Sup Forums STILL hasn't beaten his argument
how can you call yourselves race realists when you can't even answer back to this?
Alt Right BTFO by Kraut and Tea
Other urls found in this thread:
Sup Forums felled in a single blow...
Wow, so you're saying that there are smart black people? Huh, almost like there is some kind of statistical distribution. What's the per capita rate of smart blacks vs smart whites?
Is this authentic retardation, or pretend retardation?
No one is pretending that they're aren't 40 million subhuman niggers in Germany. All people with sub 100 iq should be hanged.
This is George Washington Carver. He held over 100 US patents and invented over 150 uses for the peanut, including peanut butter. How many patents do most white people hold? Do you even know ONE white person who personally owns a patent or has invented ANYTHING?
The genius gentlesir who tweeted that is obviously on the back side of that curve.
You fucking retard,you do know germany is not a pure white country?you understand millions and millions of german citizens are not white?you super retard
(((Race realism))) is political pseudo-science to empower Zionism and cause civil wars in white countries. Look at all the leaders of the alt-right, (((Tommy Robinson))), (((Richard Spencer))), (((David Duke))).....
The list goes on.
Isn't IQ relative? Wouldn't that just end up hanging pretty much everyone until the highest IQ person is left alive? Not that I would disagree with that
(((30 million Nigerians)))
George Washington Carver was a great man and had a high IQ. This is the opposite of the majority of blacks. If all blacks were like George Washington Carver there would be no debate and no racism.
>30 million Nigerians out of a population of 200 million have an IQ above world average
Arent they proving our point?
>there are smart blacks
>there are dumb whites
Duh...and on average how do they compare?
That's right, whites much smarter than blacks.
Whoever that person is just got BTFO
is he for real?
Things dumb asses don't understand.
Those 41 million are NOT exclusively German.
That country loves it's subhuman niggers. Can't have it both ways you libtards cunts.
That's exactly what race realists realize. Whoever posted this doesn't realize they are a race realist.
if more black people like him existed there would be no more racisim
but nigeria has a population of 200 million. This means that 170 million nigerians are under 99 iQ wtf what an idiot
You're not being ridiculous enough. Is IQ, intelligence, or the ability to advance society even an objectively "good" thing? If all humans had continued to live like sub-saharan africans or the aboriginal populations of new guinea or Australia, we wouldn't have all of these complicated problems like global warming, firearms, donald drumpf, etc.... People probably lived better lives before we were vaccinating for polio and driving planes, trains, and automobiles.
nobody on the right has ever heard of a normal distribution before, alt-right really BTFO this time
Niger is not Nigeria.
>mfw I make a simple argument and witness Sup Forums wriggling around like the intellectual worms they are in response
these statistics are unreliable as fuck! most people do not even know thier own IQ
Does he not understand what an average is?
Funny how he cherry picks a country that imports niggers and one of the higher IQ countries in African to compare.
So what he's saying here is that there are ten million more people with an IQ over 100 in Germany (population: 82m) than there are in Nigeria (population: 186m)? And, due to the nature of the normal distribution, that Germany's advantage increases for every point over 100?
Really not seeing the problem for us here.
>Oh shit, pol btfo
Why is Germany more prosperous than Nigeria?
ethnic germans? or people in germany
Overrated. Didn't invent peanut butter, the Aztecs did. Also you have to go back.
>talking about IQ
Also, there are 180 million Nigerians in Africa, and 67 million people in Germany.
That’s like saying 150 million Nigerians have an IQ below 99 and around 25 million Germans have an IQ above 99.
This, germany has more above average IQ people with a pop of ~80M. Nigeria has 30M above average with a pop of ~180M.
wtf i love niggers now
>30M nigerians out of 186 million have an IQ above 99 (16% of the population has above average IQ, 84% below average)
>41M germans out of 82.67 million have an IQ below 99 (49.5% below average, 50.5% average or above)
i can't tell if the person tweeting is dumb or stating facts in a misleading way to advance their agenda
Cumskins on suicide watch
Are you trolling, being ironic, 12 years old or all three? I seriously cannot tell
>30 million Nigerians
Nigeria has 100 million more people living in it that germany!
Um, sweetie, people get killed and eaten by tigers in India to this day, and most of those people live in houses. Is that "riding the tiger" as they say?
Nigeria has 180 million inhabitants.
Germany 80 million.
30mill algerians are above average smart, 40 million Germans are above average smart.
150 million algerians are below average smart, 40 million Germans are below average smart.
>Kraut and tea btfo "ing" anything besides himself
weak b8 m8 i r8 0/8
Nigeria is going to be a 1B country in 100 years, so imagine 970M nignogs bellow 99
>start taking test
>fortune crashes
It's true
So this is the power of the black race? Fucking peanuts?
>Nigeria pop 180mil
>Germany pop 80mil
using raw numbers to compare different sized samples instead of percentages. This isn't just authentic retard, it is authentic full retard.
Imagine if he had said
Things race realists don't understand #105:
Statistics and normal distribution.
~16.6% of Nigerians have an IQ over 99, ~50% of Germans have an IQ below 99
so retard I can't even lel.
Fuck it I'll bite
Remind me again how many patents Edison has?
