I don't get it, wouldn't Sup Forums prefer to have a /fit/ president?

I don't get it, wouldn't Sup Forums prefer to have a /fit/ president?

Competence>good looks


Actually I would prefer age and wisdom over all show no substance.

are you fucking retarded? the dude literally jumped into position. he's on a table

this corny shit is shameful. seems like everything trudeau does is just to make him look like a bitch. seriously. he's playing the pussy bitch role extremely well.

Wouldn’t you rather have a president who’s not Fidel’s son.

Show your flag leaf

Trudeagbt btfo

He's 89 years old and he's still probably more fit than OP.


>being so politically handicapped that the only "good" thing about you is that you make little girl's vagina's tickle when you're on TV

>giving a shit about table planking skill as a metric for who you should vote for

yeah we shouldve voted for the witch who literally kept collapsing and having bouts of public senility

What, like Hillary? GTFO.

you're right hillary clinton has the body of a 20 year old


Making girls horny is half of how he won the election, you better respect it

>Trudeau tucking his elbows in his sides
Literally anyone can lift themselves like that, it's a simple trick, nothing to do with fitness.

I'd rather have a fat grown-up than a buff boy.

Yes hes 72. Give us a call when you are 72. Would love to see how in shape you are.

Trump has a 10 inch penis.

I like my presidents retarded and morbidly obese.

t. Trump voter

>doesn't know the relationship between fitness and balance

Burgers, everyone

>a-and then Justin jumped on the table and did a hand stand, he actually did it the absolute madman

And this it's how the white race it's finally replaced by an Indian code slave.

Yet he avoided Vietnam because his feety hurt.

Like Hillary "shart in the mart” Clinton? Or Sanders? Those were our only two other choices, eternal leaf.

Stupid thread.

i just want a big tiddy president

More than that, he's also cradling the edge of the table. If he were doing that off the ground, it would be slightly more impressive. As it stands, that's the lamest sort of plank a person can do. It's the equivalent of a kipping pull-up.


>implying the lottery would have hit him with his birth date in the first place

I think you're confusing competent with constipated


Absolutely. Above all other qualifying factors? No.

So did Muhammad Ali, i don't blame them for not going


89 Years old ????????????????????????

To be fair Muhammad Ali didn't even qualify the first time because the lower IQ limit was 65 and he scored 62.
Only after they changed the requirements did he qualify, upon which time the Nation of Islam convinced him to dodge the draft.

America needs to have a big and tall president to represent them. What's more American than that? Pretty boy Trudeau can go suck a big long dick, it's what he does best after all.


In politics it is not about fit but about wit.

One day you and your people will be exterminated
That day i will smile