Mozzarella donated $100k to Antifa
Where is your god now?
Other urls found in this thread:
A certain group uses a certain service therefore that service is now bad?
This is the website in question
>Equality — All people are welcomed as part of a free society. All people are equal and all labor is valued equally.
Diversity — All people in a free society are different, and space for their difference is paramount to their equality.
>Security — Every human in a free society has secure access to meet their basic needs of food, shelter, health care, information, education, and transportation.
>Self-Determination — A free society is decentralized and all localities are autonomous and self-determined so long as they do not infringe upon the other basic principles of a free society.
>Peace — A free society uses conflict as an opportunity to learn from divergent views, opinions and experiences, with the goal of crafting agreements and taking actions that affirm the humanity and basic rights of all parties.
>Ecology — Humans live in balance with, and are part of, the natural world. A free society recognizes the right to clean water, clean air and food free of industrial toxins and genetic engineering.
>Economy — In a free society the means of production should be placed in the hands of the people, empowering communities to organize meaningful employment, and provide a responsible and sustainable standard of living which tries to meet the needs of all people.
At least Antifa have good marketing.
Everything they do is excused because it's "against fascism"
So a service should be shut down just because you don't like their political views?
i'm looking at the riseup site and their email is literally designed the same way as any privacy focused provider. they can't know what you're sending or who you are; they could be chock-full of conservatives sending emails and we wouldn't know unless the conservatives admitted it.
(similarly, you could anonymously claim to be one such conservative email-sender and there should be no way for them to prove otherwise)
you have to be antifa to get an email first
So lie and say what they want to hear and then accuse them of being a bigot if they question you.
They arent against fascism. If you dont support their views then you are a "fascist" and they are against you. Which is fascist on its own.
Antifa are the fascists of our time.
Mozilla will be leaking your info to Antifa, mark my words.
Mein comrades.
the service has been running since 1999 according to the site. you think antifa have been particularly careful with invites for 18 years?
>Data on who has invited whom is retained for a short period of time and then destroyed.
>Mozilla will be leaking your info to Antifa, mark my words.
Not if I use waterfox they can't or I compile it myself with all the shit removed
I don't give a fuck
Sam Hyde gave $5k to the Daily Stormer and I still watch his shit
> Mozzarella donated $100k to Antifa
Even if it was true, which it isn't, is it supposed to be bad somehow?
It's a very important issue if you're american because they're trying to shut down trump
Sounds good to me
> they're trying to shut down trump
How is this bad, unless you're from /r/the_donald?
Based mods.
Sup Forums mods are commie fags
If you like technology, and not be Venezuela, you best not be against capitalism.
They would have deleted it if that was the case
who /waterfox/ here
OP, stop larping with yourself faggot.
Time to ditch FieFox. What is a good altenative?
Good, I support antifa and Mozilla. Both are fighting fascist trash like Sup Forums. Yes, back to Sup Forums with me. Also fuck you Sup Forumsturds
Kill yourself with your ironic shitposting
Will check those out late when I wake up. Thank you.
Its Sup Forumstards th-thank you very muh-much
Sending it to an anti-commie board is good enough for them. And even moving this is bullshit, seen it's a tech personality talking about Mozilla, the next version of Firefox and software security.
There's enough non technology threads pretending to be technology on Sup Forums as it is. Quite frankly, the OP wanted to talk about antifag more than he wanted to talk about mozilla or firefox.
FWIW Mozilla doesn't make money off Firefox, they are bankrolled by Google in order to avoid Google being regulated as a monopoly. Google supports Antifa so of course Mozilla will.
Now when they say all people are welcome, do they mean really anyone or only people who share their views and that right side of history crap?
Should discussions of philosophies of free software be moved to Sup Forums as well?
>bankolled by Google
I dislike FieFox even moe now.
If the thread isn't directly talking about technology, I suppose so. Thankfully, stallman philosphy gets mostly contained to /fglt/ and outside of it can generate shitposting to get the thread deleted faster.
is it even worth paying attention to these irrelevant cucks?