>liberal death wish in a nutshell
^^ thats also counting subhuman turks and niggers.
>nigeria 185 milion
>30mil over 99
>150 under
>germany 80 ish milion
>41mil under
>the rest over
but nogs are just as smart guys
he's saying that IQ is an average meaning if you killed alll of the 100+ IQ's in the world, then all of the subhuman retards just have 100 IQ now.
>kill the lowest IQ person on the planet
>the highest IQ person on the planet's IQ raises 1/10000 of a fraction of a percent.
I know what half you're on
Yes, I knew Frankenstein
I guess Sup Forums is going to be flooded with this sort of shit for a very long time thanks to (pic related).
I think this is a troll account. That would prove the point. It seems like the tweet is a trojan horse.
Ah sry.
You know what I meant and this is what is important.
Unironically this
Humans are happier in poor countries like Nepal where the suicide rate is almost 0 compared with advanced countries like Japan
I don’t think I’ll ever understand the amount of conviction leftists have behind their intellectually-lazy arguments.
There are tall Asians, just as there are smart blacks. Regression to the mean is VERY real. This child’s argument is anecdotal at best.
I’ll take Per Capita for $500, Alex.
I thought they suicide on mass in Nepal.
So Nigeria, with 168 million population, with an average IQ of 67, has only 30million people under 99IQ.
Makes sense.
So these 30million people all have an IQ of -9342 right?
Same fact read another way
>1/2 whites are more intelligent than 4/5 blacks.
>The median white intelligence is in the 80th percentile for blacks.
And I'm not even a racist.
Kraut and Tea has good content if you care about rational arguments. He is like Sargon but with added German efficiency.
And by same logic
100.000 germans have iq below 84 while theres 84 million nigerians with that iq, kinda 100x times the number
Really makes you ponder
>Kraut and Tea
Black people lay eggs.
basically this
God that shitshow was so good for us. Half his fan-base ended up going from sargon-tier cucks to full on alt-right with how badly he handled it.
Oh it said IQ OVER 99...
I know half the patents he has were stolen from a fucking southern Slav
>avatar is literally a floating brain wearing a doctoral hat
The "skeptic" community is pretentious to the point of borderline mental illness.
Lmao peanuts
> Pe
> An
> Ut
> S
Gawd thats awful
Whites and Asians are top in terms of intellectual property. Blacks and muslims, not so much.
>And I'm not even a racist.
Get off Sup Forums, you faggot.
Germany population 82.67 millions
% below 99 IQ : 50%
Nigeria population 186 millions
% below 99 IQ : 84.1%
This guy is proving Sup Forums right. Twitter picture is a brain with a graduation cap. Fucking hell.
>Kraut and Tea has good content if you care about rational arguments. He is like Sargon but with added German efficiency.
eternal anglo go suck paki dick.
The highest IQ would drop in that case since the average would shift up ever so slightly
No shit. I posted since this is the exact same distribution OP has in his post when you adjust for population of each country. Surprised more people didn't catch onto this sooner
i hold a patent on some resource capacity planning tools using beta distributions and shit. retarded corporation made me go through the process of filing against my will.
This is so fuckin retarded it makes me wonder if they're like secretly trying to redpill people or something. They can't actually be this dumb... right?
Slavs wuz kangz! Back to doing laundry you filthy Gypsy!
>what is an average
lmao read it in his pretentious voice
>blacks in nigeria are smarter than germans.
Then why the hell do they not improve africa or invent anything decent?
It's always bullshit like this instead. A "flying car" instead of basic plumbing, housing and agriculture.
The sad thing is you actually believe the idiocy you spew.
they're not dumb. they're attempting to lie with statistics, albeit poorly.
that's literally the point of the image
you must be one of the whites that 20% of blacks are smarter than
Do you personally know George Washington Carver? Fuck off with your one off.
>100 US patents
>Says he invented peanut butter but that's not true
>Don't mention a single one of his 100 patents
I'm gonna assume non of his patents were actually useful because if they were you'd have mentioned at least one to further try and prove how much of a wonderful nigger good ole George was.
100 US patents and not a single useful invention. This is the power of the black race?
Nigerians are far and away the smartest Africans. That continent is incredibly diverse genetically. The Pygmys in the Congo have average IQs of like 70
Over 50% of the country is technically mentally retarded
that autism tho
Wow this is like someone unironically posting "the top 20% of blacks are smarter than 50% of whites"
I mean that's almost EXACTLY the statistical comparison he is making, just using absolute numbers. Is he fucking retarded?
autistic slav from mountain village in Lika had over 700 known inventions
Is "inventing" 100 peanut derivatives impressive, even if you were the first to do it?
That's only true when you've never experienced the first world beforehand, so it might work for a bong. An American could never handled living in a mud hut drinking river water
My thoughts exactly. Apparent low effort bait threads are the biggest sources of redpills, every time.
>I mean that's almost EXACTLY the statistical comparison he is making, just using absolute numbers. Is he fucking retarded?
Watch he'll probably post it again like he didn't get BTFO and act as if it never happened. Like those types of people tend to do everytime they lose an argument. They don't want to know what the facts are nor accept them, but are willing to skew and manipulate anything and everything in order to get people to agree with them about a matter.