>Trump acknowledges china's power >leftists acknowledge china's power >mainstream intellectuals acknowledge china's power >Hitler and Napoleon acknowledge china's power >fringe intellectuals acknowledge china's power >literally everyone acknowledges china's power >Sup Forums still shitposts about "lol paper tiger" while dumping webms of children getting run over by trucks completely ignoring the very real threat of China saying it's all fake and that everyone who doesn't think China is an eternal footnote of history is le Chang shill
Explain this, why are you fags in such denial about chinks? Do not underestimate your enemies.
Ian Lopez
We need to cleanse the Jew from our ranks, then reform our military to fight Chinese tanks
Ian Torres
Why are the our enemies necessarily? Economic rivals, maybe
Christian Reyes
I acknowledge the chinks power yet I live in a place where there's a city where chink government party members are buying up property to store their wealth in case of collapse
In any case the chinks need to be fought against. Fuck sanctions on Russia we need to start placing those sanctions on fucking China. Starve the insectoids out
Chase Hill
Look around you fellow leaf. The chinks have their greasy fingers in every level of our government. They're a hostile dictatorship
Benjamin Stewart
What really scares me is Chinese use of stuff like CRISPR
Whilst the West twiddles it’s thumbs and debates the “ethics” of eliminating horrific hereditary diseases, the Chinese won’t give a fuck and plough forward with engineering uber Chongs.
Luis Morris
Because historically everyone kicked their asses. China loses to countries with 1/10 of their population.
Leo Smith
China is fueling growth with busywork and shoddy construction. Not that they aren't an economic powr, but they have some serious hurdles to clear if they want to avoid stagnation and possible collapse.
Colton Jackson
lol do chinks even have an aircraft carrier?
Landon Hughes
Chinks don't breed enough.
They are a flash pan power, we are enjoying their women though.
Christian Harris
chinks don't have to be enemies. Imagine a world where the west got its shit together, and the chinks got their shit together, and we worked together, leaving the niggers behind.
Oliver Green
>acknowledge china's power
go buy anything with the tag "made in china" and when it inevitably breaks because its cheap shit, make this thread again. also didn't they just lose a space station which is going to re-enter our atmosphere and not completely burn up because of their incompetence?
le chang is a paper tiger, and no amount of shilling is going to chang that.
David Diaz
Show us your flag you fucking gook. Sage all meme flag threads.
Alexander Hughes
They made a giant statue of Guan Yu for the hell of it, if anything thats badass. it's probably secretly a giant robot to fight the japanese giant robots
Noah Robinson
>Chinks don't breed enough.
They literally had to enact legislation to stop them from breeding as much as they were, and the population of China is still above 1 billion and growing.
Seriously, IQ tests should be required to use this website, you are objectively retarded and ignorant of basic facts
Sebastian James
You can't starve a chink. Their armies only ate 1 gram rice a day back in ww2.
Lincoln Rivera
What keeps me really worried about China is that someday their street defacation may develop some super bacteria that consumes the whole world.
Juan Smith
Birthrate may seem to be on the rise, but that isn't accounting for the "mysterious" amount of child deaths in China.
Maybe get your new from somewhere other than CNN?
Luke Smith
Population size means nothing if they're all a bunch of weak, mindless drones.
Jace Perez
>Did someone say "starve"?
Angel Taylor
Their huge population is probably the only reason they have not been conquered since Mongols.
Child death rate is included in the calculation you mong, and China's population growth rate is positive
>Maybe get your new from somewhere other than CNN?
This is basic statistical analysis with publically available data. You can open up Google and watch in real time as China's population increases. You've also got it completely backwards, birthrate in China is decreasing, and I don't know what the fuck you're smoking to think that there's a "mysterious amount of child deaths", China's life expectancy has been increasing and it's infant mortality rate has been decreasing.
What the fuck are you even trying to prove, you are objectively wrong on every single point, and your entire understanding of China's population growth.
Xavier Richardson
dig deeper my friend. dig deeper.
Hunter White
>Objectively wrong on basic facts >"Hurr dig deeper"
Neck yourself my dude
John Walker
China is both a power and a paper tiger. They've done a good job presenting themselves as a threat, but if we keep backing away as though they are, eventually they will be a real threat. However, if we talk as though they're a threat, but starting pushing back, the fragility of their economy will only grow. They're literally a paper tiger in that they are only strong on paper, because they've cooked all their books. Nothing is real there.
Chase Kelly
Logan Lewis
sorry you can't dig deeper than the first page of a google search.
Good luck with the rest of life kid.
John Wilson
Everything makes you strong if that keeps you strong.