Gay dads kill their adopted baby

This is just sick.Two gay dads adopted a little baby girl.One of them realises that she will turn into a female,and not a little boy they can sexual abuse,so kill her.This is so wrong on every level.

Other urls found in this thread:

Could you at least attempt a source?


If you're actually black, and you hate transgendered people, and this article is true, I might actually have some respect for you.


>Seeing a link to an article in the op

This never happened you fucking liar.

>no source
kill yourself unironically

Fake and gay, kys nigger faggot

nothing to see here! lets just forget this thread existed!

is anyone else really sleepy? research has suggested brief naps can really help productivity. Yawn!

Wrong. They were actually straight and kept her as a loving sex slave. With their newfound source of vigor, they went on to eradicate many niggers.

The (((media))) will probably write: "...homophobic baby little girl committed suicide to make her gay parents look bad...."

Post link Nigger Faggot!

If only your faggot dads had aborted you.

best post

It actually happens all the time




>no source
>personal interpretation



that's fucked up.

>fishing for real articles where this happened
>Sup Forums provides
n-th dimentional multi-reference-frame chess.

Damn Patton Oswalt is looking like THAT?

Stupid faggot, what was he expecting from a baby? Everybody knows that kids give you hell during their firsts years.

don't read this shit guys.
it's fucking painful, rage fuel.