If you're not punching Nazis you are equally scum and have waged war against the USA once again.
the kid's a jew, not human, who cares
This is why everyone hates white people, fucknut.
That's from a fucking movie, asshole. It's fiction, written by the likes of Weinstein.
Stop trolling.
Ou abort millions of fucking babies every fucking year and execute grown men in prisons every fucking day. Nobody on this fucking planet has the right to judge anyone else based on fucking morals. Humans are all immoral scum.
Holocaust is fiction since it's been depicted in every film production studio in the world I guess, just part of the larger Hollywood conspiracy, I guess.
stfu, stop being willfully ignorant.
Then I'll kill all nazis in the street and you'll sit contently with your amoralism, right? I hope so because I want to.
Kek what movie is pic from?
Staged, propaganda picture. That didn't actually happen.
Sage goes in all fields
>only 200.000 jews were killed in WW2
>i expected more
Shits fake af.
But even if it wasn't fake, you're not any better. The Democrats threw napalm on kids and caused the Arab Spring which led to ISIS.
Only communists such as yourself need punched.
Lmao sometimes someone else said it better
so why are their uniforms different huh?
low-energy shoop
Everyone hates white people because they're the most successful and historically/culturally relevant group of people on earth.
"Nazism" is just an overblown excuse. Literally every race has killed children, adopted slavery, cannibalized other people, and done worse shit than the nazis ever did en masse.
Don’t care. If you’re not white your opinion doesn’t carry any weight. Hate me some more if you’d like, the most you’ll do is shit post on Sup Forums.
Don’t forget to be more open about you’re white hatred, we’re very welcoming to former white leftists.
Don't forget we're also beautiful have the best sense of humor and also many of us smell wonderful
Fake photo
>punch nazis
what will it solve?
what cause does it help?
why do you retards just want to punch people you don't like. You need to evolve and realize violence isn't the answer in this situation. If anything, you're giving them what they want so they have a reason to kill you.
Just in case you forgot why we hate Jew communism
Did you know
doesn't work if you upload an image?
Screen shot this and add it to your
>newfag tips and tricks folder
>wehrmacht with luger on child's domepiece
and you want to
>punch him
/leftypol/ ladies
alright ill be ready queer
My fellow caucasians we can no longer ignore the continued oppression of the minorities within our societies the only way to truly end this Injustice.
Is to free them from our oppression and racism and sexiism therefore we must free them back to Africa its the only way to protect them and keep them safe allow their wonderful cultures to continue uninterrupted and they must remain there peacefully leat we further contaminate them with our corrupt values of merit hard work education and freedom of expression
Why would the German holding that child want it spattered all over him?
Fake and Jewish
Capitalism is racist kangs never had to budget and make sacrifices
You won't be alone brother
>muh dead babies
>this is who Obama/CIA fund
Come along and ride on up, Autistic Voyage.
Just try to imagine guise!
Fake and gay
sage goes on all fronts
This is the new Gulag archipelago.
They will eventually come for us guilty of being white.
>stop being willfully ignorant.
If Nazis shot all children in the head then who are all of these Holocaust survivors running around? Also why would they waste a bullet on an infant?
The Jews in captivity that never got to the slaughter survived, that's the disgusting part, they were on a pecking order and there were just too many after YEARS of killing that they couldn't even get to.
So long as you're dedicating a proportionate amount of time to punching Communists
Commies are second on the list but Nazis are a priority, I don't exclusively discriminate anti-Americans, they're all parasites.
>they're all parasites
the jews?
Authoritarians and racists, your crux is muh Jews because you literally have no argument
LOL trust me whitey Is gonna be just fine people are waking up whites are beginning to identify as a group and soon its gonna be holy shit gtfo time
What about Jews?
You wont do shit
Please do, please
Yet if people were any bit of the jackbooted "Nazis" you claim them to be, they would goosestep in line and execute your own sorry ass and anyone else who would be considered a communist.
What a beautiful world it would have been
Can't punch a Nazi if they're on the moon.
Lmao clearly we have 300 pounds of antifa furry here boys we better cool it before he gets angry and starts his chanting gets winded then drinks a Capri sun
Already have
I have leftist as much as Nazis, both are collectivist a-holes. Now fuck off traitorous Democrat.
Nice point you make there
Hillary Clinton is a nazi, let's beat her to death!
goddamn jew propaganda. That picture is a scene from the movie "Auschwitz". (2011)
Here's the original from the movie. Some asshole made it black and white and said it was real, then made it a meme blank on Imgflip.
The only "Nazi" in the shoot is the liar behind the camera.
What is Sargon of Akkad doing in the back of a pickup with a bleeding child?
Yeah we don't praise nazis because much like sjws they talk 10 tons of shit but they never get the job done America always has to do everything kek
>If you're not punching Nazis you are equally scum and have waged war against the USA once again.
This is from a movie you fuck-wit. A Jew movie.
If it wasn't for lies, would Democrats say anything at all?
Lmao how dare you I abide a lot of bullshit on this forum but my sargon is off limits he's our guy you bastard! Kek
Fuck off demanon. Muslims hate the j00s. The same muslims you support.
Fake and saged
Also anyone who advocates violence against our allies needs to be hanged when the DOTR comes.
You think the kid was drunk or something in this? He looked out of it.
Kek inbound normie scum BTFO imminent
Punch me and I will invoke article 12 of my country's criminal codex and will beat your manlet ass right there on the street.
not even mentioned in ' Birth of a Nation' nazifucktard.
keep swallowing faggot.
>being this naive
tys for the shit tiered US space shuttle program nazi faggots.
kys faggot
dicksandwich with mayo to go with that DOTR faggot.
>implying the picture is even real
The point is that, from the viewpoint of the people who want me to punch Nazis, everyone who doesnt support the decay of Western Culture and Morals, rampant Degeneracy as well as Communism is a Nazi.
And thats why everyone makes fun of you.
Because if a disgusting, dirty, stinking pile of pathetic Garbage screams at a Man that hes a Nazi, most people will probably side with the Nazi.
Fuck off shill
I'm a Jew, and I can tell you right now. It's a fucken sham. I would time stamp my menorah and my barmitzvah veils if I wasn't at work.
Nationalism is needed, by everyone. The holohoax with its signature holocoaster has done nothing but guilt trip Europe for 80 years. It should have happened, and happened again. Fuck off with your non-geo flag you stupid fucking leaf.
At least those dastardly nazis wrapped him in warm blanket.
>28 replies
wow your tactics sure do work well faggot
While your in the streets we'll be moving swiftly thru your house, room to room dragging a blade across every neck we come across. Be very careful what you wish for faggot, you'd be surprised how easy killing comes to people once they are pushed to that point.
I wish I could shoot a kike baby in the head one day. I just hate kikes, I'm not a Nazi.
Cry about the Nazi being violent
Ask for other to be violent against anybody
Red cap are nazi
All men are nazi
If you dont punch those I want your a nazi
Have you punch yourself yet?
The faggot was killed by Stalin, though. The left has always been eating itself.
Extrajudicial violence puts you down there with the KKK, user.
Oh gawd, a gun to the head. That never happens in the utopia judea has created for us.
Nazis have to be stopped.
That's filmmaker Uwe Boll.
I'm all for punching leftists
Classic liberals basing their perception of reality off movies.