I personally think the guy's a hero. He's done more for white people than anybody else on this forum. He's never too scared to talk to any media outlet and completely sacrificed his and his families safety for our views. I consider him our leader.
Anybody else starting to really really like Richard Spencer?
Other urls found in this thread:
He's a tranny. I hope none of the good people here actually start to follow him, and end up looking stupid when the wool is pulled off your eyes.
Hello CIA nigger
What a goddam delightful faggot he is, to be sure.
HI 8ch antifa.
> He's never too scared to talk to any media outlet and make non GOP right wingers look like asswipes
also his wife is a FSB agent. And OP is a shill
He's not our leader, he's one of our microphones. Frankly I think Mike Enoch is a more convincing and relatable speaker than Spencer, but regardless nobody should be elevated to cult of personality status, lest we collapse amid infighting.
Spencer has no dog in this movement. He'll be rich off his mother property empire and live comfortably while all his followers make it onto watch lists and get doxxed.
Spencer could influence his mother to rent her property to white people at a 10% discount on the provision they have a young family and do more for the white race then filing the media and being a shill
I’ve always been fond of him. It’s the based pede shitskins who trash talk him and call him an FBI agent.
>still photoshopping his hair
Fucking spence and mike need to lift more