Remember that all girls are best girls is just a lie that we're keeping alive.
Cerea is best girl
Mero and Papi are also good
Remember that all girls are best girls is just a lie that we're keeping alive.
Cerea is best girl
Mero and Papi are also good
Fish is beautiful
I have this on my backlog, is it worth a watch?
>liking the cuckfish
how tragic
fuck off general
user, pls
let it die, we won't have a chapter in two months, and that will be a fuckton of time
Have you ever noticed how beautiful Draco is?
hey, anyone have this pic in good quality?
Yeah. It's quite heartwarming and depending on what kind of guy you are you can grow a strong love to some of the girls.
In reply to From last thread:
(>sending the eternal burger to Japan
Why not try a Welshman?)
Sending an American was part of trying to make it as realistic as possible (yeah I know, realism in Monster Musume, what a concept)
The main character gets to Japan, realizes that He stands out because of his weight, and decides to get fit after seeing an ad for Sports Club Kobold at one of the businesses in town
He decides to give it a go, which is where he meets Polt, among other monster girls (kinda leaving it open-ended on purpose)
You could have let this die. All you had to do was not make another thread, how fucking hard is that? To just not press the button?
yes, its a good harem echhi. You will be entertained.
I want to Tio to give me her ogreload.
No, it isn't. It will turn you autistic and make you waste your life shitposting in threads like this one.
Animu tiddies aren't worth it.
>t.been here since chapter two
Just end me.
I bet it tastes like cinnamon.
>the American is unironically fat
Fucking kek
But seriously. Make him exotic. It can't be burgers and japs for every anime. Spice it up. I need some Welshman and Merino action. Or some Slav and Polt. And just maybe, a kraut for Draco.
Inuit man comes down from the ice to find MonMusu's.
What then?
I was mainly going for a self-insert character, and since I'm american that's the easiest way to go.
I can definitely do Slav and Germanic, though other nationalities might be a bit hard because I'm only familiar with Slavic and Germanic culture
I could only imagine what kind of nightmare Slav and Polt would be, because if you've seen any Slavic cooking, you know Polt would just have a heart attack
They continue drinking, shooting up opiates, and screaming at each other in my hotel hallway at 3 in the morning.
Seriously, fuck 'mos.
If it's a self-insert character you're going for does the nationality really matter? Then again, if your going for a fat American who wants to move to Japan as a self insert character you've probably summed up 80% of these threads.
But if you want a self insert I suggest just keeping the nationality vague. Maybe try work on bike cop of all else fails.
>inb4 someone gets triggered at the mere word of bike cop
i'd take papi to a formal dinner party. that's a nice dress
Reply to this post or monster girls will never be real.
Tio a best.
nobody hates bike cop. He's a canon character.
We hate his fanfiction.
You better make sure she doesn't cause too much trouble
>people are honestly discussing writing fanfiction in these threads
For what purpose? Have you learned nothing?
Thread needs more Miia. Thread always needs more Miia
Why what's so wrong with it?
Remember Sup Forumsnons, Kitsunes aren't for loving. They are for bullying.
its fanfiction.
This thread is severely lacking in undead girls.
Maybe because people hate Tara.
Kitsune are for love and affection. Only a fool would leave a kitsune and/or interact with other women. Luz is all you need.
this thread needs far more spiders in it
I figured the American that wants to move to Japan was very prevalent here, so that's why I went for it
I can't help but laugh because I like the Idea of a Slavic character in it. I may include him as a secondary character just for fun now
I've learned that there isn't really much Monster Musume fanfiction, and I'm trying to help fill that void
Serious lack of Suu in here right now.
So I caught up after not paying attention for 5 months. When do new chapters get released in Japan each month? Has 45 been out? I dont want more hornet girl. Hornets scare me.
Purge the humans user, for they wear the clothes of the kitsune
Awful taste. We need more qt centaurs in our lives.
user she showed off her tits to the crowd. Kids were with the adults watching the action and she decides to be a slut.
The Kitsune must be punish.
Then don't do it here. You see how people react. It's gonna come out like shit post.
I want to raise four daughters with Miia.
>sewing a half body to the other half
why do I have a boner? common sense says that I shouldn't
also, if you gave a massage in her back during the morning, she will end up giving you one as well
Shitty self insert fan fiction can fuck right off. Fan fiction in general can fuck right off.
