Is there any real reason not to be a NEET these days?

Is there any real reason not to be a NEET these days?

>jobs pay shit unless you have a specialized degree
>most women are grossly overweight and/or absolute degenerates
>most people have nothing interesting to talk about since they're into sports and crappy tv shows

You're not thinking about degenerate work-shy thoughts, are you now?

We wouldn't want that to happen now would we?

how can u afford to live if you dont work? food and rent isnt free...



I hope your parents die today without health insurance and an unpaid mortgage. You'd be homeless in a week you faggot.

>being a wagecuck
I pity you

After few years you will get ultimate regresion to animal. Happened to me, i couldn't find reason to live, i didn't have any friends or anything that i could live for.
Memes like working out, having a job and friends, keep you mind sharp and gives you a reason to live

kill yourself scum. or make something of your life. dont parasite off your parents

They must be very proud of you.

Too lazy to even change trollflags.

>living in self imposed poverty when success is yours to grab.

I pitty you even more.

Unironically, this.

I don't think about you at all

neets are pussies..plain and drive, no ambition, no self worth...

as a neet receiving £1100 a month you don't want this life

Needs must.

Boomers had it easy.

The most redpilled thing you can do as a white man right now is stop working. Why work for a Jewish system that uses your hard labor to bring in millions of shitskins? While you are making (((them))) money, (((they))) are using that money to bring Mohammad, Juan and Tyrone into your country. While you are busy seeding your own race's demise by working, Mohammad, Juan and Tyrone are ruining your society, raping your women, and destroying your history.

Quit your job, apply for welfare, stop watching porn, stop being a lazy sack of shit, learn to lift, stop giving the government as much money as you can, stop giving the Jewish businesses as much money as you can, promote nationalistic values, grow your own vegetables, buy mean locally, learn to fucking fish, find a girl, get involved with the community.

Stop being a wageslave. Become a NEET and take the iron pill. While wageslaves are sitting at a desk, you could be building your future family.

Being a NEET is like a delayed suicide. You know like those dishwashers and washing machines you can program to run at a later time like during the night when electricity is cheaper. You push the button, and it just sits there, waiting, and eventually it starts churning away. Same with NEETs. You pull the trigger but nothing happens. Takes years for that noose to grab hold of your neck. Like your short flight from the window to the ground is magically stretched a couple thousand times. And you knew what you were signing up for, even if you refused to admit it and deluded others but mostly yourself with those wagecuck memes and promises of self-improvement. In reality you just needed to borrow some time to get used to the thought, to exhaust and degrade yourself to the point when killing yourself is no longer scary or sad. It's funny if you think about it. Here's the dishwasher, choke-full of plates and cups and forks and spoons, all set and ready to do, yet somehow it thinks, hey, maybe I won't have to wash all this shit in the end. I mean it's been two years already, I could get used to it. Can you even imagine having to wake up every day at 8 AM and hurry up and bust your ass for your boss like a good goy? Having no time to do what I actually want, which absolutely doesn't include doing the dishes? Having to abandon my hobbies, even though they only amount to masturbation, mental or otherwise? No, this life is great. Sure, there are those dirty dishes, and this ominous timer ticking away, but surely it's not set in stone. Plenty of dishwashers I know never had to actually start washing the dishes. They just sat there all day. Yep.

I'll just sit here all day.

I have nothing else in life, other than my $14/hr job at walmart. No one will support me, so I'll be here until my casket closes.

parents are NEETs and would just extort me.

I feel like I should just stop functioning.
Everything is just so fucking dark and grey.
What's the fucking point?
Why should I pay for parasites of our own or imported?
I could just lay back and let everyone else pay for my existence until they figure it too and stop functioning.
I would pic related but the fucking civic duty pounded in my head is trying to prevent me.

i work and i can buy stuff. also i can afford land that means even more freedom than the jews imagined. you guys are retarding your development

boomers did not have it easy, they were raised by alcoholic asswholes and became asswholes

this totally ignores on work experience. you learn to run a store one day you own the store and people become your wage cucks

Social shaming. If I wasn't such a cuck I would've gone full NEET a long time ago.

yes but someone stil has to work for that money, this just meens you are a socialist fuck

Been neet for almost 2 years now previous jobs I've had payed a lot of money but it's jsut not rewarding, having the entire day to spend doings things you want and spending time with your family is much better.
I like working but I don't like having a job

also, working for big companies just fuels globalism and everything is going to be automated in about 20-30 years anyway


After how long?

could take years. it depends on how much you care abought said life

Parasite more like


Not me. I avoided some major trouble once and that was enough to fuel my optimism all this time. I'm thankful for all the good things that happened since then instead of taking them for granted.


Unironically kill yourself. You don't have the right to talk shit about people trying to make a living and not leeching off others, especially not under that flag you disgraceful piece of shit.

I just got a work with a multinational company that pays well.

I'm using it as a temporary measure to earn enough money to purchase the necessary equipment and tools for self-sufficiency whilst also investing it so that I will not have to work for it in the future.

You, and the rest of the worthless beta fash neckbeards on this board should kys immediately.

Sick of my taxes paying for you worthless pieces of shit so you can fap to animu all day.

How does it feel to be a piece of shit getting cucked by a mega corp because you have no worthwhile skills?

