which one is the best one though? I don't want games that some dumb skinhead degenerate would play, get me something from a real high IQ nazi
There's other ways besides archive.is do some googling
now that you say that, I did, and I was looking exactly for that one, because I know the author is silling it thread after thread, but I didn't bookmark the link
thank you
I joined a Fascist group for the lols. These people seriously have no sense of humor.
>no pictures
lad, the pictures are the best thing of the article
Fuck off, retard.
You know what makes me sick to my stomach, Australia's SBS network teamed up with Vice and now has a 24/7 digital degenerate channel, all about hating drumpft, goobergaters, hitler and everything with a 90 degree angle.
They're emulating Germans, of course they have no sense of humor.
>archive.is doesn't work
good thing there are so many other alternatives you wretched fucking shill
You'd have to be concern trolling or completely retarded not to see the goofy satire in all this rather than 'hate'
>good thing there are so many other alternatives you wretched fucking shill
you tell me, because unv.is does not support pictures
I'm referring to people like in OP's article
I actually left one of my old steam groups because it got filled with altright tards and my feed was getting spammed with anti-sjw shit mra stuff, and nazi memes.
Like nigga I'm here to play video games. I really don't care about your politics, the election is over, stop beating a dead horse. Especially all over my community feed.
Are Valve the true bastions of free speech?
How much you wanna bet that most of these were made by kikes to have something to whine about?
>Single digits and meme names
you can count on that
remember when the whole Hatred debacle hit, and Gaben himself put them back into the market
No, they are just lazy
Umm guys how the fuck is this still on steam
funny how they only single out the nazi and white supreeemist groups
And here I thought I was a rebel for joining a GOG group on steam
>13 year olds make a group to have a clan tag in their CSGO names
>make it Jew Inceneration Squad or some edgy shit that teens think will be hilarious
>someone legitimately gets so triggered by this they make an article
Are journo actually autistic? I did the same shit back then with my friends because we thought it was funny.
How the fuck are games with attractive anime ladies racist?
there is like hundreds of groups related to communism, marijuana and stuff like that too
motherboard cherrypicks really good
i don't get it why dont you take a picture of the entire page?
OWO whats this?
is it ironic that these groups actually know more than me about jewish culture
apparently furries were simply neglected children
>we don't like steam so we'll run a hitpiece in an attempt to mold it to our tastes
fuck off dipshits
Jew is the most common insult I think I heard in high school, and I went to a private one. I also heard it all the time when I was playing cricket and that's apparently a gentleman's sport (Burns faster than a Jew in an incinerator, I heard once). No one actually means anything by it, i don't know what these tards are on about. Half the people who made those Steam groups are probably Jewish anyway.
they are sadly trying to bring the trigger culture to Steam
and the steam community is exactly the opposite: they don't give a fuck, and it is banterland
Emanuel got BTFO I see.
another stupid motherboard article
nothing new
Why the fuck would you have molyneux out of all people to rip you apart.
>Hyper Gay Nazi Niggers
Oh yeah, that totally sounds like a serious group run by Neo Nazis.
good. if someone wants a safe space, they should go home, cuddle up with their childhood teddy bear, and leave the rest of the world to the adults
Based Steam working pink haired pussies into a seething shoot
Everything I dont like is a nazi - By SJWs
why are furries always nazi aligned.
What d'you mean? His conversations can be pretty interesting.
this, amazing
these sjw people are the new fundamentalist Christians. They don't care about understanding why people do things. They demand that you adhere to their values no matter what and if you don't you must be punished.
This. I hate sjws too but Sup Forumstard types are just as fucking obnoxious. I just want to play and talking about some goddamn games without personal politics being brought up.
They aren't. He's just virtue signalling to get that sweet 500 pound SJW pussy.
Steam once again confirmed best platform
Haha remember that time he roleplayed as a teen girl fan?
journalists have always been the scum of the earth for as long as they have existed, they've just memed themselves into looking like they're important
>using steam for the social aspects
kill yourself
I mean if you have to talk to molyneux he's basically going to stop you talking and call you a retard and get your life together. Why would you throw your degenerate garbage at the most logically sane man on earth he doesn't need to understand them he already knows.
As someone who's had sex with a girl 480lbs, there's nothing sweet about 500lbs pussy. I showered with her to make sure that shit was clean before going near it but it just permastank.
Literally second post, if you can't read what are you doing on a text-based imageboard
Why did you do it user
Have some fucking self respect
SJWs are not a thing.
dunno, one time i got high on meth and then got titty fucked by a big bbw milf probably 250-300kg, nigga i was high as fuck and came 8 times.
That's a pasted top comment, user. He does that on every video. This one happens to be a quote from someone else.
than who?
(((BERG))) every fucking time
um.... sweetie?
it's bizarre because he was really defensive and nervous but wasn't even being pressured or anything
>can you tell me about thing?
>oh man, well, uhh, ya know, ummm..sorry
>no take your time
>ok well, uhh, oh man, uhh
leftists, commies, feminists, antifa, californians
Call it what you will
They are the new fascists
i'm sure you would be upset too if they were about your race
depends entirely on what you mean by "sjw". People often interpret these pop terms differently which makes discussions go full retard.
Why can't people let politics out of vidya ?
A lot of these kinds of guys are seeing him as a father figure and sometimes call in. Molyneux generally doesn't be a dick to them, just says what needs to be said.
Those don't exist, user
>hyper gay nazi niggers
For someone to see this and not just take a laugh, he must be a really boring person.
that's what the media does. They take total non-issues and blow them up. Why report on reality when you can fabricate it yourself?
>both sides are bad!
yep, if i look up 'white supremacy' on the internet i'll see a picture of a game involving characters with cups for heads. I fucking hate people
is it parody ?
Thanks nigga.
Are you shilling cuphead to me? It's working.
Poe's law.
We can't tell anymore.
how can one site be so cucked
Cucks aren't human beings.
Direct link to vice should be a bannable offense.
>fake nerds who don't understand internet culture getting upset over legit nerd culture
Well color me surprised. We all know the journos are a bunch of humorless nu-male poser nerds who would get their asses handed to them in legit "nerd circles", but c'mon now those are so obvious ironic meme groups. Or does someone honestly think steam out of all places is the gathering for serious extremists?
It's not even about not finding the edgy happy merhant memes unfunny, it's that these journo cucks can't even recognize memeing from the real thing. I'm personally not a fan of those memes either, but I'm not retarded enough to think they're legit racistafascistas. Or even if they are, what the fuck are they going to do, other than make memes that will piss of humorless journalists?
These game journo satire accounts are pretty lit senpai.
>125 MILLION uses steam
this cant be true
why do these people always focus on what other people are doing.
you wanna change the world, start with yourself
Stop lying. That's a legit comment Moly just pasted from google plus.
>Steam is Full of Hat Groups
I put my adblock off and clicked on an ad just to spite you, retard.