>powerless women
No. If she has a vagina she has power.
Right how is she powerless when she's got a platform to stand on
>tfw remembering how cool Cross was a decade or so ago at the height of Mr. Show
I bet he did it, what a fucking champ.
Charlyne Yi is such a fucking pussy, her whole "sheepish retard" persona pisses me off and she needs to be bullied more.
This is why comedy is so terrible these days. Comedians are too scared to offend anybody.
Guys a shill. I remember years ago he did a skit on Mr. Show making fun of the the right and the "jew bankers" conspiracy. When I was redpilled I thought back to that and he was one of the first celebs I turned on.
You can tell he is a slimy shit because he never mentions being jewish or raised jewish.
>Im from the ignorant south. See look at all these ignorant Christians fellow white people.
> I mean can you believe it "Squagles?" Never mind one of my own tribe probably made these.
Hope he goes down hard.
They know David Cross is gay, right? All the "the left is tearing itself apart" posts are right.
Anyway, David Cross is great.
>someone said something mean to me 10 years ago
How much longer is this going to last, and does anyone give a shit?
She wouldn't be powerless if she new karate
David Cross is a huge leftist cockmuncher so I don't really give a shit. Let them destroy themselves.
>new karate
What's the matter? You don't speak engrish?
>Lego Ninjago
David's apology is sickening.
This "comedian" would have gotten a job if she had replied, "U stare at mai ass. U like what u see? I give u good time u pay me now?"
David Cross has some good sets, but his latest shit was just hack because he did the whole bandwagon trump thing. He's always done alt comedy that was anti-establishment. Cross ain't bad but I wouldn't follow his twitter, but then again I wouldn't follow anyones twitter.
oh woe is me a spelling mistake. I will surely lose my computer licence over this.
>I hope he's scared enough now
When all of this SJW hysteria peaks, what will we still be allowed to joke about?
>says he doesn't remember it
>hashtags with slant movie about people having wildly different recollections of an event
Kinda seems like a subtle "fuck you" to me.
fucking white males
Mr show is like 20 years old. He was already a faggot 10 years ago
You seem to be particularly cranky this day. Is your blood sugar low? Did you miss your 3rd breakfast?
>Powerful men vs Powerless women
Its backfiring, lads.
>attacking David Cross
Are you serious? He's like the biggest teddy bear.
Drumpf and racists.
>tfw comedy becomes solely about criticizing "toxic" and "racist" media from the past
It's already started too
These are good questions. I'll return once I have my triple breakfast sausage combo from Burger King.
Good Cross is such a fucking faggot. I hope this ruins his career.
He's an ignorant shitlib kike who wants to exterminate white ruralites. You're gay.
What is that zipper head on about?
The time of men is over. It's fucking over. I'm done with this fucking world. Just let it burn. I have no hopes for the pendulum swinging back. It got stuck.
if you flirt with Yi, you are practically a pedophile.
She claims to be a comedian but can't take such bantz from another comedian?
I hope we get new accusations every single day from loser women desperate for attention
burn hollywood, burn
just don't interact with females, you will be fine.
He's like snuffy personified.
>Never mentions being jewish
5 Minutes in
rekt m8
>jew gets jew'd by an Asian
oh no that sucks
Each time there is any scandalous event regarding (((Holywood))), we see a slutty woman and a repulsive kike. Literally, an ugly male kike on a power trip, although a woman is shit, but the subject matter is more important. How can people stay bluepilled when so blatant demonsration of jewish supremacy over everyone else is so obvious?
kek i hope he did it
Watching Hollywood crumble under all its virtue signalling is so so sweet.
Jews are very racist... hahaha
This is what gets me, how women have this obsession with getting power and of course, never getting responsibility. So it's telling how their complaints about these situations bring up power struggles first. They have to make a point of her magically being "powerless" because women only know how to play a victim and gain from it. That IS her POWER. But she has to pretend she has none to score rhetorical and emotional points.
Yeah she sounds like the typical woman who's too much of a coward to fight for anything in their life and just want to sit down, pout a bit and have men feel sorry for them and make life eaiser for them.
True this. She sounds very thin-skinned and not cut out for comedy. I am also sure she has NEVER made fun of White people or our culture.
That's like in the Communist states. Silly jokes about (more: against) US/NATO states were okay and encouraged: their imperialism and militarism, silly capitalists who don't get how the world really works, suppressed victims of capitalism and the police state who point out the logical errors and lack of Marxist wisdom of the elites etc. Those jokes were created by paid journalists, caricaturists, and committees and they were (and felt) totally artificial and forced and I can't remember that anybody honestly laughed about them.
