>women enter workforce
>labor supply doubled
>everyone's wages cut in half
this is why we're all fucked.
Women enter workforce
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Monetary policy drives up inflation. Takes double income for household to maintain same level of consumption.
don't forget that gloria (((steinem))) is a confirmed cia asset.
feminism is 100% weaponized anthropology designed to destroy the family unit and give more power to the state.
More like mas immigration as women has always been working shit jobs like text tile or nursing.
>Women take more time off
>Women put in less overtime
>Women are more likely to work in fields that pay less
You're fine.
No no no.... you don't understand user
Women and men they're gonna COOPERATE TOGETHER with their money to help their LOCAL COMMUNITIES. Also divorce should be legal because marriage is just feelings... ya know?
More like
>women enter workforce
>price of goods increases because of "minimum wage"
>women drop out of workforce
>economie collapses
>burger education
where the fuck did this dude come from? damn that was a good write up.
Its no accident, the weakest link of any race is its women. Ever wonder why the first thing we built in Afghanistan was (((schools))) for little girls?
Its war by other means and its been going on for a long time
We are cucked because of non white immigration.
the answer isn't to take women out, you asshole
the answer is to go back to one partner working
and one vote per household
>one vote per household
This was real?
>the answer isn't to take women out, you asshole
>the answer is to go back to one partner working
>and one vote per household
OK, but the implementation of this would be convoluted as fuck. it's much more simple and elegant to have the men work for their families and vote for their families. you could even exclude unmarried men that are not serving in the military from voting.
I hope LOL-chan is still alive.
this post is the boomer's God
I have been saying this for about 10 years now.
A root cause of a lot of societies issues is the lack of a stay at home parent. Notice I did not say Mom.
If every couple who married and had children were forced to stay together until their children are at least 10 by law and only one parent was legally allowed to work (they would get to decide which based on skill/education), then 90% of societies issues would go away.
Think about your job. We all know at least half of people at work are fucking useless. So why not redistribute the job market by removing the useless half by the method I just described above? Either pay this useful half more or the cost of living would go down.
Think about all the kids growing up without behavioral issues and daddy issues because you remove divorce during their most critical years and a parent stays at home to raise them. Think about a job market that is more efficient and a cost of living that is based on actual labor and not inflated useless salaries.
Think about dating and how superficial things would matter less now. Unskilled, uneducated women or men would seek out a mate with skills and education.
t. working husband and father of two kids with a pregnant stay at home wife
Also, one last thing. Daycare is a fucking scam and should be illegal. It destroys children's sense of family. All married couples with kids on the way reach a decision point in life of daycare or no daycare and financially have to look at the crossover point because it is so damn expensive. The problem is, women have been brainwashed to have "careers" and feel the need to prove they can do it.
I, fankly am sick of it all. It is nice to come home to a hot meal and clean house. Raising kids and maintaining a house is a full time job and something people should be proud of. It beats sitting in an office surfing facebook all day.
kek. i spent 30 minutes typing out this big long post and when i was finished i deleted it all to boil it down to the main points.
>don't forget that (((gloria))) (((steinem))) is a confirmed (((cia asset))).
>(((feminism))) is 100% weaponized (((anthropology))) designed to destroy (((the family unit))) and give more (((power))) to the (((state))).
Wow its like ((they)) planned it!
Just like when the cigarette companies convinced women to buy cigars because muh stronk independent womyn
Countries and even states/large cities are too integrated for this type of legislature to ever be enforced.
Everything you said is correct, but this law would need to be enforced in an enthostate with border control.
Tradcuck moaning
You have to deal with the world as it is. Women can earn their own money because of tools such as personal computers.
>Also, one last thing. Daycare is a fucking scam and should be illegal. It destroys children's sense of family. All married couples with kids on the way reach a decision point in life of daycare or no daycare and financially have to look at the crossover point because it is so damn expensive. The problem is, women have been brainwashed to have "careers" and feel the need to prove they can do it.
this. daycare is fucked. parents do the math and think "well letting strangers raise our kids costs 30k a year but if we're both working we can afford it and come out +20k each year". i say that marginal increase in earnings is meaningless in the long run. it's much better to take the financial hit to ensure your children grow up with a loving parent. you can take the financial hit early in your kid's life or you can take it later when they're fucked up and jobless and need rehab. it's probably much easier to take the hit early rather than deal with a mentally unstable adult because you outsourced their childhood.
>Monetary policy drives up inflation. Takes double income for household to maintain same level of consumption.
The cost of housing has gone up but everything else is more plentiful.
A working man on minimum wage can get obese from eating too much food and have enough money left over to feed and clothe 10 other people.
Really makes you want to slap/hit a bitch.
The wisest Greeks taught that a woman should not be allowed to read (and thus write).
That is the TRS forum.
>Also, one last thing. Daycare is a fucking scam and should be illegal.
Daycare should be provided by the state and be free or a nominal cost.
If more women were working, there would be less pressure on child support shakedowns of divorced dads.
Tradcucks always argue against things which could make life better for men.
Well, that means it’s the best time to start a business.
>The wisest Greeks taught that a woman should not be allowed to read (and thus write).
You want the state to provide you with a wife and to turn the clock back, but this is not possible. Even hardline Islamic nations are failing at this.
Working life 100 years ago was not so different fundamentally to 1,000 years ago - it favoured male muscle, or the male ability to tolerant long hours and unpleasant conditions.
Today is just radically different, you cannot uninvent the technologies that brought women into the world of work.
I mean, you're missing out other things
Only homosexual men should be allowed to vote, because they are less swayed by women.
Just males voting would change little. I guarantee we'd be in the same situation, just delayed by a few years. Women can shame men into doing anything.