Funding Riseup is not bad.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation argues for the rights of people accused of child pornography - because if the precedent is set that compelling disclosure of encryption passphrases/keys is legal, the government can do it to other people for a lot less serious crimes and trample our rights.
Riseup is used by antifa, but so do people on the other side of the political spectrum. Are you saying that services that don't let the government in to snoop should be illegal? That Apple's refusal to backdoor the iPhone in the case San Bernardino shooting should not have stood, and the government should have the ability to unlock our devices at any time?
Don't be a bootlicker.
If Antifa wasn't using Riseup they'd be on Protonmail.
At least you're consistent, but mods aren't. Those threads do not get moved. And I think shouldn't, because their pertinent to anyone interested in software and those software companies of products they may use.
>Antifa are using riseup
I'd make my own email if I were them.
Seems pretty reasonable to me
Because technology can't exist under any other economic system
I gave money to these guys.
Sup Forums should start using emails to organize
kek, this could actually be hilarious. They'll never ask for photo ids or anything, so they can't really diffuse a large-scale request attack.
Anyone in?
Or Sup Forums can make their own email. Only real challenge is funding to keep everything stable with no downtime. Setting it up is actually pretty easy.
I just use Chrome. Google probably has a record of my whole life by now, but I don't care anymore.
At this point, I much prefer being lied to by an organization than to be told what they really think. Google says they aren't censoring right-wing ideals, which is a lie, but at least they know they have to lie about it, that people might have an opinion that goes against that. With Mozilla, they're just throwing all their political opinions everywhere and literally donating to terrorists and not caring what you think. They think it's so god damn right that they don't even need to lie about it.
Yes, they are funding people who want to kill us and everything we value.
We are in a war here, the rules of civil discourse stopped applying a long time ago.
No, false advertising is illegal and that's exactly what they do
Are you dense? It says right on their site you're protected unless you're being racist, X-phobic, or whatever other offense they decide is worth outing you over.
Shill please.
Welp, guess it's back to jewgle chrome till I find a better browser for me.
>What is waterfox
>What is palemoon
Granted, the dev of palemoon is a furry, but that's the only downside.
>open source is communism
lel, the meme confirms
>even considering going back to the botnet
Off yourself.
Hahahah wow I just checked and they updated their site since they got the money. I was bitching about this shit weeks ago when it actually happened, and right in the site instead of "dominant system" they had "capitalism" and must have changed the "we will throw you under the bus for not agreeing with us politically" because of the increase in money being given to them.
It's a PR move, and funnily enough now that they're becoming an actual business benefitting from capitalism, they changed their wording on the about us page to make themselves more business friendly. They can't even stick to their own values hahahaha
Open source has no political preference you baka, it just means the source code is available. And only free software licenses I've seen called communist is GPL, never permissive licenses like BSD, MIT, or even MPL which firefox is under
>Open source has no political preference you baka
sure, but the people enforcing it want literally everything for free.
>Economy — In a free society the means of production should be placed in the hands of the people, empowering communities to organize meaningful employment, and provide a responsible and sustainable standard of living which tries to meet the needs of all people.
So communism?
I've taken a liking to Palemoon. Doesn't run every extension, but it does cover the basics.
Riseup are hardcore SJWs and commies, so take a guess.
There is no central authority with free software, not even stallman is as powerful as you might think he is. MIT is the most popular free software license for a reason, it's a very simple license that you don't have to have a lawyer analyze it before you can use any of the code from a MIT licensed program.
ye, and the dark moon theme is the best.
I know, but it's more about the xepectation that sets the tone of the license than the actual words in this case.
Looks like I'm switching to Microsoft edge.
What expectations? The MIT license is 3 paragraphs long. MIT and BSD are very corporate friendly. If you wanted to talk about a possible communist license, take your beef up with GPL. That's the one you have to use the same license, source code must be available, and you cannot change the license if you license under GPL.
Do Firefox apps work with Waterfox/Palemoon?
Meant for
Waterfox is the same as firefox except it removes telemetry and all the other jewish schemes from it and makes it faster.
