>Trump becomes President
The absolute state of American democracy
>Trump becomes President
The absolute state of American democracy
Nobody care. The electoral college was specifically designed to keep entitled witches like her out of office.
>Leaf talking about democracy
Thank god we are not a democracy.
First off, America is a republic NOT a true Democracy. Second, America isn’t the United States of NY, Florida and California. Third, fuck off back to Canada fag.
Go cry about it some more Cucknada. Go fuck up your own country.
Before opening thread i KNEW it was canada.
You guys are limp wristed FAGGOTS.
Sub human.
Your pm is an actual vagina.
Sort yourself out retard.
So you would want voter fraud investigations to see how many votes she really did get...minus dead people, illegal immigrants and dog votes.
OP you need to understand, electoral college was made specifically so hive minded, high population density centers such as LA and New York cannot sway the election in their favor - if this was the case, these places would determine the outcome of presidential elections and that would be very wrong.
The people living on .0001% of the nation should not be allowed to control the other 99.999%
THIS is why the electoral college was made - by very intelligent men a long time ago.
Constitutional Republic
We have this shit thread everyday.
Fucking Leafs
>amerifat education
republic is a type of democracy
The majority of people are morons. Hence why more people voted for hillary
Not a direct democracy.
Do I need to quote Madison in Federalist 10 again?
who said anything about direct democracy you dumbass? literally no country in the world has direct democracy
>openly abusing immigrants, gays, and niggers for votes
We are a Republic you useless leaf.
So there is no point to this thread
America is not about to have a few population centers rule over the rest of the country. You dumb fuck.
Thanks for decreasing my IQ for today.