Nice to see kikes getting the "evil white guy" treatment for once.
That's what he just said, dude! You obviously have fallen for Big Bird's lies.
oh golly gosh, that'll be by second strike.
>whats a matter? You don't speak English?? Ching-chong-chong-chong
High tier bantz
oh golly gosh, that'll be my second strike.
good, these passive aggressive liberal kikes need to get thrown under the bus
im sure cross did but that's his shtick, did you guys see his TV show? he likes to be "edgy"
I don't really care about this, but I never thought David Cross was funny. He is good buddies with Sarah Silverman and Patton Oswald and has been super anti trump with the two of them. Also he completely shit on most other comedy other than his and his fellow Jews calling it low brow and implying it was for dumb people.
>Australian shitposting
wasn't david cross married to quinton tarantinos fiancée Amber while weinstein was banging her?
those jokes were totally OK 10 years ago. but thanks to Obama and SJWs, we are living in a different time now, and past aggressions are revisited.
forget private conversations. there were lots of movies and TVs with contents that are objectionable and taboo in today's USA.
her shtick is to be MORE pathetic and cowardly than the average woman.
She just stoops her shoulders, mumbles, stutters, and giggles. Shit gives me the creeps.
Wow a racist jew who hates non-jews I literally never seen this before
>1 example from 25 year career.
Shit , rekt me good.
Here he plays like comet ping pongs
"heavy breathing "
@ 2:23 bloody diaper.
Hes either making fun of all of them or hes a parasitic jew. Either way. Pretty disgusting.
>powerless women
How much of a professional victim can one person be? and arent this chicks characters all like this?
He's done that before. I remember he was accused of saying racist things at a comedy club about 15 years ago.
I’m enjoying a fresh made Burger King Sausage Croissanwich on this cool fall morning. Burger King, The King of Breakfast.
>yfw Weimar 2.0 is collapsing under its own weight
But Larry The Cable Guy is kind of retarded. Bringing attention to it is pretentious kikery, but the whole "proud white trash" thing is kind of retarded.
Oy vey it’s like anuddah shoah
The word is "Jews." These accusations are all being made against Jews.
>831 KB GIFWatching Hollywood crumble under all its virtue signalling is so so sweet.
We should encourage this anytime we can
It really isn't hard to pretend to be an outraged SJW and fan the flames
hes not even southern
I wonder who could be behind this. Or is the SJW nonsense just eating itself?
Holding on to something like that for 10 years holy fuck
>Chicken Pot
>Chicken Pot
>Chicken Pot Pie
Years ago he posted a 'funny' skit where he took "Mr.Gun" out at night and mass murdered Republicans, sorta like in Vegas which he justified because he's a gay boot licker. Cross lost his humanity ages ago.
>What, are you going to use karate against me now?
Top tier bants.
How do women as ugly as Charlyne Yi even get roles in Hollywood? Geez, yellow fever is a real problem.
go watch the movie Garden State
it's contrast, she's there to make attractive people look even more attractive
>for once
They get it all the time, but it doesn't matter. Remember the raincoat quote. It doesn't affect them unless you name the Jew.
Who was the actor who said he liked to fuck Jewish girls in the ass, and was found dead a few days later?
Cross (remember the Slow Donnie bit on Just Shoot Me?) is at his best when being provocative. The Comedy world desperately needs its hard edge back if it wants to stay relevant. Putting racial jokes back in the mainstream will save comedy. End politically correct humor and comedy will be relevant again.
The way she tells the story gives me a feeling that she might genuinely believe what shes saying but it didn't really happen.
Like she had a dream (or nightmare I guess) probably somewhat recently in which the exchange took place, and the media's pushing of an image of oppression PLUS the recent massive amount of sexytime allegations that are going on, its very possible the dream seems like something that is commonplace from her view of the world
And I mean she looks at least sorta autistic so it wouldnt be too weird for her to mix reality and fantasy together without knowing it sometimes
Fuck you, I miss carbs...
20 more lbs
> mr show
Odenkirk made mr show good
:43 Another one for good measure.
A lot of cross's stuff was anti-religious you getting offended because the boogeyman jew is making fun of Christianity is just as shallow as Charlene Yi crying because of the ching chong shit.
shamefur behaviol
Down 46 pounds so far. fuck carbs! lol.