Male-only democracy is just as flawed as open democracy.
>Notice I did not say Mom.
I agree that any parent is better than no parent, but generally a woman would rather raise her children and will lose respect for her man if he's not out earning. The hunter/gatherer instinct is not so easy to diminish.
>women have fever debt slaves.
In around 20 years after women entered the labor force have the effects evened out, through a lower demographic growth.
Elizabeth Warren covered this well.
>he's an asshole for stating the obvious
Whoa there white knight
>Elizabeth Warren covered this well.
huh? when?
What about family only democracy? Only a married couple can vote, and then disallowed to vote after a certain age unless they also have children.
>Deal with it
Fuck off, we literally know the solution to the entire problem, all we need to do is implement it and somehow get women out of the workforce. The longer we deal with it the more impossible it becomes to get rid of.
She wrote a book with her daughter about this.
And gave lectures. Linked by some random user on Sup Forums so thanks to them for letting me know.
It was research 10 years ago showing how women entering the labour market had immense impacts on wages and the role of men.
It's very good work. Remember, not everyone on the left should be defined by neo-liberals or retard SJW-middle-class-triggerbabies.
Yes, agreed, but legislation that motivates families to do this would be possible.
Agreed, but the only way to get buy in for this would be to remove gender from the picture.
>Male-only democracy is just as flawed as open democracy
But that's wrong, you fucking retard.
totally fake.
Catching that much muzzle flash in the day is damn near impossible (I know, I've tried with larger calibers than 7.62x39). Also, no fucking recoil.
Guns are probably plastic given the cuckmobile they're driving.
No wai that's a fake pic??
Women are dumb for even wanting to work the 9-5 grind in the first place. Being a mother, taking care of your kids, cooking, keeping the house clean is a way better life than working in HR as a miserable cat aged cat woman.
how about only landowners vote?
London is owned by Saudi Arabia lmaoooooo
>tech companies stumble all over themselves to hire unqualified women instead of qualified men
Kind of a problem when you're a white male with a couple stem degrees.
Burger user it's from the sketch show Harry and Paul in the UK. It's a parody.
>The state of US humour ignorance
>not true
>Fuck off, we literally know the solution to the entire problem, all we need to do is implement it and somehow get women out of the workforce. The longer we deal with it the more impossible it becomes to get rid of.
You have a 1950s solution to a 2010s problem, which is to crash the economy by halving the workforce.
Pics that make you go hmmmmm
>i-its current year btfo
Compare the economy from the 1950s to 2010s. Maybe we need a 1950s solution faggoto.
>Implying most of today's jobs are not either worthless or soon to be automated
However, I imagine transition would be gradual over time, like women into the workforce has been.
You live in a fantasy world where no woman, anywhere, is performing a role in the economy
And what of health & education? No female school teachers? That is a job.
Nursing is a job.
Cooking is a job.
Cleaning is a job.
Being a receptionist is a job.
Basically you will create exceptions until you arrive at a Fallout 4 modern world where every man has a state provided wife. You're tradcucks.
>this is why we're all fucked.
aaaaand then they opened the flood gates to hell, letting everyone in, thus destroying the market forever.
and antifa still kiss establishment ass, the end.
My guy, men can do all of those things. Women doing any of them outside of the home is a pretty recent thing. Nice try though 6/10.
>muh economy
Does not address my point that many jobs can be eliminated, and that change will happen over time. As a side note, nursing, cleaning, and cooking are all in the process of being automated.
also, sales of Aspirin shot thru the roof since then
I genuinely hope you don't believe this.
Simple economics, my dude. Note how real wages have been in steady decline for decades, as women's workforce participation has steadily increased. Now we are at the point where to raise children in a good neighborhood you need 2 working parents.
Anyone ever notice it's perfectly ok to have an all female business but not an all male business?
It's not just that. Women are also far less productive than men. So we twice as many people working, but we don't produce twice as much stuff. On top of that, we gotta import third worlders to take care of the children
>I genuinely hope you don't believe this.
if it triggers you because of the mention of women then forget i ever mentioned women. if you double the labor supply wages are suppressed. it's extremely basic.
Most members of the military have no business voting.
Are you MGTOW dischord user? The other thread dead before I was able to respond, I'd love to join.
Marxism is fundamentally a struggle between an oppressed and oppressor class. One class exists above the other only because they oppress the other. Cultural Marxism takes this originally economic concept and applies it to society. Women (the oppressed class) forming their own exclusive business is therefore righteous because those evil men are keeping them down. Men doing the same would simply be systematically oppressing women. Essentially, whatever the oppressed class is can do no wrong while the oppressor class is inherently in the wrong. Cultural Marxism is also seen in anti-white messages.
>Most members of the military have no business voting.
if they're the ones that are called upon to go to war i think that it is incumbent on us to grant them the right to vote. it's basically the foundation upon which only men were granted the right to vote in the first place.
>people should work overtime
>I owe unpaid time, or at best most of my waking hours (well-compensated) to my employer
Very nice, goyim! Keep up the shilling for your kike overlords.
"Why cant i get a gf???"
Lel. First tactic of the roastie playbook. Threaten to withhold pussy by proxy. Someone post it I don't have it saved.
literally the white knight beta response. you've been conditioned to believe that giving in to literally every concern expressed by women is going to get you laid. it will not. and being a "male feminist" means that you're either a predator or one of the girls you associate with will eventually accuse you of sexual assault for street cred. either way you're allowing yourself to be a tool for their political gain.
Actually, it's probably an upset roastie
you forgot.
>females have taken over HR in every company
>females like to hire females and minorities over white males.