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burgers will always allow burkas because muuuuuhhhhhh constitution and muuuuhhhhh freedom

yeah this is actually bad news, as oddly as it seems. The kike works in mysterious ways. This was just extending an olive branch to groups like 'La Meute' and ultra-nationalist 'pure laine' Quebeccers.

Their real goal is to secularize all public spaces. By prefacing with this move (which btw only affects like 0.01% of the population) it gives them leverage for when they want to remove the Crucifix under which we swear to God. That is their true intent. Do not be fooled, fellow leafs.

Montreal is the city the world already forgot about. It's nothing.

They might as well be speaking Latin.

Quebec has banned public service workers from wearing crosses years ago. That's the precedent this bill was able to pass upon

>be canadian
>have learning disability
learn to read, moron

No because as long as Ontario is a cesspool, Canada is a cesspool. Patrick Brown, the Conservative MP running for Premier of Ontario (to take over Wynne) tripled down in saying what Quebec did was racist and will not be tolerated. That he will do everything in his power to reverse it (though he can't).

Andrew Scheer was just in Hamilton, Ontario and said the same thing. His other talking points were that he won't be lowering intake of refugees; that Canada has a driven goal by all parties to heighten our population, and the best way to do that is by accepting "displaced refugees driven away from their home countries". Also vetting refugees into our country will stay the same ( if not easier as more and more come in)

No. Canada is done. We will be France and Sweden combined in 10 years.


Data shows 69% of the ''''''refugees''''' flowing into Quebec have been granted asylum already. Ya know, the ones with cp on their phones and shit

idk it seems like most Canadians cheer Quebec in this move but Ottawa as always will most likely loose their shit and try to make Canada pray to allah so they can please their jew overlords

>not knowing about french Canadians

Trudeau will lose the next election. Conservatives just need 40% of the vote to get a majority.

At the very MOST, PC will be a minority. Liberals still win Ontario and BC. NDP will take a huge portion from Liberals though.

thoughts on how many bleeding heart libs will jump ship and vote for the turban in a complete show of virtue signalling? Don't underestimate how un-informed millenials are, and how many will vote orange just because of the turban

Its nothing
PM who pass the law said that religious believe will exempt you from it
Law have no other purpose than electoral one for the dummy

NDP is irrelevant since they just take votes from the liberals. It's a good thing really.

Québec might jump ship again to Bloc Québécois, or stay with the liberals. Hard to say since Trudeau acts a lot more conservative in Québec and when speaking French.

Quebec separatist uprising when?

>NDP is irrelevant since they just take votes from the liberals. It's a good thing really.
that's what I mean. And now more than ever. I personally know some pretty staunch SJW Weedman voters who will be voting NDP because of a dude in a turban. They can't be the only ones

can I get a source on this?

PC need to get his shit together in Quebec
Forget about montreal but all other region are ready for a takeover
Trudeau will probably loose Ontario and his majority


why do you want to see their faces?


Remove the recognition of Islam as a religion but a cult instead regardless of how many are in - Problem solved

as long it weakens muslims it is good. No one needs to show off

Mais non osti, ils sont toute des cocus.
C'est seulement nous autres qui sont pas.

Thank God I am almost debt free and buying an AR-15 next year

Montreal guy here, I hate Mohammed Coderre, Who should I vote for? Project Montreal?

Peacful trucks are on the way.

Actually, there was a public outcry and fierce debates in National Assembly, because it wasn't taken far enough. Quebec's premier made his money while working in Saudi Arabia. He is strongly pro-multiculturalism.

This bill is a very weak version of an other bill wich failed to be passed, but had around 75% support in francophone quebecers. It's a compromise to appease the francophone voters.

Quebec doesn't have to give a fuck since we didn't sign the charter LOL Ottawa cucks can't do anything.

Also is it possible to get the Quebec fleur de lis for my flag?

reminder that all major political parties in Canada are total shit, including the cuckservatives

no, projet Montreal is turbo cucked just like cuckderre (Mr. Sanctuary city)

vote third party or write in

No. Inshallah this will be overturned

this is also anti-antifa legislation

No mate. The constitution doesn't work like that. Quebec's government argued before the supreme court in 1982 that they couldn't pass and implement the chart whitout Quebec's approval, because the province was not a mere province, but a founding partner of the dominion.

Supreme court said nah. So even if. Quebec didn't sign the constitution, it still is effective as a source of law in every provinces.

it won't. even trudeau said its up to Quebec. the only people kvetching is Ontario. Besides, we don't have a constitution as strong as the US so it won't be overturned. If hate speech can be prosecuted, you damn well bet they can ban your shitty burqa

they also aren't "banning" it. You simply can't receive public service while wearing a face covering. You can still do it.

Why you lie?
>Not-withstanding clause
Also, Quebec doesn't have British common law traditions of the supremacy of courts. Gvt can pass laws that tell it to fuck off.

You didn't study law. It shows. Our constitution is as strong as the U.S. : it is the habilitating source of every law passed, every govenment executive power and any justice ruling.

It protects different rights, with different political philosophy, though.

Free speech is strong in U.S.A.

Human rights against discrimination is stronger in Canada.

Not withstanding clause is only temporary. And it's never been used since language laws in the 1980´s.

We didn't use it to escape the Jordan ruling, which forced the government to release rapists, mafia gangsters and murderers.


it won't be challenged

Completely wrong. Quebec private law is civil.

