culture once again!
And the supposed greekflag is probably a newly landed nignog that arrived with all the other apes on a plastic boat parroting whatever his glorious america said. fucking niggers
The British government websites refer to Mrs. May as the “Head of Government”, genius.
Have you been hiding in a cave for the past 70 years?
>flag of a cucked country
Why did i even read?
Sounds good to me.
Come April 19, off we pop, and the EU can whistle for its money. We can decide what we do over NI, we can decide if we kick the Europeans out.
WTO and off we go.
Japan is literally only an US base.
She is the head of government dumb arse.
thats not a palace, its a stumply white shoe box
THIS is a palace.
>Here is the place of the head of state in germany
>The pic you post is not the place of work of the head of gov
That`s what I said I would do.
You don't know how the USA's system of government works do you? If you did you would know there are technically 4 heads of government. One for each house in Congress, one for the judicial branch, and the head of the executive branch.
>She is the head of government dumb arse.
Well, genius, all the pics show the place of work of the head of government. Incidenditly, two of the heads of gov are also heads of state in personal union.
The other countries may be afraid to leave, but once England shows them how it's done they won't be afraid any more.
May leads Her Britannic Majesty's Government
She is the Queen's first minister
The Queen is the executive.
Place, not palace.
You think Germany isn't a giant staging ground against Russia?
You act so surprised.
.t Merchant
He's right, it is impossible. One of the reasons we left is because the EU takes complete control over trade terms with outside parties. One example is the fact that we pay more for food we can't grow in Britain because we're forced to buy from Spain/France/Italy because the EU imposes tariffs on South America/Africa to protect the industry of member states from competition.
We have a huge trade deficit with the EU. WTO terms would be painful enough to some member states to destablise the union if they'd rather punish Britain than secure the economic wellbeing of their own memberstates.
You are a special kind of retard, aren`t you?
Not according to their own gov websites and the unwritten constitution.
anglos must BTFO
the have to exit
poles must be gassed
Yeah they make that shit up though. Queen Elizabeth II is the head of state.
I've wanted a hard brexit from the beginning because Germans will begin to realize they fucked up with the mudslime epidemic and the euro will come crashing down as they realize no other EU country is an economic power.
Yo Britain when we gonna invade Germany again like the good ol' days
So, when do we get to kill krauts again?
You're just jealous that we're getting Japanese tuner cars and you're not...
You are aware that the lose of trade would be much more painful for you than the other way around, right? Running a deficit dosn`t really change that losing trade to one country of around 65 million isn`t that much an issues for a trading bloc several hundred millions strong.
No you are definitely wrong. Just because he is the chief diplomat and can vetos laws does not make him the head of the government. The other branches of government are not under him, therefore he cannot be the head of them, do you get it now? The speaker of the house is the head of the going one of the house of representatives, and he calls it into session, I can't remember the Senate leaders titles, and the head of the judicial branch is the chief justice. The president has very little power in the government of the USA, retards just think that the president is the most powerful. If you knew anything about our laws and Constitution you would know this, but you don't.
Your influence here is gradually falling... With the fall of the UK and China's rise Russia is gradually gain ground in Europe. Geography is Russia's and Chinas advantage. When your country fall in civil war it will be much easier...
I would Relax German scum, The Anglo always defeats the German.
France, Belgium...
Kill yourself
if kids architecture impresses you...
not my cup of tea personally.
>The head of one of the houses of parliament is the same as a head of government
The us were a mistake
soon i hope
The point retard is that the Germans have been puppets of the USA since after WW2 something you said they weren't.
Only if you count the EU as one country, which it isn't. When you look at the trade balances and economic circumstances of individual members and Britain, you see the true picture. How many member states do you think go into recession if Britain stops buying agricultural exports because they suddenly get 20% more expensive and we strike a FTA with Brazil? The Eurozone is constantly on the brink of chaos, and tariffs with Britain is throwing a match into the powderkeg.
The head of government for the UK is the queen you fucking imbecile.