Do you have a nigger/black man friend?

Do you have a nigger/black man friend?

If you do then how do you deal with your racism in that relationship?

I am (rationally) racist myself, but I would like having an educated black friend (non-nigger) even though I think I could come to like a proper nigger pal (to do cannabis with I guess).

I had a few black friends when I was young. One of them stole my DragonBall Z game.
It is obvious why I am on Sup Forums today.

no but my family has an educated cat

No, we used to bully all the blacks in my school to the point that they would get transferred to another school.

no such thing as black men
they are all niggers
perfect example is Obama, look at the difference of how he interacted with whites vs blacks

Back in the 70s when we were first married the wife and I lived in an apartment and across from us two Black couples moved in who had just moved across the country directly from Harlem. Over several months we sort of made friends, they were never nasty toward us. We invited them over to blow some good smoke, they invited us to parties with their friends. It was fun but I guarantee that every stereotype was true. The guys dressed like pimps and honest to God pimped their women. Their income was a basic subsistence of Welfare, Food Stamps, etc. which left them 24/7 free time to augment their income with illegal shit and nothing was out of bounds. The women would lit and brag about how much they clippped some old white guy for fucking them. The guys would have a stream of stolen shit they were fencing. A number of their friends were heroin addicts. It was a real eye opener.

legit one and the same thing get out of here shill

There are different kinds of racism.

Why can't the two on the left fly an airplane, why do they still smell bad, commit rape, and random violence (i.e. not with the airplane and against the enemy)?

Had a black friend when I was in kindergarten. Not since then though.

There are some based black men in MGTOW. Curiously, the war on feminism has joined some white and black men on ideals due to the common enemy.

That post running around about most blacks coming from Bantu tribes is very telling. Essentially it's part of negro DNA to not look ahead or save or plan for cold winters. That comes from having ancestors that ran around Africa with a buffet of food constantly at their finger tips. Their instincts were to kill and fuck and ask questions later. That is why you rarely find a reflective black man.

Most whites moved to winter climates and had to learn how to farm, save and prepare for scarcity seasons.

That is a major difference between blacks and whites. Every now and then, you'll find Le Based Black Man. Even so, I think in an emergency situation, any black would revert back to their tribal instinct and loot and steal. You see that every hurricane season.

I've only met 2 or 3 educated blacks in my whole life.

chupa la corneta

Could you elaborate?

Ke te pasa pajaron qliao


Had a black friend in college as we shared the same Comp Sci courses. He was pretty cool and a reliable lab partner.

With his 2.5 GPA, he got a great job at HP while they scoffed at my 3.3 GPA. But that's life as a fucking white male.

Had a black friend in elementary, we lost ourselves for a big 6 years, we just found eachother again and we're doing good, he's a drama art student, and his parents are great people. They adopted 5 childrens + their two natural ones (FYI, my friend is one of the naturals)

>do cannabis



Main difference seems to be that someone wrote "BLACK MEN" under the picture on the left and "NIGGERS" under the one on the right, OP.

The only black ibe had extended interaction with have all been educated Africans working here in the States.

Theyre all very polite, and they sometimes do really redneck shit and its great.

You're a fucking shill don't think we don't see through you just because you said nigger


Is it ironic that all the well behaved blacks I've met were in either security or the police force? I feel like some of them get so disgusted by the niggatry that they decide to cull their own.

One black friend; had already a child out of wedlock, whom he never sees anymore. So yeah, classic nigger stuff.

>Sup Forums dehumanizes black people daily.
>Never actually got to know one.


>>Sup Forums dehumanizes black people daily.
>>Never actually got to know one.
It is because of my direct interactions with them while living a black neighborhood and seeing how they degrade themselves. Their is an endless stream of new ratchet videos daily on Liveleak that gives a window into their world.

There's benign racism and malign racism.
Here are some examples.
recognizing biodiversity: completely benign
peaceful/private separatism: technically benign
hurling racial epithets: arguably malign
separatism achieved violently: malign
genocide: very malign

I have 3, 2 of them are decent and we a spend a lot of time yelling at the 3rd to stop being such a nigger.

This whole nigger hating white supremacist bullshit was devised to split and conquer the public by tptb. They amped up their game in the US over the last 9 years and many of the ignorant have fallen for it - Ferguson makes most people sick were affected by this (both white and black)

False niggers are incapable of friendship!


look if a nigger can do 2.5 you should do more than 3.3

Thanks for speaking up.

Yes, he is from the police, he arrests sandniggers and niggers all day

Blacks make natural police or security officers. They like the swagger of perceived authority, while actually doing nothing more than following orders from their superiors. That's why black police are fine, but a black police Captain is always getting arrested for embezzlement, hookers, murder, etc.

As a black man, I always wanted to have based ruski comrade to slay pussy with across the world.

I can imagine if I grew up in a place full of criminals (like a ghetto) and I wanted to be able to clean it up without being branded a criminal myself, joining the police would be an effective strategy. "If the police won't come down here, then I'll become the police!"

Had a black friend who told me "nigger jokes" all the time. Cool guy.

Not all blacks are niggers but all blacks got nigger in them user my good buddy from Philly is a good guy but still does nigger shit like steal from people he doesn't know

>Back in the 70s when we were first married

Sup rare oldfag.

There are a lot of functional black people in canada, the have mothers and fathers with normal jobs and live in suburbs. I kind of feel bad for them. The topic of race came up with my buddy and I could tell he was embarrassed to be black.

Around here, if a black can speak properly and wears normal clothes, then you treat them as an individual.

I fully accept there are black Americans, and they are separate from their lesser counterparts.

Thomas Sowell is a perfect example of this. Black man, raised in Harlem ghetto, and now one of the most celebrated economists in the world. Was a commie until he was 19 and discovered that socialism was easily mathematically disprovable. Has gone on to do so in 14 (17?) books. Vehement republican. Called racist for telling mush-mouthed blacks to learn how to speak. Criticizes the left for programming young blacks that they're owed a living and criticizes black single mothers. He was the original advertiser of the "77% of black kids are from single parents" figure, and the resulting catastrophic environment that creates.

Also calls out academics who speak as authorities on subjects that aren't their speciality. "You don't see this behavior from chess masters or master carpenters, and they know more about their fields than you do about yours. This is the arrogance of intellectualism."

My favorite academic is a black man. Anyone who wants to see Sup Forums's side of many arguments from the perspective of a black raised in a harlem ghetto - go watch his youtube videos.

So... yes. There is absolutely a difference.

Also, he hates Obama and Democrats in general.

I've dealt with niggers. Nothing but trouble.

Trump is a nigger.

I don't heave anything major against Trump, but this excites me.

Triggering Sup Forums.

I have many black friends (most of which, rather ironically, I play basketball with at the rec centre). They're genuinely really fun people to be around. Excitable, funny, and oddly caring. Most of them are anti-BLM, though not really surprising since Toronto's chapter is hated even in their community for their extremist views. They're all either attending or have graduated from university, and contributing members of society. This is a pretty high income and low crime area though.

I think all the vile black (and white) scum are in the Midwest. Even the US south is genuinely tolerable, and I've had nothing but good experiences with the black ppl there.

tl;dr I've had nothing but good experiences, they're fun to be around and are into lots of the same interests I'm into

hi Sup Forums