Just get rid of Shrine Maidens and take down the shrines and it'll be done.
Not Umies. Kitsunes user. The Kitsunes species must be purge.
Yeah, that's why I decided to test the waters first
I'll see you guys around some time
>a kraut for Draco.
No. Draco will belong to me
user. Don't trigger father.
You are not alone
>that booty
Oh lord I can't even describe it with words
I hope not.
Up yours too, faggot
No user. She has a foul mouth.
>sensitive back
Why do so many people like Suu so much? I don't get it. Its like your little, retarded sister raping all kinds of girls with playdoe or some shit...
I mean I like Fanservice like every other but those scenes with Suu are just stupidly over the top and kinda unnecessary.
Can't they just drop her into a lake or something and be done with her?
>finally finish some typesets to show tarage
>get into irc
>leaves before I finish uploading them to imgur
>Can't they just drop her into a lake or something and be done with her?
Suu will marry everyone
We need more cute reptiles
No, more birds.
I mean think about it, Suu is only there so you can have that tentacle fetish and slimy thing fetish in the anime. She is literally nothing else... that is so pointless, she totally stands out from everyone else. But not in a good way.
No, more spiders
Why not both?
She learns fast. She is probably wisest girl already (see food chapter).
She always save everyone, she is the cutest, she can have any form and do pretty much anything. There is a reason some people call her Mary Suu, she is too perfect.
I know its stale maymay bait, but look at the chapter again. There are no kids in the crowd.
I just realized that Lala actually has multiple outfits
Hello boner, my old friieeeennndddd.
I'm really not sure how to feel about this.
This makes me feel strange
Perhaps Rachnee x Polt would be more up your alley
Post the NTR
Only when the situation fits and there is nobody else to do it, she does something. Or in case its an episode about her. But other then that its always the same: "Ew, the slime monster is attacking a girl again! How original!"
I mean they basically had a whole episode, or atleast most of that episode only about that shit!
I mean look at Arachnea atleast, she has that BDSM thing going alright, fine. But she has a lot of personality and depth besides that too. Suu on the other hand is the bland, boring retard she was just like in the beginning. Or she acts atleast like it.
Well and yes exactly that part with her being a mary sue, why?! I want to see the little shit being splattered across the place like in a cheap MMO, not being Rance conquering japan once more.
Here comes best girl!
Would you say M.O.N. w/Smith are officially part of the harem or just like the Dryad/Polt etc. with more screen time?
Rachnera really doesn't care who she rapes
>not being Rance conquering japan once more.
Well, too bad for you, that is what you are getting
Literally worst girl. She needs to be put on a pike.
Never much cared for cucks
Have some semen demon instead
Put on two
I don't see Cerea in that picture. Is she behind the chunni?
I know and it pisses me off! She's a slime gawd dang it. Treat her as such!
Thos numbers don't lie
Also I'd say they're part of the harem, since each MON girl has gone on a date with Kurusu twice now.
I'd probably say they're in the darling bowl. I mean, they got their own dates with him.
Yes, actually.
>orcs are currently holding zombina down and they're about to have their way with her
What do you do?
Her spider arms give me a boner. That's probably not normal.
Shoot them dead
If any questions are asked, Zombina had it on standby and used it in self defense.
MON is in. Smith is not. However they are at the bottom of the list on likelihood. He would be good for them, but I dont see him really being into them.
I think Tio might have the best chance because of her power of pacification, but he's afraid of it for some reason.
MON always make the best expressions
>implying zombina hasn't feminised you into her personal house husband
What can you actually do? Pass her one of her rooty tooty pointy shooties?
Doppel does not look amused.
Rachnera is now a pedophile.
Cause Tio is a dangerous monster that needs to be deported.
Papi isn't underaged, and Lilith is an old woman.
Begone with the stale maymay.
>Not passing her the whammy kablammy
Come on, user.
>Rachnera is now a pedophile.
id like to see some rach /ss/
Swear Crabman is just using that adult age in a child's body for the loli fans.
Oh come on.
TTF get on IRC. We have Jitsu raws.
How the fuck have you not exchanged emails yet?
>this artsyle
is similar to a certain monmusus artist I know of, especially the face doppel is making ,
but im not seeing any mm doujins listed from him on sad panda...