the absolute state of plebbit..
The absolute state of plebbit
>implying this is politics related
>Jewgle: "Reddit+Vasectomy"
>About 231,000 results (0.63 seconds)
whats the deal with this sauce and whats it got to do with rick and morty?
Politics is downwind from culture.
Just like how race is destiny, the physical makeup of the people.
>implying summer opinion isnt cancerous
>thinking Sup Forums cares what reddit does or thinks
Fuck off to reddit
and wheat
Soy boys rejoice
that right there is the face of employability.
> Seeking other males for support
You don't talk to people vastly different than you very often, huh?
This is a joke right? This didn't actually happen right?
I remember the original being a console and some shit
his wife is probably cucking him
I think maybe you replied to the wrong guy, that made no sense.
Those are not white hands, OP.
>western """"""""""""people""""""""""""""
I bet his wife is white though. only a white woman would do stupid shit like this.
but the real issue is not even race, it's westernization.
True, but we should still attempt to cuck him with a white baby.
They did a bit on Rick and Morty where Rick briefly talks about how delicious the sauce is. So much so, that he travels back in time to get some.