Lord Rothschild

>indirectly own most of the world's land, banks, and capital
>control most of the world's media
>syria and north korea are the only country without a central bank owned by my family
>have a real net value in the multi-trillion dollar range

>mfw i convice sub-80 IQ Sup Forums NEETs that their real enemy is communists - the people who seek to expropriate my wealth and put people like me in forced labor camps

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This family will be fucked.

>indirectly own most of the world's land, banks, and capital
>control most of the world's media
The problem with the Rothschilds is that no ownership of anything can actually fundamentally be traced to them.

They only have a handful of obscure "financial" companies as a face outwards.

People always say they "OWN EVERY BANK", but I've never seen actual proof.

The family actually had a policy of never going public with their wealth or ownership from the very beginning. The definition of the Eternal Jew.

There is a kid in my school whos last name is Rothschild

Among them, he is the one closest to the Highest One.

Kidnap him.


Why the FUCK would we need communism to starve hundreds of millions of innocents just to recognize what fucking disgusting parasites these people are, and hang them all?

Communism is an effect Jew repellent in spite of itself, not because.

The jewish bankers financed the 1917 revolution.

Capitalism and communism are two faces of the same coin, communist nigger.

The only viable and sane political organisation for a nation is fascism.