With wateerfox? yes.
With palemoon? Only leagcy ones, but the dev forks all the important extensions anyway.
Should I ditch IceDragon?
I guess I'll continue never using Firefox for anything ever.
install waterfox.
Switch to Opera niggers
I hate leftists, but they're right about capitalism being the enemy. I believe that it's an enemy for a different reason. A lot of leftists think that capitalism prevents them from luxuries as "human rights" (ie plastic surgery and gay characters in media), but I think it's responsible for the loss of morals, fucking over right-wingers, and boosting the power of liberals more.
If you read their books and letters; Marx, Engels, and Lenin actually shared the same beliefs as right-leaning do. They would never support the gay rights movement as they thought that it was bourgeois. However, "leftists" and liberals quote them out of context to "combat traditionalism" when those three figures actually supported frugal traditionalism. No surprise since "leftists" and liberals also twist Christ's words in the bible.
Don't join the current communist movement as it's mostly filled with people who want free luxuries.
>Social media integration: IceDragon provides a button that allows one to instantly share a web page with their Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn friends.
>not Sup Forumsocks
It's Sup Forumstards, for obvious reasons.
Best decision ever
ssssssssoros owns pozilla. this is experimental donation to test veracity of 50s anti commiepinko legaleze.. they are openly at war with US. its time to kill commies
>If you read their books and letters; Marx, Engels, and Lenin actually shared the same beliefs as right-leaning do.
Then you're a lefty.
I'm not an anarchist, I'm a Laissez-Faire Capitalist Minarchist.
And no, "Capitalism" isn't responsible for those. The fed is, which "distributes" and steals wealth to those that don't deserve it. That's why this shit happens. Fix money and you fix everything.
And the primary divide isn't right vs left, it's individualism vs collectivism. Conservatism is collectivist, "muh race" is collectivist and so is patriotism without a rational cause.
But, I believe in letting people build their own coffins.
Jesus Christ
I get the concern as it's a slippery slope to controlling speech, but multi million corps like Twitter, Google, and domain registrars already perform those roles. Once they're done with conservatives, they're target you next because you oppose them. We empower them with money and they use to to fuck over the populace.
The gay rights movement never started in places like the USSR or Spain, it started in Capitalist USA.
>multi million corps like Twitter, Google,
bzzzzzzzz, wrong.
The government interferes in these and they wilfully take advantage of it. It's just the government, and claiming that businesses are out to cheat you on every front just for a quick buck is highly irrationa and decires capitalism, which is responsible for literally everything good in the last two centuries.
So, Vivaldi or Palemoon?
>All people are equal
>All people in a free society are different
you're a retarded jew faggot
>Implying Firecucks hasn't been a shitty chrome rip off since, what, 2009?
Awesome, so the feds and alphabet niggers know exactly where to find email info, records, content and everything else those dumb asses will use that service for. They'll probably attached pics to emails of themselves. This could get pretty comfy.
These antifa niggers don't know anything about security culture, a sure sign of funded shilling. The funny thing is, most of these kids think they're making a difference. It used to be antiglobalism - now it's embraced by them. Really just a sad sack of souls desu.
Yes, they blocked neo nazis sties, why not other domestic terrorist sites.
What's the best browser to use in its place? Any that have Sup Forums extensions?
ok what are the other options? Palememe ?
Mozilla kind of runs like ass these days anyway.
Name me a good fork, anons.
Waterfox if you want new exxtensions
Palemoon if you're okay with sticking with the essential ublock + https everywhere and having a browser with a non-cucked theme and a small memory footprint.
Palemoon, Debian x64.
I have ~8 windows open and each of them has ~30 tabs. Current usage is 3.4G.
>neck so fat she can't wear the bandana properly
These muppets do realise one of those arrows means anti-communism, right?
O shit they dun goofed the consequences will never be the same
Hope they naked pyramids and cock meet sandwiches honestly never thought the Patriot Act would come in handy kek
No service should be shut down for financially supporting a terrorist organization