But the tribunals and administration laws are common law. Criminal law is too, but its federal competence only, so it's moot point.

see 146010301

replied to myself like a fag

Hu. I wouldn't bet on that. Religious lobby are too strong. They oppose everything. Jurisprudence is ripe on religious rights, has been since Amséem ruling.

you must be fun at parties, faggot

Canadian Libertarian party (yes i know) will probably be hard lining on anti-immigration and strong border for federal election to contrast libs and blue libs (cons).

I'm not partying. I'm correcting false information to the benefit of everyone.

I know but Quebec really is a very special case

I'm not saying you are wrong (see: Khadr settlement). I'm saying you are a faggot

thank god i'm a dual citizen

Which state is the most comfy to live in?

Yes yes, it's good for our cause if Muslims better incorporate themselves into western society. Good go...uh I mean boy.

Trust me its not in Trudeau's interest to let this get challenged in Quebec. He won't win in 2019 if that happens

holy fuck i keep replying to myself jesus fucking christ

Québecois aren't leafs, know the difference

Because it's the nuclear option that would destroy a globalist chokehold on policy.
It's still on the books and its existence gets the more zealous challenges to back off.

And yet this law passed and won't be challenged.
Couillard knows he's losing bigly and Trudeau won't risk alienating his rural Quebec support.
Meanwhile, Ontario provincials candidates and globokike Scheer keeps virtue signaling in hopes of luring ontario centrists.
Translation: right-wing gvt in Quebec next year, Trudeau sees a small threat for his majority in 2019 and is already moving to the right to head it off.
Scheer knows he lost already and is just in it for brownie points.

Good. This way they will assimilate better into the melting pot.

Just according to plan.

Quebec is full of pissed off French colonists who hate everything that isn't them. It's not that they're based. It's that they're equal opportunity pricks.

Amselem was a ruling about orthodox jews in Montreal circumventing a private contract about what is permitted to install on their balcony. They signed the contract, but made the clause preventing them to install some praying apparatus that looked like a small toolshed unenforceable. Their argument was that their faith trump the freely negociated laws of the parties to a contract.

It's insanely powerful. Religious faith can breach contract. You can be sure it can beat any attempt of a government to pass a law clearly designed to "discriminate" at a certain group's religous practice. And the wearing of veil will no doubt be viewed as a part of orthodox muslims' religious practice.

Quebec isn't the same as the rest. They have a strong french identity and it's like a foreign country.

Being proud of his heritage and being nationalist is bad goyim

>tfw no french-speaking nationalist azn gf

How would the argue differ based on the fact its not banning face coverings out-right? Technically you can wear whatever you want, just not while receiving a public service.

I hear California is very toasty right now. You'd probably like the change from the cold go move there!

Lol no they know they don't have a snow balls in helps chance of getting winning again so they are trying to change that. It won't work they are fucked.

It's true. They are hyper secular and are defended as such. See CBC / The Star's Hebert on the topic. Quebec gets defended nationally for their secular position

Yeah exactly, but legally, they don't have to follow the charter under section 33 Quebec has a constitutional override.


Your political analysis is defendable. I was strictly speaking about legal issues.

>hyper secular

Fucking Scheer. Fucking preferential ballot party leadership election. Bring back Bernier.

ikr I posted this already in this damn thread, got tri p s and no (you)s

It wouldn't. The charter prohibits the government to refuse service to someone based on religious discrimination.

I'm going to write in Alex Jones

have a (you) babe

Sheer is Queer. Quebec conservatives are going BLOC

>Bernie - Bernier
How did Scheer even win the nomination? Was it a Hillary Clinton moment and somehow stolen from Bernier?

Banning veils is useless controlled opposition law.

Our cuck leader Rutte banned them, too. Despite there already being a law that bans covering one's face. They do this because the number of women wearing this shit is minimal, so they don't rub anyone but the radicals the wrong way. And it's the "moderates" who are the true danger, so it does nothing in our favour. It's also impossible to enforce in any real way, and they're certainly not going to actually spend money on enforcing it.

Our local agitator site did a test. A woman in a niqab walking around and asking directions from police officers, and a guy in a skimask. The woman wasn't stopped at any point, and the police simply gave her the directions she asked for. The man was tackled within literal minutes of putting on the skimask.

It's nothing more than shitty right wing virtue signalling. If someone actually cares about this shit, that's all you need to know that you have a useless cuck in front of you. Wake me up when they ban headscarves entirely, on grounds that it's a useless, religious, misogynist practice. That's something they only dare fuck with Christians over.

Quebec is allowed to have provincial independence, this will not happen anywhere else in the country except possibly a territory and mudslides don't move to NWT/Nunavut/Yukon because they'd actually have to work and it's cold.

The milk productors lobbies aske their member to become conservative members to vote out Bernier who wanted free trade.

It worked by a slim margin, but it was enough. The elective process was fucking sketchy.

Yup. absolutely.
(((they))) didn't want conservatives to be exposed as the crypto liberals they are.

They keep things related to the heritage of it like crosses.


Hey user, this is actually a great post.

All the non Quebec politicians are super butt hurt about it. There doing everything in their power to have it stopped. It's pretty funny.

Mfw Quebecers save us from our selves. Wtf happened?

learn to read

You fell for the baseless hate and propaganda that Quebec is bad.

We can't be hyper secular and at the same time keeping the cross in the National Assembly. Leafs hate us because we still have a strong identity while they are getting CHINKED

Im convinced all the good Frenchies left for Quebec a long time ago and thats why France is so fucked now.