> this
> this
> this

This is literally my brother right now.
30 years old, never had a job, spent 7 years in college getting a degree in biology or some shit. Now he does nothing at all other than play games while I have made over 110K so far this year. I spoke to my mother about what happens when she and my dad are dead, she expects me to take care of him, I'm the younger brother by 2 years...

Anyone not already doing this is likely too stupid to try.

Is there any reason to be a NEET either? You won't find happiness by playing endless porn games and watching anime 24/7. I was there, I did that shit. It was nice at first, but it quickly became the worst and most depressing period of my life.

The odds for achieving your goals may be slim, but you have to work towards them. Otherwise, you've accepted that your life is hopeless and that there's no point in trying, so you may as well just kill yourself here and now.

If I was born a few decades earlier I'd have gone with that option, but I haven't so I'm taking the opportunities that I have at present.

All this talk of economic and social collapses is informative, but I'd rather attempt to gain a level of sufficiency and wealth before any major happening rather than just sit around and wait for nothing - in the end I'll likely die anyway, so might as well do it right.

>How does it feel to be a piece of shit getting cucked by a mega corp because you have no worthwhile skills?

pretty bad man. I've been working there for 12 years already. I drink every day over the notion that this place has a life insurance payout if I die working there.


lol...that is fucking nothing...

Well, do remember that upon any collapse, all your investments will be worthless. You have to liquidate that shit and turn it into actual material goods at some point prior if you want to retain it all throughout collapse, so I hope you're good at seeing the warning signs before things really start to set in

Though seeing as you're an Estonian, I don't think you'll have as much to worry about as the rest of us

Most NEETs I know irl get about 800 bucks a month, not counting their food stamps and (soon to be gone) obongocare. Unless you have kids you only get the bare minimum.

Please explain

I work 3 jobs at 60+ hours a week and I still can't comfortably afford to get a place of my own.

Then again, I do owe like 2 grand to my old landlord for missed rent payments and leaving my place in a complete disaster, so I know I'm on the do not rent list most likely.

I've been back at my parents for about a year now and after a brief NEET stint I now work 3 jobs, work 2 out of the 3 5 days out of the week and I pull roughly $1,800 a month.

My parents house is literally within 5 minutes driving distance to all 3 of my jobs and I'm ALWAYS at work so as of right now I don't see a point in moving out. Wish I had my old place though, I miss it.

$800 a month?? From who? Parents goverment?

I feel ya bro. Fucking goody good citizen tax guilt and military oath.

Government. It's for something like disability or ssi I'm not sure which. I think only genuinely insane or physically disabled should get it personally but I've lived in a few areas where it seemed like half the people that lived near me were just waiting on their check every month. (White people mostly oddly enough)

Keep in mind these people were perfectly capable of mopping a floor or flipping burgers, albeit they were very stupid. If you're "bipolar" enough to not be able to go to work you should be forced into a fucking home or castrated.

$200 a week....but that comes out of other peoples wages...that is a do nothing, eat fast food number

At the time I was making that much after taxes and i was working for it too. It really pissed me off to come home after a shitty day and see a bunch of losers smoking weed and playing video games because they just got their check, and knowing they don't have to do shit ever and they're guaranteed rent money forever while you could get sick and lose everything(rather have to move back in with parents in my case).


Your name says we

I am aware.

Though my work will require travel. In a case of a major SHTF I may be stuck abroad in a nightmare scenario, if that's the case I'm going straight to survival mode.

Small country, small population, almost no migrants, martial tradition - mandatory military training(however useful that is or isn't),no natural resources worth an invasion over, if WW3 breaks out no one would even bother nuking this place.

Can I come over please? I'm white I hope you guys are too.

You'll have a hard time, most work here pays poorly by EU standards(which is why I'm working abroad).

Also, we're quite wary of outsiders so you will not find a particularly warm reception.

Younger people know English, but without language skills you can really only work with multinational IT or universities.

Real neets abandon the flesh for the digital.

One day when we upload ourselves to the cloud they'll already be there to greet us as Gods in Paradise

What did your path look like? What do you do and how did you get there?


>Sick of my taxes paying for you worthless pieces of shit so you can fap to animu all day.
What are you talking about? I don't collect a single government benefit. If you really want to be outraged about taxes then take it up with your politicians that refuse to enforce illegal immigration.

Have you tried applying to jobs for him? Be sure to lie your ass off when applying for him, everyone does it so everyone has to now.

>Make a general statement about funding all useless parasites
>A useless parasite immediately makes it all about himself

It's not so much that that they're not able to physically hold a mop or navigate to the workplace. It's that they are miserable while working. You don't want employees on your team who are so miserable that they will call women cunts, call blacks niggers, or break random shit on purpose. We pay off these people to stay at home. Some people simply can't work a job without being miserable.


Loyalty. You should at least be self sufficient so as to repay your parents for everything they gave you. Passing on your genes is preferable but if you have nieces or nephews you don't have to so long as you help in their development.

>For the life I never asked for

>loyal to the generation who outsourced all our jobs

>It really pissed me off to come home after a shitty day and see a bunch of losers smoking weed and playing video games because they just got their check, and knowing they don't have to do shit ever and they're guaranteed rent money forever while you could get sick and lose everything(rather have to move back in with parents in my case).
Why get pissed off? They were taking advantage of different opportunities. If you're jealous, why not join them? Go for the opportunities they are if you don't care too much about a career with scaling income.