One piece is next in line

One piece is next in line

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Short hair on males looks like shit.


Don't put that shit on gomu gomu senpai

Must be from pregnancy.

we can't deduce who will luffy marry since all the females in OP are a walking pair of tits

OP began years before those two series and will end years after

and will probably end like Dragon Ball (which is probably a worse fate than those two).

Hopes and dreams.

Nah Luffy gonna die with a smile

Nah; gin Tama is.

One piece won't be for years tho.

Hahahahaha. I will be there at the end to drink all of your shipping tears since Oda is too rich and too important to have editors force him to write in a romance.

If the gorilla author cuts or otherwise alters Gin-san's beautiful natural perm, I will shit at his front door.

>implying you know where he lives.


Won't happen since oda character designs is different.

Gintoki is already an adult and they've done timeskip jokes already

the big difference is Luffy will have a glorious pirate beard when this is over

Uh. Oda is like 65% done with it. Not to mention that unlike Bleach, One Piece is always #1 on SJ.

>mfw when I actually like how Ichigo looks.

I understand shiting on Naruto but what's wrong with Ichigo's exactly? All he did was cut it shorter and pull back his bangs.


He already did it.

Long live One Piece

Oda already have a concept of adult Luffy.


I like Naruto's but Ichigo looks really weird, at last for me.

He look better with his original hairdo.


Hancock is the tittiest.

Yeah he'll look like Roger

Not for another decade though

>Ichigo: JUST
>Naruto: It is so awesome being me.

When is he getting his?

Nevar forget

I pitty those who weren't here during that.
This meltdown isn't even close to that

He's japanese Sisyphus

Hinata looks like this, not like in your pic.

I know you want to make your ugly doormat closer to Orihime but she's not.

He seems to be comparing the designs of the characters at end of the manga.

Not the same guy, but like Orihime isn't atleast just as much of a doormat as Hinata.

Didn't Hinata actually slapped Naruto?

That's because the shitty final arc of Bleach drove away many of the fans. IchiRukis are pretty much the only one left who are enthusiastic. Meanwhile, the Naruto fandom got pretty hyped towards the end that many who have dropped it returned just in time for the meltdown.

Isnt Naruto still going though?
Just a name change doesnt mean its over.


>name of the serie is different
>name of the writer is different
>name of the artist is different
Naruto is over but Boruto GT is still going.



Ikoman is the exception. Mumei is also exception of a girl looking great with short hair.

More like Ikemen, amirite?

I love this.
Make Moar

The difference between the two is that Hinata has more character development then the main character (sakura)

Luffy will have a large viking beard with lush long Pantene shiny hair. Hancock for waifu.

Future winner.

>Gon actually gets a female love interest his age
>Killua passive aggressively travels with them
>tells his imouto to kill her

Luffy only gets more child-like as time passes, at the end of the manga he's gonna get his milk teeth back.




Assuming he'll stick to that. That adult luffy doesn't have the X scar on him.

I agree

Hair that short looks shit on any human really, it would be better if they were completely bald.

And no human looks good with hair that is too long for it's volume, especially females. Human females look terrible with long, straight hair.

Boa is genuinely the best option for a manchild like Luffy.

>Adult Naruto: Matured and respectable looking
>Adult Luffy: Sexy as fuck


Nobody knows who wins because everyone has cowtits.
Genius foresight from Oda.

>implying luffy will make it past 30

That's why long hair needs to be fluffy.

Is there something like this for Bleach or Magi?

Sup Forums is too asshurt to make one.

Hancock has bigger tits than Nami or Robin.
So there's that.


When he wins the league

Ichigo = Al Bundy

Has more of a chance than Luffy Nami.
Since Robin is not the main girl

Post yfw Robin beats Hancock

We're still at least 5 years away from One Piece ending.

Me on the left

>and will probably end like Dragon Ball
Oda doesn't wing it like Toriyama does.

>Hancock for waifu

Luffy doesn't care about Hancock. He literally only cares about becoming the pirate king.

>5 years

What do you faggots don't get? When we say Luffy will end with Hancock we are not saying Luffy will leave the ship right now to be with her. He will do that after his adventure just like Roger did. He will spent some time with her and she will get pregnant. He will then go back out to see.


This just proves a haircut gets you the pussy.

Let me repeat myself, Luffy doesn't care about Hancock. Unless she physically holds him down and rapes him, she's not getting pregnant off his balloon dick.

>dressrosa lasted almost 3 years

And long hair, don't forget the long hair

I love how these DB fags compare Toriyama and Oda in terms of writing ability, but no DB fags, the only thing Oda got from Toriyama is the inspiration to create his own shounen adventure manga, but in terms of the ability to write complex plot and settings, Toriyama is not even comparable to 10% of Oda's.

If anything, she is like his mom

You faggots said the same thing about Orihime and Hinata.
Kek keep posting

The difference is that we knew that Naruto and Ichigo were into girls, Luffy is into adventures and meat

Keep telling yourself that.

Not him but, I don't get the point of the pic




It was 100% obvious from the start that those two were going to end up together. Also strawmen don't change the fact that

>Luffy doesn't give a shit about Hancock
>Unless she magically extracts semen from his floppy cock, she wont' be getting sort of pregnant

Do you even read One Piece?
Oda said Luffy is interested.
Heres the SBS.

>D: Hey, Oda. In volume 53, chapter 518, Hancock's "Mero Mero Mellow" had no effect on Luffy at all, but in volume 23, chapter 213, it looked like he had a reaction to Nami's "Happiness Punch". Why did he respond to Nami's naked body but no to Hancock's? Is Nami's body just that amazing?

>O: Wow, I got a lot of questions about this. Is this what you guys are paying attention to? Don't just read manga all day, go study some more!! Okay? Well, I say that, but I do nothing but draw manga. I noticed this when we were drawing it, but if Luffy had a nosebleed when he saw Hancock's body, I think you would all be like "Ehh!?". That's not the Luffy we know. I believe that Luffy reacted to Nami's naked body twice, in volumes 18 and 23, and both times it happened, Usopp was with him! He's the suspicious one! In other words, when Luffy is alone, his reaction is what it was with Hancock. He's interested, but he's not entranced by her. But when he's with Usopp, who's the same age, it's like a kid on a school trip: his bad side comes out!! Yeah, both sides of Luffy feel right to me, so the culprit is definitely Usopp!!

How does it feel to be BTFO?

>Naruto and Ichigo were into girls
Sasuke is a girl?

Parallels. Goku and Luffy both are pretty much fightsexual yet somehow have a girl lusting over them.

They gone alpha


Read the mangas and you will get it faggot.

1st panel
>Goku coming back years after training
>friend sees a hot chick that knows goku and does reaction

2nd panel
>Luffy coming back years after training
>friend sees a hot chick that knows Luffy and does that reaction


The hot chicks are Chichi and her parallel Hancock if you dont know



I completely disagree