The day of the grill is coming soon. Thanks to the melting ice (thanks for that burger mobility scooter driving Walmart subhumans) Canada will have access to vast untapped real estate, natural resources, fresh water and arable land monopoly while Burgerstan will turn into a giant dustbowl Mexican monkey house. We will annex New York Pennsylvania New England Michigan, Maine, New Hampshire Wisconsin the state of Washington Illinois Minnesota and Montana while the Burgers can keep the smelly shit tier confederate states with bad teeth and poor education and the rest can go to Mexico.
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realistically though everypone is pulling out because you're nuts.
i doubt it
nowhere near the population
>implying this would be a good thing
You go live in china mate you globalist cuck fucking idiot faggot
> t. rural retard
> Growth expanded at an annual pace of 4.5 per cent, which followed an impressive jolt of 3.7 per cent growth in the previous quarter.
meanwhile US growth is barely 2%
Get that disgusting leaf away from my flag
If Canada ever becomes powerful, I will personally annex it into the US
>Canada will have access to vast untapped real estate, natural resources, fresh water and arable land monopoly while Burgerstan will turn into a giant dustbowl Mexican monkey house.
You know with increased temperatures comes increased humidity?
it appears your inferiority has led to some controversy
You will not take my dog leaf faggot.
literally fucking grilled.
Alberta joins the US within 15 years
I forgot Alaska we will definitely have to annex Alaska for the map to look good
>canada also wants to import immigrants up to 100M people by 2100
yeah, good luck with that guys, you'll crater long before 2100
The chances of Canada being a global superpower is equal to the number of tonnes of gold in their reserve
I wonder what would happen to every race if/when ice age starts.
I hope Canada will invade burgerland and force them to be less retarded
this is information on par with flat earth infographics
I hope you're enjoying all the wildfires droughts and hurricanes burgerboy
yeah sorry guys but I don't think we can do shit until we get rid of Justin cuck and the liberals. Face it Quebec and Saskatchewan are the only ones saving this shithole
the earth will continuously change for eras to come, we dont have the technology to change that yet
and not that we want canada or anything, but hypothetically, 300+ million desperate americans could undue canadas meager 37+ million. If temperatures become more habitable up there you could lose your main defensive stance, that being that no one wants an invasion to end in an early icy death.
though like says, you could experience a population boom and outnumber us by then, who knows.
We will nuke and emp the fuck out of you once you start getting poor restless and desperate. We can get nukes in like a minute we just choose not to
>canada would willingly start the nuclear holocaust
i thought you guys were supposed to be NICE
We will be nice and polite about it
>A super power
>Implying reckless, uncontrolled migration won't bring balkanization to Canada because we'll be too busy fighting over tribal bullshit
One of our federal parties has a sikh that wants India to carve out a special little israel just for his turban wearing buddies.
Canada hasn't had nuclear weapons since 1984. The only ones there are the ones the US has on subs and our military equipment.
> Canada will have access to vast untapped real estate, natural resources, fresh water and arable land
we already have all these things and mismanage them all, why would more of the same somehow lead to being a superpower?
Federal Canada is globalist jew cancer and should be destroyed, asap
will it be because so many worldwide countries carve a piece out of Canada for themselves and by doing so Canada has defeated them?
We have all the uranium and the technology we just abide by the international conventions if fucking North Korea could do it with no fucking uranium or technology we could do it in a heartbeat
the caliphate rises
I'm a US/Canadian dual citizen and I'm not deluded enough to believe Canada could restart their nuclear program in a reasonable amount of time after tensions with the US got so bad that it was considered a real option.
If you invade us for no reason it will be extremely painful you have no casus belli and will take a -3 stability penalty leading to nigger riots and civil war with civilized blue states joining Canada you can't even attack Noerh Korea because your domestic situation is extremely divided and unstable and this will only get worse
If we can curb our sandnigger problem, we'll have a real future but people are literally defending the views and niqab here atm. This place is going to be a fucking caliphate in about 1 generation. Thinking about starting a gun collection now just to make sure subhuman mudslimes can't harm me or my family at this point
We're considering hypothetical scenarios where things went to absolute shit in the states due to climate change, desperate times drive people to desperate measures, a pretext for war would be invented if one did not exist, just like the WMD shit in Iraq.
Maple niggers have quite the imagination
By the time that starts happening you will be too busy defending your remaining imperial holdings from the Chinese Russians Iranians North Koreans and have massive problems with minorities you will be poor overstretched and depleted we will just deal the final blow
Canadians are basically americans but gayer.
I'm a dual citizen so I could always flee north in such a scenario, but this is some tremendous fantasy.
If you wrote it up as a fictional future, I bet it would sell like hotcakes in Canada.
Id say its on par with the average indian learning how to use a loo.
no they are gayer versions of american libs, not americans. this makes them some kind of deity level of gay.
>Cold Brazil
>A world with Anglos, Aryans, Nords and Slavs
Gonna go burn my trash with motor oil.
Your map means that in 2070 all of the planet will be uninhabitable.
It's time to sleep canabro, you're very tired, stop posting, get some rest.
based on (((climate change models)))
Varg is saying the oppsite, Ice age is coming very soon. northern europe will be ice.
I dno man